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Soul Splint

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Everything posted by Soul Splint

  1. Nice improvement, the absence of the steel drum made it much easier to concentrate on some of the other stuff going on. Those 2 new cameos blended so well I had to go back to your post and check when they were supposed to come in: I didn't pick up on them when it played through, it just sounded like you had expanded some of your own ideas into the original melody. Kinda scary as I was raised on these games. You could make them more "obvious" if you wanted to. They still work very well the way you have them, but the ending is proof that a more solid section for each can work some magic. Life in the Mines at the end is superb. Hopefully some of the veteran remixers here can give you help to kick this up to the next level, 'cause this has MASSIVE potential. Great Work
  2. Ahhh, I can't wait for this. It looks like they're upping the horror on this one a little bit. That scene with the glass crashing in was pretty sweet, it'd be cool if you could swim out throught the hole and explore around the outside of Rapture for a while. So what's up with the name changes? Oh, and being able to use a Big Daddy drill...that just chokes me up. Beautiful.
  3. That mesh with Winky's Theme at the end was friggin' awesome. Would you be willing to extend it a little bit? That was by far my favorite part, and it might be that way with other listeners too. If you could have more of that kind of "cameo" appearance with other songs like you were talking about earlier this would be the hotness. As far as advice goes, I wouldn't be saying anything different than the other posters. I'll be watching this one:-P
  4. Bingo. I don't know of a single friend who actually finished this game, I sold it about a week after I bought it. I dunno about number 2. The concept for 1 was cool but the gameplay just left me bored. Ubi has a lot to tackle here.
  5. Haven't seen a mention of Dark Cloud yet, a nice way to go for RPG fans. Dungeons can get a little repetitive but the weapon upgrade system was massive fun. I've heard the second installment is even better but never played it.
  6. I've got a decent workout CD comprised entirely of OCRemixes, here's some of the essentials. The Passing of the Blue Crown - Steppo, Sixto and zircon. Revolutions - Beatdrop Breaking the Ice - Digie From Within - Darangen Collision - Malcos Harden - norg Shattered - Rubbler, Snappleman Metamorphic Rock - Darkesword, Sixto Crypt Rock - Phoenix Ninjascape - Ashane Terra in Black - Ailsean Obsession Nocturnal - Sixto Lava Dead Beat - Battlerager, Scaredsim Stainless Steel - AE Wily Metal - Gux That ought to get you started; make certain you get those first five or six listed. Hope you enjoy.
  7. How could I forget this? Thanks for covering my embarrassing omission...
  8. No, I've never played any installment of Phantasy Star.
  9. Was there? Oops. Oh well. I DIG me some Armored Core, but the last few released have been so repetitive they've been a let down. Is Formula Front different? As for Phantasy Star, Lumines 1 and 2, and Castlevania: Dracula X Chronicles... Phantasy Star is an RPG right? What pulls it out from the crowd? What is Lumines? And finally, at the risk of being kicked off this entire website, I've never...<cough>...played any Castlevania games. I don't know if I'd like them or not. Comparisons or praises for it? (Keep the wet noodle beating to a minimum, please ).
  10. To all handheld gamers; I just recently bought a PSP, and am looking for the best of the best games out there. I already have Daxter and Hot Shots Golf: Open Tee 2. I would like some games that have massive replay value, but it's not a must. I'm kinda RPG'd out, but I'd still be willing to listen to any and all recommendations. Convince me to buy something! Thanks
  11. Someone do me a favor please and talk me into buying this. I played it some on the SNES but was always more of a Killer Instinct/Mortal Kombat fan. I have a 360; is it worth it?
  12. Try Shadow of the Colossus - Snowfall on Forbidden Lands. Ceili and Sephfire did an awesome job on this one.
  13. You definitely need to check out the Megaman and Megaman X series mixes, especially Megaman 3. Make sure to grab Disco Dan's "Blue Lightning" and Sixto and Steppo's "The Passing of the Blue Crown", both under 3. There is a ton of good music under all of those games.
