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Soul Splint

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Everything posted by Soul Splint

  1. I agree. As an amateur writer, I don't think you can have enough exposure to the styles and ideas of other non-published/semi-published writers. And like you said, the readings themselves were enjoyable. But I don't think 'difficult' is a strong enough word for the task of voting on these...
  2. Oh, the thought of a JFG project is awesome. It would be murder to wait the usual year or more for it to manifest, but it would be worth it... "Jet Force Gemini: The Hover-Dog Hoedown"
  3. And just what is wrong with two people doing a Water Ruins mix?
  4. The voice samples thrown in from the game were SO the icing on the cake. Now if you'll excuse me, I must clean cranberry juice off of my monitor. Luckily it wasn't a big sip.
  5. Ya know, "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" does kind of go with everything...
  6. Seraph Hey guys, newcomer here. This is a fairly self-contained portion of the first chapter of a novel I'm working on. Critiques and advice are ALWAYS welcome. Thanks for reading! Note: Underlining denotes italics for (future attempted) publishing purposes, and I apologize about the format issues--the file didn't like the move from Word to GoogleDocs for some reason.
  7. That one nearly made me cry.
  8. In general, the younger ages (12-14, no offense neblix) do tend to get me more riled than those of older ages. I'm 23, and admittedly there are guys around my own age who have behaved worse than the pre-teens, but on the whole, the younger kids have much less of a sense of etiquette and courtesy. For example, 1)The fact that you (12 year old couch potato) plays on average four more hours a day than I do (23 year old working college senior) does not entitle you to hump my dead body on Halo 3 because you pulled off an impressive headshot. 2)Despite what the cool 16 year olds are telling you, not everybody online drops the f-bomb every two seconds. Learn better verbs and adjectives. 3)Please, in the name of all that is holy, stop whining into the mic to get me to help you with an achievement. There is no value besides braggings rights in them, and if you want to brag, you should use those extra hours to achieve the goal skillfully. I just think the older gamers want to game, and a large portion of the younger ones want to socialize and dramatize. /end rant
  9. The opening is pure porno:grin: I think it's got a nice basement coffee shop vibe, if that makes any sense. The only thing I personally wanted was a little more stress on the guitar, but that's just preference. Nice work so far.
  10. And then you have to repeatedly restart the battles until you get a sequence of about three or four critical hits in a row. (If you saved right before the first fight, like I did in my infinite wisdom.) Been there.
  11. Here's another one. I was a Star Fox FREAK when it came out, but I just could not do the hard path. Until one day. I finally got past Macbeth and was on my way to Andross after the final stage. With one life. And I was doing awesome, had nearly full health, double plasma ball thingies and a couple of nova bombs. Then, while going through the long-ass tunnel to Andross, I slip up and bang the side, stripping my right wing away. Andross raped me. I seriously tried to snap my controller in my hands, but I wasn't very strong at the time thankfully...
  12. Sixth grade. I get Banjo-Kazooie . I save it for the next snow day, and play it for hours, getting 100% on Mumbo's Mountain, Treasure Trove Cove, Clanker's Cavern, and Bubblegloop Swamp. I finally decide it's time for a break and get up from my chair and start to save the game. (Not sure why I didn't save it till then.) I accidentally kick the 64. The game freezes. Aw, shit. Any takers?
  13. Now THAT is a party. I believe I'll do the same.
  14. I would do anything to support that project. Unfortunately, my skills lean toward the written word rather than art or mixing. But regardless, JFG does need much love. I could be satisfied with single mixes of the Water Ruin and Enter the Pyramid/Abduction, but a project...DKC2 is just barely above JFG for ReMix potential, IMO.
  15. If you set a Jet Force Gemini project in motion, in the name of Beanland, I will be your slave for life.
  16. Sweet, just got it. It would be nice if they would do this with Jirachi too, I doubt I'll be able to get to a Gamestop before that event ends.
  17. Wow. I'll look forward to hearing an "improved" version of that. And I also would leave the soundtest on when I was doing something else; this and DKC2.
  18. For its time, this game had some pretty epic music. Level One Huge...Freaking...Boss Final Battle
  19. I want a light type. How awesome would that be? Or, if not, nuclear will do.
  20. The above suggestions, plus perhaps the crate sitting on top of a pile of Kremcoins? Or the crate hanging in the cargo net of a pirate ship? Don't know how much extra work this would be, I'm not much of an artist.
  21. Did you get my PM?

  22. Sounds like a deal to me. It is in decent condition, yes? Do you have a PayPal account?

  23. Hey,

    I may be interested in your copy of Pokemon Emerald. Does that price include shipping? What kind of condition is it in?


  24. Donkey Kong Country 2: Serious Monkey Spanking
  25. Hey prophet, I found a decently priced nintendo ds, so you can remove me from the want list. Thanks.
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