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Everything posted by SoulinEther

  1. I haz been smothered!! ..by awesome remix action! woo! I love ASS!
  2. I have read through all thirteen pages and listened to all 500 possible permutations..... but nobody has suggested the possibility of combining songs together. I love Terra, I love Ice Cap, I love Schala, but I don't have all day to listen to each of these amazing tunes. Can't I combine songs together? Schlarra Cap Zoice? ... Looking at all the possible combinations, this must have been hell to sit down and render.
  3. pixiiiiie triicks getting lost in the OMGMELTYOURFACEOFF mix
  4. this is .. .this is going to be a tough one. a real livewire. though i've already read half of them.
  5. yeah, now that I think of it, you did. it was for the last one wasn't it? i'm not changing it, no matter how hard you try (not) to convince me.
  6. note to self do not qualify. Reaching Out by Yousef Reda
  7. thanks much for the critique. i've been trying to find a good drumset that fits.. hat work and snare duly, duly noted. and I will try to get a pad in here somewhere and get a chord progression going..hopefully it'll do well to fill out the soundscape. my brain is teaming with ideas. sort of.
  8. I know you're doing the whole club mix thing and/but the buildup is fantastic! Kick is strong (woo), the bass is playing one note but the gating/repetitive attackiness takes care of it. Only thing that makes me sad is that once the groove and accompaniment are fully established (1:44) it only repeats once before things change and you add that piano, eventually breakdown and work your way into the B theme - only to completely abandon the A theme in all its beauty. But if it makes you feel any better, this song has become my Theme for Successful Use of Bathroom! At least the first half.
  9. arr. you said you'd take a look at my wip - it's the total annihilation kingdoms one. of course, whenever you're free, i'm not in any particular rush lol. thanks mucho. and catch up to us. now. there's no more dropping. lol

  10. http://www.box.net/shared/le508qxvfg so... combined the two pieces coherently now. added a saw bass thing - sorta sounds like a guitar. thought of adding hats/claps/snare/something for the second section, but it didn't work out to my liking. there's a little clipping... trying to make it loud but i'm noting in the waveform I have something intermittently loud to address. from here i have ideas of how i will proceed but I'm not sure about timbres and stuff. edit: wow this is really intense in the lower frequencies. needs more highs! see? i critique myself. edit: well, it cut off early but i don't feel like reuploading. i just completed the phrase as you hear it..
  11. AMAGAD i have two days to finish this. ...no problem.
  12. k, we need to schedule another group run. maybe wednesday? get to act 5 if you already haven't.
  13. my dad did this all the time way back when. always worked.
  14. actually, i remember now that it was a report on local (LA) NBC news - perhaps it wasn't as common a case as I imagined it to be but there's also this to consider: http://bodyodd.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2010/02/08/2197380.aspx
  15. to those who get headaches from watching movies in 3D: make sure you're using your eyes together properly and see an eye doctor. i read some article about that being caused by your brain not combining the images from your eyes properly or something. at this point i think my stance on 3D crap is clear. and if it's not, let the previous sentence stand as my argument.
  16. as much of a wait that this has been, I'm with you...
  17. This shit's getting old - and obviously a lot of people are doing it.
  18. by hell I think you mean act 4 If you're going it solo, then yeah getting through the game can be slow. It doesn't help that bowazons aren't particularly strong. Donut probably rushed through all of normal to get to A5 and did baal runs with people for a bit. I felt kind of bummed yesterday because I lost my classic hardcore barb to nm trav.. what a fail - i've lost barbs that way before and I'm not sure why I thought this one could survive. I will be on today, if you see me on, make sure I drop everything and join you asap (if i can help it lol)
  19. i know. i've had several instances of that happening tonight.
  20. arg, I came back just after you left. Well, if you don't make it, we'll catch you up or something.
  21. Alright, but we can still get together before then when it's convenient for whomever - especially since we have people in the group that aren't very familiar with online play and quickness. I can schedule in about an hour of time tomorrow night between 10-11 EST (7-8 my time) to help get through a2 or with whatever anyone can handle. If that's not a good time for anyone, let me know. But definitely go to public games and work with people - A4 by Friday might be a bit hard especially for a bowazon or a barb.
  22. trying to figure out what would be the best solution to our problem around times.. maybe we should set up checkpoints? by, for example, friday, get to act 5 normal? i don't know.
  23. that wasn't even that fast, or that long, hehe. was fun. we probably won't be top of the ladder any time soon but...whatever, not necessarily the biggest issue for me.
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