  14. Glad to hear this track getting some attention. The biggest problem I'm hearing is there is virtually nothing outside of the original tune in your track; you've kept the exact same melody with different instrumentation. Throw your own interpretations in there and mess around with the structure.
  15. Good, definitely some improvement. That new piano section at 1:40 was great but way too subdued. Bring it more to the foreground and add some punch to it; it sounded too good to be so overshadowed. I still think you need some sort of soloing lead in a couple of sections. IMO a violin would sound great, but you could go a couple of other ways with it. The new chorals are a nice touch. I know you wanted to keep this track minimalist, but I think you could have a truly epic piece if you brought some more power to it. Just a thought. Nice work!
  16. I would kill to be good with either Fulgore or Glacius in Killer Instinct. They are both bad-asses, but as my fingers seem to contract rheumatoid arthritis every time I attempt to use them, I am forced to stick with Cinder. Star Wolf from SSB. Ermac from Ultimate MK3. Lei from Tekken series. Dude has an ass-load of moves, but it takes unbelievable skill to be able to use all of them effectively.
  17. That's just too good. I'd play it.
  18. Shaq-Fu!! J/K Anyone else ever play that game? It was truly sad... No but for real (RARE, hear my prayer!!!) Killer Instinct is WAYYY overdue. I wanna hear some ULTRA...ULTRA...ULTRA on a new console!
  19. Right on. As long as DKC2 didn't get left out. There are already enough remixes on this site for both games to make two complete soundtracks.
  20. Somebody give Plazmataz some feedback so he can finish this and get it past the judges so I can hear the final version. Do it, DO IT NOW!
  21. As old as you want. I don't think anything from the Playstation/Nintendo 64 generation and higher would qualify as old enough, though. Maybe if they were released soon after the system...
  22. So here's the question: If you could have the choice to pick any one game from the good ole days and see it get revamped for a modern-gen console, what would it be? We can all agree some games would not be able to pull it off. For the sake of starting, I would propose this. I'm sick of seeing these new Sonic titles that have very little to do with the roots of the series. Imagine a classic 2-D sonic game released on a current-gen with incredible graphics, mindblowing speed, and music such as the Sonic remixes on OCR. Who wouldn't be interested? They might could even throw in multiple tracks in the foreground and background that you could switch in and out of.
  23. Top 5: # 5 - Beating Crash Bandicoot with every gem. # 4 - Completing Star Road on Super Mario World. # 3 - First successful Brutality with Smoke on Ultimate MK3 # 2 - Beating K. Rool in the Lost World on DKC2. # 1 - Playing Mega Man X for the first time, from 6 pm to around 3 am at my best friend's house. Took us forever to figure out how to beat Sigma.
  24. Oh yeah. I love to see mixes that are already strong but still show so much room to grow; that usually means it will be a major ass-kicking when it's finished. So about the song. I thought the buildup could have been a tad faster. It wasn't so slow that I was daydreaming, but just enough that my concentration started to ebb. Shift at 1:12 was nicely done. 1:40 to 2:20 is BEGGING for either a lead or harmonizing violin. The rumble at 2:38 definitely merits some follow-up power; maybe an electric guitar? Don't ask me why, but at 3:06 I started hearing some monks ala Halo style harmonizing with the main melody; pay no attention to this remark if you disagree (or any of them for that matter.) Even without my comments, this mix is still good enough to go on my MP3 player as is. If this doesn't get passed I'm burning my virtual membership card.
  25. Hmmm... There are a lot of good sections here; personally I didn't start to like it until about 1:01 or so, I thought that would have been a much better opening than what you had at the start. Later in the song when the high energy really kicks in is great (2:40). If you could string those two sections together with some more variety in between... 3:10 to 3:45 lost me a little, but from then on it was pretty good. Just thoughts from my taste. Good luck, I think you could have something great here.
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