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Everything posted by SoulinEther

  1. i bet i look like a total weirdo here. just wanted to say I'm impressed by your artwork (and the kirby stuff is amazing too) - never really saw/recognized your work before.

  2. kick ass guys (and gal(s)), so I'll have a standard to surpass for the next competition, when I actually have time and resources to work with. Good luck to everyone - I'm really looking forward to watching whatever you guys complete (and I know I'm not alone).
  3. methinks i'll have a submission ready by then. i feel like beethoven.
  4. .two you, birthday happy a you wish
  5. I must admit, I have received multiple notifications about this contest (facebook, twitter, email, etc.). Good PR.
  6. Are you rich yet?
  7. well, hooray for more music.
  8. yes - to give me a chance to participate some other time. cough. lol.
  9. Awesome remix? Sure, but it's got an awesomely fitting title for the scene and the whole game really.
  10. I think it's sort of like those flying car predictions, just a little more plausible. I'm sure the idea of displaying millions of polygons per second was not absolutely unheard of at the time, but rather that it was unrealistic to implement in small consoles or handheld systems, or in the coming few years.
  11. Don't count on me whatsoever... about to be in the process of moving 2 places. hurray for no free time to stand in front of a camcorder.
  12. bye bye dandruff.
  13. Happy New Year, or at least... Goodbye crappy old year - anything could be better than you.
  14. Resignation? What, were you caught sneakin some chocolate-dipped pretzels while "judging"? I don't think that's even remotely funny.. well, you had a good run, but I have a sense you're on your way to bigger and better places. So.. good luck.
  15. I'd really like to, but as a perfectionist I'd want a green screen room and stuff. I'll see what I can do, i'm sort of in a tough transition period right now and I'm not sure if I can dedicate the time to it.

  16. I don't know what it is with your work (like... everything you've done here), but whenever I listen to a song of yours for the first time, I sort of just pass over it. It's not until a day later when I'm replaying passages over and over in my head that I realize how infectious and awesome your work is. Maybe because I'm being presented with countless minutes of explosive awesomeness that my brain must enter self-preservation mode. Maybe. I don't really need to praise the quality of your work - you already know this stuff is polished and awesome. But Ashleigh's voice is beautiful. While the vocal melodies initially seemed unsatisfying, I knew I was wrong in thinking so when I woke up one morning and had "searching for / a life that will bring you more" stuck in my head and I could not seem to remember where I heard it. And the lyrics, too, transcend amazingness and hit so close to home. My mom passed away this month, and she was really unhappy with her life. She wanted (and deserved) more, but unfortunately never got it. Her poetry talked about how her only escape and freedom from her life would be death, and I suppose now she has it. The yearning to be free is something I can relate to, both through my mother's pain and within my own self. And now, I feel like an optimist drowning in possibly the worst situation of my life, shackled in grief and desperately longing to see her, having tried faithfully to take good care of her in her poor health only to meet some sort of failure... but like you say, if I "just hold on," I know I'll meet the rising dawn and I'll find the strength to move on with my life, free from the longing and the pain and able to remember her in happy memories, capable of progressing through and succeeding in my own life. Soo... I know I'm not necessarily the intended audience, but thank you for posting this remix here so that we could hear it. May you and Jade have many fun-filled, happy years to come, and may your difficulties ease with great haste.
  17. Unless you want to reuse the music videos yourself in some odd sort of way, I don't see why anyone needs to get permission from the original remixer to use the music in the video. According to the Content Policy (http://ocremix.org/info/Content_Policy), remixes can be incorporated into other works as long as they are properly and sufficiently attributed, and as long as the remixes are still available on this site. If you're just trying to cover your bases in case remixers decide to pull their work off the site, then I understand. But if you're not able to get in contact with a remixer, what is the likelihood that they are going to get in contact with OCR and demand their stuff be removed from the site anyway? (i.e., it should be reasonable - if you can't get a hold of someone, then go with the content policy) ...anyway. I really really don't think I can participate in this round (or at all if there's only one round), but I'd like to.
  18. Yeah, "bad arrangement" is a strong con. In this case I think it's a fair assessment, since it seems to meander, and it strikes me that you've just inserted the melody into chaos. Try to give the piece some structure and order. I'd argue that even pieces that attempt to convey disorder, chaos and panic have an underlying structure and order to them - or perhaps they wouldn't have a strong melody. This seems.. uncertain to me. I can see this working, sorta. I might try breaking up the melody a little bit, to make it sound disjointed (if this were my piece).
  19. With all those airline tunes under your belt I'm sure you'd be able to enjoy a nice honeymoon somewhere faaaaaaaaar faaaaaaaar away. Congratulations. Free peanuts for everyone (please?)...!
  20. huzzah part 2. haven't even tried the EWQL stuff.
  21. Bonkenc is free (as in freedom) and not bad for batch operations (http://www.bonkenc.org/). Strange UI is a little finicky at first w/its quirks but I got it working fine for myself.
  22. The fan-made mockup of the PSP Go is by far the sexiest fake console i've ever seen (i was really disappointed with the real PSP (does not) Go (hey, who designed that handheld, the people who made the Chevy Nova? eh? eh?) and that portable Xbox-ish thing with a flipout screen and brushed metal interior is... hot. To hell with bezel. If the surface isn't 98-100% covered with screen, why the hell would you have an entirely separate surface on the device for the screen to start with?
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