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Everything posted by SoulinEther

  1. you know, i bought that headset for $15 but I was very disappointed with 'em. too.. bass-y (for listening).
  2. lol, just in general, music tends to need the ability to listen... though i've seen some ways in which the deaf can enjoy music, i don't think it's a very fulfilling experience without hearing.
  3. don't be blind to bLiNd. actually, you can be blind but don't be deaf - cuz that'd suck.
  4. Cool. Though I'm not entirely hooked on the circle-frame-cutout concept, it had its moments where it worked wonderfully (when the background and the scene in the circle combined to convey new emotions). Kate often makes AMVs for her music on youtube but she didn't make one for this song. You should make this a video response to her video on youtube ( ) - it'll get you a wider audience and it'll definitely reach her too.
  5. as arbitrary as this might seem, i was just playing diablo 2 and procured two shael runes at once. my mind dubbed it the "shael riley special" and felt an inexplicable urge to eat a burger (at midnight). i realized that the shael riley special must be, in fact, some sort of delicious hamburger combo, with a patty made from cow groin meat with a side of sweet potato fries, served at some mythical and amazing restaurant. and if you're vegetarian/vegan, the patty could be made from the crotch(es) of some proteinous plant instead.

  6. i've never seen the music video before....but i'll never be able to listen to can't touch this again.
  7. Should we take that to mean that requesting remixes with cash (which is similar to the bounty system for lots of open source software projects, I might add) would not be an option? though I'm still not sure what would bind someone to remixing something..unless some of the donated money goes to them or something. Sounds like a mess and might not be worth it.
  8. I'm all nylon and polyester, feelin like I'm from the 80's.. even though i was born in 1990....yeah I'll vote soon.
  9. I don't know about the vocals either... in the intro, they help a little with a bit of a slow build up (I like the build in this mix), but the farewell part really demonstrates the cheesy original voice acting. I love the bass and the kick. I don't really have any qualms with the mixing. Suggestion: it sounds kind of minimalist.. I think your repeat could stand to give the melody more of a presence - so it's not so much a simple repeat? But that'd probably require you go through more of the theme... just saying, it's an awesome theme to want to remix But not sure if that's the style you're going for. I like. Could like it more. (but that's totally at your discretion and more a matter of my taste, lol)
  10. Sounds like a whirlwind... at the same time it sounds like it's filled with emotions (though probably not love). Don't give up. Try to add more "colors" to your palette by drawing on your life experiences and see what you can come up with. Don't worry about anybody waiting.. it should really be all about you when it comes to what you make - when you're ready, your public will be there.
  11. a little interpretive, but on the whole not too impressed. the melody could stand out more and perhaps be a more driving force in the song to pump you up / get you energized / dancing. second half has more energy - but melody presence problems continue. i still can't see "carena" without thinking "hey ocarina!"
  12. i just got booted off bnet for joining/leaving too many times.. lol. i'll be back in 30 minutes ish.

  13. i'll bring my guitar if you bring yours, if you get what i'm saying.
  14. i haz lyrics coming for this. let's just hope my pipes can do them justice.
  15. i think "please take it down" means "take it down," meaning "remove it now." as long as you're cognizant of the request of (one of) the author(s) you should respect it. i don't want to put words in anyone's mouth (i speak for myself here) but the way you come off sounds like you're trying to capitalize off something that isn't your own work in the slightest. you say you hardly check here but the fact that you bothered to respond to pixie's post speaks volumes otherwise. in the time you spent writing your response, you could have removed the video or at least made it private.
  16. What's with the kiddie laugh in the beginning? makes me feel awkward. the rest makes me laugh though.
  17. I think I know what you're talking about - it was a Schala remix right? It was.. ok.... back to my schala solo piano facemelting.
  18. That you could speak so derogatorily of lip rolling offends me beyond the point of internal conflict and brings my emotions to a boil - sir (nay, you are not worthy of such high praise: I shall refer to you by your true, lowly status, traitor), I am outraged. My fellow Remixinatorians, we must band together as remixers and listeners alike as one Party to overthrow the shackles and the tyranny of the antiquated system of man-made remixes. The ASS Party: where creativity and mediocrity go to die and where boobs aren't welcome. edit: unless you're megan fox.
  19. that's a keeper, whereas mr. waters' remixes have been nothing but taucers.
  20. It almost sounds like an orgasm to me - that's way deeper than heart. And NOTHING moves me more than a soulful, emotive lip roll. I am in tears.
  21. what do you do anyway? push down on a few strings and move your hands in some sort of rhythm? here's a suggestion: put down your problems and just dance to the electronica orchestral male vocal-infused terra mix.
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