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Everything posted by Halt

  1. I do have one jade. <3 http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=485911&postcount=261 I have a whole bunch of carts. Best thing about this game, the music is so bad i turn the volume completely off xD. its so fun though. Ye shall nevar get mai original copy of CC <3. What I can say, is go to some used gameshops. I see it all the time, mostly the Greatest Hits i think, i don't pay real close attention. Good luck find MM X-3, there was only a limited amount of copies released in America. that cart usually goes for $150. I've seen one copy, talked to the guy about it. few weeks later someone bought it. Its Said to be the Rarest Game out there. Don't know if it actually is, but its hard to come by.
  2. Well, I do believe I found this place, in the summer of 08, first remix downloaded was, an Album VotL. I even made a thread about it. (the thread is probably gone by now). I found this search for something related to games, and this came up, and I've visited this pretty much atleast once a day since. whether it be the IRC or the forums
  3. have you tried Brushfire? see if he has more room. Yeah, go to Key West. I mean, Key West is there 24/7 365. MAGFest is 4 days out of the friggin' year. :\
  4. You know what we need. An OCR FLAG. I'd buy that shit. I just read back in the thread, and Anso isn't coming to mag? this saddens me.. ;(
  5. no. Armando, you cannot have him
  6. How OCR Changed my life. Well got me introduced to some stellar games, and people, for starters. it also has brought my love of games and music into one... Another thing, its just fun to play games as a community. Probably the best thing OCR has done for me, is telling me what the fuck MAGFest is, and the fucking awesome people getting me there, and giving me a place to stay. Hell yeah guys. It has alos inspired me to learn to arrange and compose electronic music, along with working towards goals of ReMixes the 2nd best thing is meeting these people, the people whom I've play games with, helped me with my music stuff, everything. Then theres the people who support me when I feel like poopy. Thank you OCR
  7. Um... Why? go hang with some friends dood. On Another note, I will be going to MAG. Also: I will take pictures. and upload them to possibly my site? or here. Facebook for sure. When the time comes I'll worry about that then, until that time comes. its not a priority. ;P
  8. You know. I'm not the best at music., but I try, and i learn things all the time. I'm fine with that. because i know as i practice, i will get better. I came to this community pretty much by accident. Found it searching google. What it did was open my love of video games and music, and combined the two. I couldn't ask for much more. Thats all i want to do, is learn to remix and compose my own music. Jade here, sure shes not a Posted ReMixer. Who the hell cares. Jewbie is right. I mean, seriously. Support the people that want to contribute. I support this 100%. I look forward to a positive out come. You know something else, it will happen. Nobody is a noob in my book. Someone just willing to learn doesn't make them a noob. Support jade, and this Album. Great music came from the Wild Arms series. Lets see this through and have our selfs a kickass album.
  9. Uhm. when i was like ten or something, i dunno sometime around there, My sister and I were riding bikes i tried to get away from her, right? Well it ended up, in me hitting a fire hydrant, going over the handle bars doing a couple flips in the air, and landing on my shoulder. haha Epic Fail.
  10. No kidding. I mean from that pub game sixto joined. We can already tell pub games suck
  11. Practice Mode, fuck yeah. Will give me time to work on alot of things. PS. DS you need to play with us sometime.
  12. Me too garian, after Wes got all butthurt. The next couple of games I started to get the hang of it. But yeah, BUY THIS GAME. So worth it.
  13. Well, I can tell you this, using my affiliate link http://affiliate.image-line.com/ECAHAAB469 will get you 10% off all imageline software you buy Pick up the producer eddt, if you haven't explore the demo, learn the interface. and when you feel combfortable, hit up that link, and see what VSTs and what not you need when you purchase, %10 off means the Producer Eddt is $180. Explore some get combfortable, and Make SURE it works for you. You don't want to buy it and find out Reason, or Cubase works better for you.
  14. And Halt
  15. Did this damn patch EVER come out?!
  16. Yeah, I'll get on installing my plugins and whatnot right now. i should be able to make it.

  17. Well, its really tough to get the melodys down. It'd be nice if I could find some ways to work on it without going into intricate things like a VG track. Simple melodys i could use to work on doing it by ear. I've tried tossing up the melody for a remix i want to do, i get stuck, and don't want to rely on the MIDI. Any ideas?

  18. For Sale: Guitar Hero 3 and Guitar Hero: Aerosmith
  19. Heyo. whats up?

  20. Happy Birthday BGC!
  21. Its alright. Not good times though, look at the economy!

  22. Happy Birthday DJP,
  23. Hi, how're you? o.o

  24. Hi... I'm just saying, Hi so Hi. Did I tell you hi? good. Have a nice day.

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