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Everything posted by K.B.
I'd just like to apologize for my earlier post. Metroid Prime? Seriously? Entire game was a breeze on hard. WTF me, wtf. Someone summarize this thread for me right-quick. Just read through the 3000+ posts and determine the hardest boss. No big thing.
The worst is those games that string you along - the ones that have incidences of two long paths where only one is right one - and you go down one for a while and soon start saying "this must be the right way because it's so long", so you turn around and go the other way. But of course the other way is JUST AS LONG IF NOT LONGER. Oh and those developers knew what they were doing. They knew people like us were out there. They didn't care. They thought they could make their coin and fuck with us all the same. Those developers might be right, but screw their series into the ground. I'll fume on it and I'll never promote it.
Those hacked sidescrollers on youtube
K.B. replied to PassivePretentiousness's topic in General Discussion
Not sure what you're going for here. Do you want recommendations? That's the best I can discern. I enjoyed this thread: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=26535&highlight=mario+mods. In particular I liked Schwaltz's links, but it's all personal preference. -
&fmt=18'ed (just to be safe), flash-get-gotted, and audio extracted. Excellent.
Threads don't crash and burn around here. Not these days. There's little to crash into. An anomalistically good thread will be guarded by those who care. I am not currently inclined to comment on the porn/art/suppression/expression debate at hand, but I felt the need to state the obvious that a good thread will flourish. Comparatively across time? Can't comment. But people here are astute enough to see a thread for what it is and post appropriately. And those who aren't and wouldn't are still kept in line.
Jack van Burace was a model 16-bit protagonist. [WA1 plays far more like a SNES RPG than a PS1 RPG] Determined, fun-loving, caring, hilarious, and an all-around good guy. He wasn't as deep as characters have become since that time, but he still a solid, impactful backstory and a fleshed-out personality. However, I think the (nearly-)silent protagonist thing didn't work as well in WA1 than say CT because I was definitely playing as Jack, not Rudy. Which worked, however, because Jack was the freaking man. And that's all I have to say because Thumper's mom told me to hush up. Also because if I'm going to rant I should go all-out and make a thread about it Archaon-style. Of course, no comparison intended: Archaon is the undisputed king in that department. Also, WIP it baby.
-Games- RTS: Rush FPS: Rush Shmups: Die Fighters: Use speed and agility to get the drop. Land a hit or two then attempt to evade but fail miserably at wavedashing. Die. RPGs: Do everything I'm not supposed to first. Reset to last save state as soon as I trigger a cutscene without investigating everything. Dead ends make me happy because they let me know I went the right way. I know, right? -Real life- Basketball: Drive Football: Run into people Paintball regeneration: Walk calmly and hip-shoot. Get lit up, walk calmly back, repeat. Do so with full knowledge that each person I manage to kill will be completely humiliated and will rightfully owe me a beer. And the knowledge that I'll always win the competition for most war wounds. Laser tag: Run-sneak from cover to cover. Infiltrate. What can I say except the dark-room, covert vibe gets the best of me. Also, highest absolute score. Being red-green colorblind is fun!
Mega Man: The Grand Robot Master Remix Battle 2010
K.B. replied to DarkeSword's topic in Competitions
Thanks zircon. More people should be like zircon. Since such vgms aren't in the first post, where it would be all-too-convenient. -
"Isn't it painfully obvious?" "He's dancing."
Do you really want me to rant on Tidus? Because I can. Oh, how I can.
Mega Man: The Grand Robot Master Remix Battle 2010
K.B. replied to DarkeSword's topic in Competitions
Please link source tunes. -
This is why I love my innate placing of superlative value on arrangement. God blessed me with good taste. (though yes FF7 stands out as a sore thumb with regard to soundfont selection... though that's also a bit time-and-place) And no, FF8 was good. Not great, but good and underrated. It simply came in the wake of FF7. That's all that needs to be said. Well, that and the FF8 OST is the last FF OST that I decided to keep in its entirety on my hard drive. Also, going along with VHD: the application of motifs was well-done and uniting, story-wise. Though the game didn't quite live up to its predecessors (in my opinion), it was still musically fantastic. After all, what would I be without The Stage Is Set? A poorer man. (and the arranged version of The Man With The Machine Gun!) And sorry, Jade, I regret to inform you that I won't likely be spamming your future FFX thread. The game had such potential, but it remains a posterboy for the repercussions faced if you don't have a passable protagonist.
