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Everything posted by K.B.
OCR01957 - Final Fantasy X "A Fine Place to Live"
K.B. replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Second DP: congrats, man! You've earned it. If you folks lose me on this review: rest assured, this is worth a listen. True to the source, uplifting while providing depth (and innovation)... this has it all. Well, halc, you know the story: I hadn't heard the source when you showed me your wips, so it was terribly hard for me to comment. I mention this for two reasons. First, this has been the first true opportunity for me to follow a track from wip to completion while coincidentally starting and completing the game in the meantime. Second, FFX sucks. Needs moar FFIV Illusionary World. Hey, giving you crap is what it's all about! Love the mix. A fan, as always. -
*Toothy grin* This just might be the happiest remix on this site. I love every second. I know the source, so this was no less than a treat. The added accompanyment, the true-to-the-source yet refined sounds, and, of course, the trombone... well done, sir. The keyboard and trombone sections were highlights (love the breakdown before the trombone!), and everything was brought together to an innovative, adroit climax. This was made in 2002? Ha! Just as fresh today as it ever was. That should speak for itself.
Calling all Sega fanboys... BLUF For interested remixers, it's a request. For everyone else, it's a what-ho to point out a (few) solid track(s) you might not have. I ditched this idea a couple months ago - mainly because I decided the originals kicked sufficient ass that I didn't need to bother folks with remixing them - but recently thought 'what the hell, at least post the chiptunes and youtubes so folks who want to expand their collection of classic 8-bit tuneage can do so... and just maybe a remixer will dig on it'. Because no on else has requested any of these three tracks. Because no decent remixes that I could find (on ocr, rts, dod, vgmix, or rpgamer) exist of any of these three tracks. And because Motavia is driving and emotive as hell. Youtubes: Motavia <-- the main topic of discussion/listening/remixing/oh-yeah-ing Dungeon 1 Dungeon 2 Dungeon 1 (PS4 remake) Dungeon 2 (PS4 remake) Chiptunes: PS1 PS4 (.vgz) Trivia: Motavia has been done in several different forms. In PS4, which starts on Motavia, it was transformed into milder, world-mappy and towny feels. In PS2, the responsible parties took the original tune and took a liquid shit on it and called it . Well, at least the game was decent, which is more than can be said for PS3...As to Dungeon 1 and Dungeon 2, it's personal preference as to which in-game version is better. The PS1 versions have the SMS sound, but the PS4 versions have additional layers. For remixing, one could use either version. For listening, I give it to the PS4 versions, but only barely. If you like one version, I encourage you to listen to the other. And for those who know what a Mark III is, here are youtubes for the M3 versions of Motavia, Dungeon 1, and Dungeon 2. There you go. Happy listening. Happy remixing?
I'd threaten to start posting in .org/remod.
Schwaltz, well... ..and a year older.
After a dozen I will cut myself off - regardless of circumstance, without regard to significance, with no ifs, ands, or buts - from posting.
NOW! You perfectionist! (you can always tweak it later to your heart's content) zircon... never liked you in ppr because you managed to disagree with me even when we were arguing for the same end (and because you destroyed a thread of mine with ticky-tack nonsense, but we all played into that so it's not all on you), but no one can contest the amount of time you've invested into this site. Making it better via judging, via workshop (or whatever it used to be called), via collab, or whatever was the suit of the day. Never saw eye-to-eye with you, but I appreciate what you've done here. And I'll be listening to it for a while. Cheers, mate.
Not this slow. And it's not just the holiday season. We should have a forum within ocr that is accessible only by invitation. And only, uh... say The Coop... can invite and assign other inviters. And no-one can be banned (only ostracized/flamed out of existence). The only exception is that being a mod results in an insta-ban. That is, unless they eschew their mod powers and pass The Trial. Something about furries.
