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Everything posted by FireSlash

  1. Those patch notes are for CSS. Those vars were NOT added to the tf2 server. Probably just minor fixes brought forward from the cs:s tree.
  2. On the flip side, killing frogg is probably worth 50 points or more, even for the person at #2
  3. They're up to date as of now. And yes, they affect both servers, and any other applicable servers should we add any in the future.
  4. I did the best I could to find a datacenter that pings decently for everyone. It's not easy.
  5. I've not copied the configs and mods over yet, but I've got a tf2 server up for anyone who wants to log in and check their pings.
  6. Yes. A thousand times yes.
  7. Yeah, good point. Umm. If you buy a reserved slot, email fireslash@fireslash.net with your order number (Will be on the receipt) and steam ID. If you dont' know your steam ID then include a link to your steam community profile, or your hlstats page ( http://www.ocrtf2.com/stats/hlstats.php )
  8. Up to you. I left the payment open so people could choose their own amount based on their financial situation, how much they play, and what they want to donate.
  9. Status update. New server has been picked out. It's in Dallas, Texas. We ended up choosing a dedicated server because it means we can deploy it however we want, including mod servers and other games. Everyone seems to get decent pings there as well (The server we tested saturday was also in Dallas, so your ping should be similar) It is however a bit more expensive than before. We've moved to subscription based reserved slots. You can choose how much you want to donate per month, and cancel any time. http://fireslash.net/~fireslash/reserved_slots.php is the current signup page (I'll make it pretty later). I'll update the first post as soon as I get the new servers fully deployed.
  10. tf2stats doesn't respond to ICMP pings. either join the server or add it to your favorites in the steam server browser.
  11. I should note the primary goal of testing the BABIES server is to check pings and scalability. The server in question is the bottom of the line VPS which also runs tf2stats. hence the weirdness. The one we'd be buying has more resources, and a much lower saturation count Tomorrow we'll be testing a Frag Fest server, which ISN'T ours (One of their demo servers) but that will be fully tested as if it were what we were getting. We also have a few other options open depending on what we want to charge for reserved slots, and how many people would actually pay.
  12. Also, how would you guys feel about reserved slots for 1 or 2 bucks a month. (This would be a total wipe of reserved slots) in an effort to pay for a higher end server. How many of you would sign up for that with the understanding that it's to fund the server?
  13. I'll see what I can do about seeding them. the sooner the better really. I'm tired of 20 second lag spikes
  14. Ping test time! Note: Ping in tf2 will start high and settle down after a few minutes. So give it a moment. IJ's server (Location: California) FragFest servers (Dallas datacenter) Linode (Dallas datacenter)
  15. I'm writing Cura in Java. No performance issues here. I was getting 1600fps with the old tile renderer. Note that I never did any serious optimization to that code, and that was with vertex lighting, several tile/bg layers, and other bits you probably won't be using.
  16. I'll probably turn the 3d off, but the console itself looks pretty cool. Will buy as long as the price isn't pants-on-head retarded
  17. I would like to bear your children.
  18. 1. Heavy 2. Phoenix Wright 3. Companion Cube
  19. same goes for Mac players
  20. Froggdump. All older stuff though. Need to upload new ones. http://fireslash.net/~fireslash/images/screenshots/pl_goldrush0003.jpg http://fireslash.net/~fireslash/images/screenshots/koth_viaduct0003.jpg http://fireslash.net/~fireslash/images/screenshots/cp_dustbowl0012.jpg http://fireslash.net/~fireslash/images/screenshots/ctf_2fort0000.jpg http://fireslash.net/~fireslash/images/screenshots/cp_dustbowl0009.jpg
  21. http://www.memtest.org/ also, laptop fans require cleaning semi-regularly. use compressed air. But do it in short bursts, as a continuous stream of air can cause the fan bearing to fail.
  22. motd list is current. For those too lazy to read the motd in-game, it's accessible in convenient online format! http://www.ocrtf2.com/motd.html
  23. I noticed. I just didn't want to ruin your moment
  24. I remember that chainstab. I was the first to die
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