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Everything posted by SoulinEther

  1. it was 10 months ago that zircon said that edit: one too many "that"s ...
  2. actually chromium now supports running x86 code in tabs (http://www.engadget.com/2010/05/13/googles-native-client-sdk-developer-preview-provides-helpful-re/), which means Chrome OS should be able to run linux programs - which in theory could include Wine and windows programs. exciting.
  3. honestly the heat man theme... even his name is indicative of bad PMS to come. when i first saw heat man i thought he was a girl - it all made sense with djp's interpretation! but yeah, the crash man theme always made me sing and dance. sing... OC ReMix.. crash man.. hm...
  4. I love how this thread devolved into the truth about Lady Gaga's genitals. Now that we've gotten to the bottom of this matter...
  5. of all love triangles, though...
  6. oh, I thought he meant he was going to marry both of them. Not to derail this topic but polygamy isn't unheard of to me. Never mind. of course i know telephone, lol.
  7. It took me about a minute to figure out how to use it..but I think I'd like it for some games. Or, at least, a similar peripheral with better ergonomics.
  8. I had one for my game boy color.. backlights are so awesome. even the original game boy advance was a bitch to play.
  9. lol.......that'd be pretty win.
  10. you're not a bot! you just... made an account today. and posted exactly at 9:00 am. you're just different. and bold.

  11. excellent job.. nice use of Flash's time stopper. it's been so long since I've played MM2 but I wouldn't have thought about using it (i'd probably use Metal to kill those flying... heads... but this is with a controller lol) and don't stress - these videos should be fun for you too.
  12. Cool. Your posts aren't dated - was this on purpose? It'd just be nice to see the exact chronology is all, though the RSS feed would probably tell me.
  13. I wouldn't say it loses it's luster; it's just that you gotta go somewhere from here. A build can be good/liked, but that doesn't make a whole work good. It is a bit long, yeah, but you'll figure it out... just keep working on it. I have a ton of wips I am.. lazy about, lol. Mostly it's because I don't know where I want to go and what I want to say with the music - if you have those ideas in mind, it might help.
  14. you have a long buildup... I really don't mind it - the bass line has a simple entrancing effect. but you gotta explore the theme a bit once you do finally build up. You can try weaving it into the boss theme and then weaving back, see if the themes work together as countermelodies, try a new or modified melody on new the bass / rhythm, do an a/b section thing, etc. The guitar sounds fake and mechanical - try to work on the timings and the velocities to give it a more human sound.. and probably find a new sample. Ideally, you'd want to find someone to play it for you. Things also get pretty muddy with the reverb. Maybe try playing the melody an octave higher (sounds like it should be within the range of the guitar) to give it some space in the mix, though this would probably be fixed by working on the reverb, humanization and stuff. I forgot how much I enjoyed this piece from Zelda II.
  15. I'm going to have to say no again. Life is still not forgiving enough for me to have time for this. But I see this as a way for my ideas to germinate further... or my mood develop into rancor, I'm not sure.
  16. She does what she does well. I've heard some of her piano stuff before and I respect her for her work. If she's a sellout, well, her albums are called "The Fame" and "The Fame Monster" for a reason. Sort of justifies/invalidates it in a sense. Once I stopped trying to ignore her, I could actually enjoy her work and realize that she's just artistically diverse. And sure, the rah-rah-ah-ah-ah is pretty simple, but I bet once you heard it you could never forget it.
  17. very nice. it's impressive to watch your feet and legs coordinate like that.. i'd probably end up falling over or dying in game. or both.
  18. UNDERWATER BASKETWEAVING, though your name is long and in all-caps, I firmly believe that it's so amazing that it must be written out in all it's bold, loud glory. That's a diverse list of instruments.. welcome. just by chance, do you happen to know how to make woven baskets?
  19. i'm scared. but dl'ing.
  20. Alright, maybe. But I'm still not overly impressed, especially when you compare it to the music from the NES version.
  21. yeah.....i'll have to get on that... ... link? (you really didn't think i'd put that kind of effort into it?)
  22. I don't know what film you're involved in (though I do wish you the best of luck in your endeavor (aka link plz)), but i love the vibrant colors in those - the greens of the grass and the red of that sofa.
  23. I only went where 5 others went before me. lol even the op went there before me.
  24. Mega Man 2 for game boy.. wow. real eye opener (I mean, ear closer/deafness-wishes-inducer). I wonder if anybody has ever tried to submit remixes for of those songs - my next question is could there even be an acceptable remix from that game?. The only thing that could grab my attention melodically was the Crash Man theme... but it still stunk.
  25. The string (cello I think) at 1:37 sticks out; its vibrato is unrealistic. if you can control the vibrato manually, try to humanize it a little more - it should probably progressively attain a more subtle, slightly random (but even... if that makes sense) vibrato - almost like a tail at the end of the note. compare it to Fallen Dragoon by AeroZ - granted, that's a real cello performance (several layers really), but you can get an idea of what kind of vibrato you're looking for around ~0:18. sorry, i have been ....... somewhat busy. somewhat scattered. should have responded earlier. when i was discussing "legato" i just meant that successive notes played by certain instruments didn't bleed into each other sufficiently to sound smooth/natural, but I'm noticing some of that's been cleared up. I'm really rusty on my orchestral sounds (i've yet to seriously dabble in them myself), but the tuba/brass/thing at ex. 1:50 sounds much improved from how I remember it... though its timbre is a little off - it doesn't sound...completely real. I don't know what it is.
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