OCR01626 - Final Fantasy VII "Mark of the Beatsmith"
K.B. replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
This makes me want to breakdance-fight. Fear not, for that is incredibly awesome. No sacrifices. You hear it in his mixes. Hy Bound has a vision and he carries it through to the end. Nothing is wasted; not a single idea, not a 'moment' of inertia. How he manages to make so much from so little, well, that is a bit of a mystery. This is the definitive arrangement of Mark Of A Traitor. Not because no one else has bothered to remix it, rather because no one else can foreseeably top this arrangement. Barret is encapsulated in this source tune, but herein this remix is captured the shame, the regret, the determination, and the will to overcome... to erase; if you know his story, you can paint it with these notes. 4:20 sends chills up my spine, and at 4:55 the power surges. "oh crap hy bound i'm going to have to start listening now" That was from me - after I had arrived late from work and decided I'd only watch the happenings, not the listenings, of the FF4 party - not wanting to delve halfway into nostalgia. Since I'm as much a FF4 fanboy as they come, I had initially decided I'd hold off on the listening party so I could check out the entire EoB,LoR album start-to-finish. But once I saw that name it was all over. It's a mite comical that this one FF7 remix made such an impression on me that Hy Bound was forever cemented in my mind as a superlative remixer, but it's certainly not unfounded. The arrangement, the deliberate building, and the attention to detail here are immaculate. And the lattermost is both with regard to musical knowledge (layering, etc) and creative representation of the source tune. The listener expects 1:45. Not because he knows the source, but because of foreshadowing. I heard it. Listen closely and you'll hear it too. Subtle brilliance sets it up, raw energy and deliberate execution bring it home. This is one of the first tracks I recommend to those unfamiliar with the idea of vg remixes. And I still mock breakdance-fight to it. -
You know what would be a great idea? Avant-garde remixes!
K.B. replied to EC2151's topic in ReMix Requests
Hardly avant-garde. He doesn't push genre limits. That's talent, pure and simple. If I had to think of a remixer offhand to fit this lack of a mold, I'd go with ilp0. I seriously doubt he's broken any new genres, but he's defied convention numerous times. Also, EC, check yourself before starting such an ambitious thread. Mazedude did a solid interpretation of Aqua Lake Zone in the spirit of Reichian minimalism (specifically of 18 Musicians). And that remix - and that remixer - is not the first to delve into new or challenging territory. I have no problem with the request, but I want to point out that ocr doesn't have a complete dearth of innovative remixes. -
Gran Turismo series - Moon over the Castle (Lunar Dioxide)
K.B. replied to Level 99's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
Stupid damn Stevo. This is awesome. Can't say this beats the GT2 version, since that is one of the best vg tracks ever, but I could definitely face the turned unmod horde with this playing in the background. If you know what I mean, you should know that's a damned fine compliment. You keep getting better. Rock on man. Edit: just to clarify, I wasn't calling anyone names; it was a play on ilp0's remix title of the same theme, and since he posted in this thread it somehow made sense in my mind to reference it, albeit poorly. -
I stopped at ten because I realized that my reviews were becoming horribly bloated. It's one thing to take too long in writing a review, but it's altogether another to show it by text-walling. And I really liked my reviews this time around too, especially the terrible jokes I managed to include in each one, but if they're too long to read then what's the point? So I've given up on December is reviews month. I don't feel guilty for only doing ten, just as I don't feel guilty for tipping 15%, because if everyone did that then *cue Louie Armstrong*. But I feel badly for abandoning a cause I fully endorse (especially since some artists truly appreciate thoughtful reviews), so I'll make up for it once I find a balance in my review process. And standby for a much-belated completion of EoB,LoR reviews (with a clever interim post I have in mind). It's been great to see all the reviews, though, so I hope folks keep at it. And I hope more get into it. Music is what ocr is about. Some can make it. All can appreciate it.
Holy fuck this is a good sale. I'm making a mental note of this for next year when I'll have a computer than can seamlessly run these games. Got my eye on you, IL-2 and Deus Ex.
Nelly Furtado - Maneater. While eating oatmeal cookies in the hall. Cross-thread puns are the best.
The ratio of arm to forearm is a little off from typical proportions: it's slightly less than one instead of being greater than one. I don't think that warrants a fix though; that would probably be more effort than it's worth since that arm ratio as it is now doesn't detract too much. Might not have been worth mentioning. Anyway. A beautiful drawing, like always. Also a literal fan of your 2-tan work.
