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Soul Splint

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Everything posted by Soul Splint

  1. I'm gonna agree with neblixsaber, I really couldn't tell a difference between the two. Either way, that's some pretty epic stuff going on. Nice work.
  2. DIGGING the Killer Instinct mix, that theme does not get near enough coverage. Kick ass intro.
  3. HAHAHA Well, oddly enough, early in the morning is often when some of my best "writerly" ideas strike me. I can't say such thoughts have ever produced a poem about levitating sex cells...but then again, maybe I'm just not that talented. Kudos on the writing and the humor.
  4. C It definitely is more fun to me to do both, because some games evoke different responses in order to get the most enjoyment. In an RPG it is often more fun to overwhelm a boss because your character is so high. In a hack and slash, it's more exciting to rush a group of enemies and depend on your skills to keep you alive (especially fun if you're a stud and no one can touch you 'cause your so damn good.) I don't think there can be one answer for all games.
  5. Wow. Just...wow. I don't think I've ever heard something so dirty done so poetically. What kind of response are you looking for from this? I can't make up my mind; do I laugh or applaud the elegant structure and syntax? I guess I'll try to clap while I choke on the cashews I was attempting to eat.
  6. Hey guys, Glad to see so many people with focus on exercise. I work at a GNC (not that that qualifies me for much) but I can recommend some things for people who want to achieve changes in their body. Everyone: Multivitamin- stay healthy, feel good, absorb 30 percent more protein than otherwise. Fish Oil- brain, skin, heart, joints, etc. If you take protein, don't forget a serving about twenty minutes after your workout. People Looking to Slim Down Watch saturated fats more than carbs (but don't go carb crazy.) Take in GOOD fats (polyunsaturated is the best). This is in things like nuts, fish, flaxseed, safflower seeds. A good source is CLA (conjugated linolineic acid) that is made from safflower seeds. Good fats help you burn bad fat. More focus on cardio and workout stressing 12 to 15 reps per exercise. Perhaps a very lean protein like Optimum Nutrition's Gold Standard Whey. People Looking to Buff Up Strong protein (perhaps MRI's Pro-NOS.) High protein diet. Creatine if you're comfortable with it. N.O. supplement if you're comfortable with it. (Nitric Oxide, boosts blood flow and oxygen delivery.) Concentration on reps between 8 and 10 for exercises (you should feel a definite burn on the last two or three.) I can also recommend P90X: I'm on phase two and I love it. I'm 6'3 and was 200 pounds with 18 percent body fat, I'm already down to 191 with 13 percent body fat with good muscle gains. If you're not quite ready they do make a P90. Keep up the good work guys!
  7. I never had a problem with Gamestop until I attempted to buy a used game from them. God, don't ever do that. I wanted to buy Metroid Prime: Hunters. The first attempt I came home with the DEMO, not the game. The second attempt yielded the actual game, but the whole thing was in Japanese. The third time it was finally the right game, but my DS wouldn't read it. The fourth time I told them to give me my *#&$ing money back. They didn't argue.
  8. Rozovian's right, you're definitely going to have to introduce the source earlier. As for where to go from here, listen to some remixes on the site of tunes you are most familiar with; many of them are good examples of how artists extend and/or manipulate the original melody. You already have one section paying homage to the original, now mix in some of your own interpretation. Good so far with plenty of room to grow.
  9. Freakin' killer, much better transition. Good luck on the submission, and as GT said, if it's rejected they will likely give you some great crits to help you push this to the next level. Awesome as is, though. BTW, before you submit would you kindly post the final version? I'd like to have it to listen to over the months it might take to go through the judging panel.
  10. A) No question. Super Mario Bros. 1 and 2 anyone? I lost hair on number 2. Same goes for the first few Megaman games. Today, it's more about figuring out what the goal is and how to achieve it. Once you know it's just a matter of time. In the good old days, you often knew exactly what you had to do, but sometimes it could take days to pull it off.
  11. Ah. Gotcha. Well, I don't know about poetry, but the next time you guys do a short story round (or something similar) I'm there.
  12. ???? Is this a reference to me or something earlier in the thread?
  13. Hey guys, When will the next competition be? And what style? I'd be interested in submitting.
  14. Not really sure about a Super NES game right now... hmmm... Maybe. Alright, here's what I'm thinking of so far. If anyone has some additions or recommendations against what I'm listing, post 'em! (I already have Z: OoT and Fallout 3 btw.) 1) Dark Cloud 2 2) Xenogears 3) Vagrant Story 4) Elder Scrolls IV Any more must haves? I'd really like to have some on DS or PSP that are top-notch. (Already have Phantom Hourglass and FF3.)
  15. Thanks very much. I've heard Oblivion a few times now, that's one to consider. Vagrant Story? Never heard of it. I might give that a try too, if you say its similar.. Thanks for your time.
  16. Yeah I know about the sequel, gonna get it soon. Loved Mass Effect and Fable II. Platforms are specified in first post. Keep 'em comin guys, it would be great if I could have four or five on my mind to purchase soon.
  17. I know, I know, I saw it. I didn't check into it 'cause I don't care too much for JRPG's that are overly "J". Like mentioned, I'm looking for something similar to Dark Cloud.
  18. To any and all RPG connoisseurs: I need some good RPG's to help this summer pass by. One of my favorites of all time was Dark Cloud. Can anyone list some RPG's that are similar or even better? I tried Chrono Trigger for DS earlier, and about halfway through it just kinda fell short for me (I never played the original, so I had no memories to keep me going.) Right now I'd take anything for PSP, DS, N64, PS2, PS1, or X360. P.S. Keep the Chrono Trigger bashing to a minimum Thanks!
  19. Man, I can't wait to hear this finished, especially if you're going to add other songs to it. I don't usually go for mixes like this, but this is so full of relaxing nostalgia, and its very tastefully done. Great job so far.
  20. Haha. Easy killer, I didn't say I didn't like PEOPLE who like dancing games. Simply for the fact that I would tend to resemble a giant tan Gumby in a strobe light if I attempted one, I stay away. Rejoice for my decision, as it allows people like you to rest easy with peaceful dreams.
  21. I'm thinking something of a cross between b and c. A sensor you can wear on multiple parts of your body, and each game has its own uses for the sensor. I.E. On the hands for a fighting game, arms for a shooter, legs for a dancing game (blah, nasty taste in my mouth). All sorts of combinations would be possible. Street Fighter V with full body controls? The obesity rate would PLUMMET.
  22. Yeah, it definitely sounded better before. Are you making these changes solely to try and get around the 6 mb limit?
  23. Pretty minor differences here... I like the few changes you made with the exception of Lockjaw's theme, I thought it sounded much better in the last version. The harp just blended too much into the background for me; I liked it when it was stronger and easier to distinguish. Just a thought. P.S. Don't submit just because you can't think of anything else for the backing as of right now! Your rate of improvement has been great, keep tweaking it until you have no doubt.
  24. That new last minute is GOLDEN. I'll keeping this anyway, good luck on the submission.
  25. Wow. If you keep up this level of improvement on every update, I think it could be absolutely flawless soon. Better and better, can't wait to hear this finished. BTW, the reversion back to Kannon's Klaim after Life in the Mines is a good idea, I like it better this way as well.
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