Oh hi bumped thread. Misc from Persona 2; Innocent Sin. PS: Atlus, why did you royally fuck up that soundtrack? I'd like to know. Hugs and kisses, K.B. Edit: I was talking about the ost, not the music itself.
It's the most efficient form of government.
Christ, and there I was thinking I was the worst thing in this thread.
OCRA-0013 - Tales: Summoning of Spirits
K.B. replied to KyleJCrb's topic in Album Reviews & Comments
What? I haven't serious-posted in this thread yet? For shame. Tangent: @Gurkfak: Tales of Phantasia - the first in the series - was very good. If you don't mind the dated aspects of earlier RPGs then start with that one. For timeframe, think late SNES, early PS1, since that's precisely what happened (released late on the SNES, revamped - revamped, not simply ported - for the PS1). The encounter rate was too high (even with holy potions!), but just about everything else was excellent. I played the PS1 version because I decided the enhancements and the superior fan translation (from Absolute Zero... lol at the infamous quote about Arche from the DeJap translation) made that the one to try, plus I love the PS1 soundfonts Sakuraba uses (SO2, VP1... both classics). I suppose I should mention that there is a GBA version that was actually released in NA. Which, per my research and in my opinion, didn't stack up as well. Yes, I do this with games with multiple releases but no clear definitive release. Also, I plugged in Symphonia a couple/few weeks ago. I only got about three-ish hours in before getting distracted by non-rpgs, but man, next time I'm in the rpg mood I know I'll be hooked. I'm glad I played through my initial disgust at what I heard as a sickly rehashing of good, old tunes playing in the background, as the music, and the plot, quickly picked up. Can't say more than that and that it looks good. End tangent. I don't know if I ever would have gotten to either game if it weren't for this remix album. I knew ToP was one I wanted to play eventually, and likewise (to a lesser extent) with ToS, but 'eventually' with me and rpgs usually means 'never'. Too many games, not enough time. But I knew I wanted to listen to this album, and because I refuse to listen to a remix album for a game I know I'll eventually play until I actually play the game, I self-kicked my ass into popping in ToP. And I'm glad I did, because not only did I play a great game but I also got to listen to two disks of very, very enjoyable remixes. Sorry, I still (as of edit), haven't listened to the second two disks since I started and stopped on playing ToS. But I'll get to them eventually with both another great game under my belt and a better appreciation for what you all have done. My thanks and appreciation to everyone who helped make this awesomeness happen. Gigantic thanks to the project coordinators and everyone behind the scenes. And thanks, of course, to everyone who made me laugh my ass off in the original thread. I like turtles. -
*waits anticipatorily for this in the wip forum* ...and eventually to-be FFIX, FFX, and FFVI* albums... *
Obscure? That's a subjective nut to crack, you know. At any rate, Waking Life hasn't been mentioned yet, so get that. Think: rotoscoping and philosophy. Edit, post thread-reading. That's the only one I've seen on that list, so I obviously can't compare. However, I cried harder during one scene in that movie than I have ever cried in my entire life. It won't affect everyone the same way, though, so your mileage may vary. Regardless, it's definitely one to watch.
I am suddenly very interested in this project.
Would you lend the master of lockpicking your lockpick? No. No you wouldn't.
Phantasy Star 1 - Motavia (or Dungeon 1, or Dungeon 2)
K.B. replied to K.B.'s topic in ReMix Requests
...and fangirls. Sorry about that! No shame about the PS3 comment, though. I half-expected PSG remakes to be posted, but I had only given them a cursory listen before. Thanks for adding the links! (and obliging me to listen to them!) They're definitely good re-invisionings, and if this is to be the definitive Motavia-Dungeon 1-Dungeon 2 request thread then they absolutely need to be here. At any rate, yes, Bo was the freaking man. -
Cough, cough.
That SUCKS! Hope you're able to land a kickass, good-paying one soon-like. Glad you're in a joking spirit about it, though. That employer of yours obviously didn't know the awesome musicalitynessity that he was helping to support. So, you're telling me it's good enough that I should get off my duff and finally put in those disks that have been sitting in my collection just collecting dust?