No, fool. The Coop is immortal.
Schwaltz is the internet. This series deserves a remix if for no other reason than the fact that it produced some of the most righteous arcade games ever. To the nines.
Mods: List of spammers w/ links & search terms
K.B. replied to Drack's topic in Site Issues & Feedback
See its post for validation. It looks obnoxious sitting there in the review thread. More importantly, it's stealing the limelight from my beautiful review. Also, both bots in this post. -
Since no one else after virt's post has said it, and since before then it wasn't sufficiently emphasized... Ratings. Without vgmix's rating system, which enabled me to be completely floored by one of the first half-dozen tracks I listened to, I never would have bothered to sort through the hundreds of tracks on ocr. I first discovered ocr in '04, downloaded a few mixes, thought they sucked (and they did, to me), and decided 'hell, if that's all this is then it isn't worth my time'. There was no way for me to quickly sort through hundreds of mixes (and that's just among my favorite games, mind you) to find the ones that kicked ass. Same thing happened when I gave this another shot in '07. The only thing that brought me back here was seeing and clicking that vgmix link on the sidebar (which evidently badmouthed a mod or posted porn or something and has since been banned), sorting by rating and downloading from games I knew, and happening upon A Rose For Zelda. You can't do that on ocr. Ratings don't jive with ocr's goals, and I'm cool with that. But if I hadn't been able to find a ridiculously awesome mix that was also nostalgic (remember, we're talking newb here) within the first twenty minutes of looking and listening, I would have jetted for good. And that would have been a shame. And that's what I fully believe many people do every month upon visiting ocr for the first time. And that is a shame. A functional vgmix would not be just a wip board or place for project management or anything else so pigeonholed. It would be a complete remix site with a community, different yet mostly akin to ocr. r:ts has done a great job posting sweet mixes after vgmix 2 was killed, and I get a ton out of r:ts, but without the rating system (or a fully integrated community), it's not a full replacement. Ah, but why not one of the other sites mentioned in this thread? vgmix was it. If it were left for dead, that would be sufficient cause for another to take up the reins. But of vgmix, not of a new site. As has been said, new sites performing the same role of another site results in a splintering of the community... of that community. No offense intended to those who obviously put a lot of time and effort into their sites (check them out; it's apparent), but should they strive to fill vgmix's shoes then they stand to do as much inadvertent harm as deliberate good. Like analoq said: carving a new niche would be the best for everyone. And if you want vgmix back, well, now that virt's shown that he's serious about this shit, get with him and see how you can help. Because vgmix's niche is still vgmix's. So, even though some of you don't see a place for "another remix website", I am another one who does. Due to the rating system alone, it would draw in more new people to vg remixing than would ocr by itself. Being fully user-controlled, it would compliment ocr by offering a different means to accomplish the same ideal. Ultimately, it would help advance vg remixing (and all it stands for), thus being a boon for the remix community - including its listeners - as a whole. And that right there is what it's all about. Regardless, if you read this... ...and were still unconvinced then you're out of your fucking mind. Also: thanks, virt. Your post brought all-around awesome news. You have no idea how hard I resisted the urge to first-respond to your post with incoherent, effervescent joy-rambling. And torrents = YES. PS: everything Tinaddar, Level 99, liquid wind, and Sinewav have said. PPS halc: I just outdid you in ranting. What now.
Yup. And no doubt. Perhaps incorporating an idea or two from the ending when remixing. I'd say the same for MP2's ending except the additions were very meh. YES. (YESYESYESYESYES) Ha... emperor.
Going by the day, not the time of day, that ocr was created, more than half of the world has ushered in ocr's tenth birthday. So the celebration is well underway! But for those last minute gift-purchasers who are still unsure what to give, this may help. OCR is ten years old. The average lifespan for webpages is estimated at 44-75 days. The average age of a human is 66.5 years. Being conservative, this gives OCR a human-equivalent age of 3238.5. I suggest formaldehyde.
Actually, you're right: the apocalypse ain't looking so bad. When Coop dies I got dibs on his time-travel device. (please come back to about ten minutes from now before you die kthx)