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Everything posted by Halt

  1. Hey, I've been looking around for some cool OC ReMixes with cool vocals and guitars. Anybody have some in mind? I've found a couple but not enough to keep me content.
  2. I have it organized to my likeing. but now theres no sound... O_o.
  3. Yeah. WMP Always gave me problems. and so does Winamp. Hopefully songbird changes my outlook. Songbird does the same.... all my OC ReMix Albums, and Kwed, and OL ReMix stuff is shown in there site name...
  4. Its come to my attention that All my music is completely unorganized really. Now what the fuck can I do to fix that? How should I organize all my OCR music in Winamp? Thats all I want to organize. Everything else is fine in the Media Library but my VG music, any help? When I say everything else is fine, i mean all my bands are seperated by albums. give me any suggestions to re-organize my music...
  5. REAPER does have an IRC... http://www.mibbit.com/chat/?server=irc.mixxnet.net&channel=%23reaper
  6. I won't be participating in this weeks due to work :[ I should be next week though.
  7. I own That game. and in a Game Pro Magazine, like a year or 2 ago. I'm not sure. They considered him one of the hardest bosses in video game history, he is really fucking hard to beat.
  8. Happy birthday man, have a good one.
  9. To do List: Finish Buying components to build computer Buy an iPod Classic Get someone to build a layout for my site Buy some sort of sampler. Upgrade to FL8 XXL Buy Kontakt 3 or whatever New MIDI keyboard. Download the masses of music, that are legally free, which is a longass list thanks to garian Uhm.... I think thats it.
  10. Happy Birthday!!! Have a good one.
  11. Well. See what works best for your work flow. and go from there, is what many have told me. Theres none that are "easy" to use, it takes time to learn what the software can do, and if it fits your work flow. I agree with snapple, as well.
  12. I will be able to join this weeks OHC ;D I have thursday off again, wooo. :]. For those of you listened to last weeks Hell's Taco. It will be in WIP stage soon. I promise you. When I do finish it. "It will punch you in the face with its hotness.."
  13. I would like to tune in, but I'm usually scheduled to work on Fridays 4-10...
  14. I'm looking for a hackable PSP and a decent price, anyone have one for sale?
  15. Dyne, you made me think Luke posted this. xD. But cool. Not my cup of tea, but atleast some people like them.
  16. That might be true. But he was written so well. I liked the fact, he took shit from noone. People that tryed to mess with him. get the shit end of the deal. You know his line: I thought this to be a key line, and a reason I like his character. Never compromise. Not even in the face of Armageddon.
  17. happy birthday!!!! woooo. xD Have a good one.
  18. Rorschach Is all that is man. What a Badass he is.
  19. Well, could be they just don't want to waste there money on something they know they can get free easily. Like myself. I KNEW I could get FL8 Producers Edition free. But I shelled out $180 for it. And I love it, knowing that I bought it.
  20. Erm. No I don't. Berry has my number. she is on my msn messenger. I'm done and out. Plus. Other things take up my time now, when i first recorded. I had the time, I don't anymore. So. I'm done, and never received one e-mail from you.
  21. I know FL8 has the "Your Name"[Number] If yours has that, maybe it can help? Its in the top left hand corner on FL8 for me.
  22. Excuse me? I have the feeling from the site, that I have to REDO my lines, and or re-upload them, if so. Go fuck your self. You can find your self someone else to play Kotch, frankly the site was going good with all the updates via e-mail. I'm going to talk to Berry to see what the hell is going on. IF I have to re-upload anything or redo. I'm out.
  23. Maco I disagree, it seemed to me, it followed pretty damn close to the comic. few changes, nothing super huge. Overall Great movie. For some reason friends that haven't seen it. Tell me alot of their friends say it was shit . That makes me sad..
  24. Hell yeah. Rorschach is probably my favorite character "None of you seem to understand I'm not locked up in here with you, your locked up in here with me!" Fucking awesome.
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