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Everything posted by Halt

  1. Anytime george, just hit me up on msn or the IRC if you have a question.
  2. Nuiboso, it was exported in midi, because Sonar has a midi sequencer, plus, george used GM for this, so of course it will be a .mid nobody ever said anything about submiting a midi. this is the wip boards. hes new, I don't have to be a posted remixer to be a remixer either. I might not be a posted one. But thats beside the point. and nobody says you CAN'T make a remix in GM. Also, I think he just re-exported it as an mp3. . Anyways, more on topic, george is going to rework the thing. ect ect.
  3. Bahaha. Your silly. I'm far from the best remixer here. But I can tell you he uses Sonar 6. which works alot with midi. He just couldn't figure out how to export it to mp3 format. He has now. Anything, originally uploaded as a .midi file then converted over to an mp3 can't be a remix" aaaand I pretty much consider myself to be right. Sorry to bust your balls, but your wrong there. Where your right, is. He must have misunderstood what it is to "ReMix" when I talked to him. He used the melody I guess, told him not to but hey, hes new and such, and one hell of a pianist. Just a misunderstanding is all. ;P
  4. I was trying to get him to do this, I think he did. So hopefully he will re-upload
  5. haha same here. Silly school blocks, I'm being watched by 'SyncronEyes" is what my school uses, So I'm not gonna by-pass anything right now . I'll wait until I get home. I'm very interested to see this though.
  6. Not sure if this is the right spot to post this, but anyways. I'm looking for someone that could cook up a custom wordpress theme. Generally Electronic music related, anybody up to the task? I don't want to use a pre-made, this is why I'm asking.
  7. I still like the idea of the Hardware/Software thread. I love helping people with computer related problems. . It would also give me a chance to ask some my self :3
  8. Happy Birthday! woooo.
  9. I doubt its legit from what I'm hear about him, there's reasons they dislike him, reasons why this isn't legit.
  10. Hm. Not sure, but if its vocals you need. Theres a handfull of people here, guys and girls alike, that would do them for you, but of course, you would need to give them credit. Zephyr might know, thought I'd give you another option.
  11. Could have been something really cool, something that a lot of fans would have appreciated as well. But whatever zeality is doing, its pretty lame.
  12. There was talk about a mobile ocremix forums a while back, I can see the words from the thread in my head, but who was saying them and if it was thread or irc I cannot remember. I also like the idea of the hardware forum. most people who come here do have PC questions and often need help.
  13. I second this. FLStudio is great and not very complicated, but very powerful too.
  14. I have not threw my 2 cents in here yet, but I really enjoyed this album, listened to it quite often . Great Album, and more great music from the OCR Community. Hopefully I'll be able to join in the future.
  15. Have a happy birthday wooooo
  16. Nice tutorial, I'll definitely have to check it out, when I can find some time. FL9 <3. Cannot wait for that to get out of beta.
  17. How about some more chrono chross chars? like Serge, Kid, and Guile, Karsh.
  18. Oh, Historical. The meeting of, making things that blow the shit out of stuff, wooo. My kind of meeting.
  19. How old this building anyways? just out of curiosity?
  20. One day, I got fed up with WMP, and Winamp's way of organizing shit. Anso said something about Songbird, gave it a try. Haven't looked back. I love the integration, add-ons and everything ;P
  21. Interesting, looking forward to more
  22. What I think could be beneficial to new people, to FL or music, is going through making a song, and breaking it down in parts. chorus, bass, lead, ect ect. Doesn't have to be a extensive song, but a simple, and explain, "Now if you were making a bigger song, you would, do this and that blah blah.
  23. Okay, anyways, back to Gamer Shame
  24. I've asked about that before to my English teacher. I was TOLD it was right. I used it in a paper I wrote, and according to her, its correct grammar.
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