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Everything posted by jabond23

  1. Thanks Tables! i'm going to retouch this up and post another wip.
  2. Hello, I did a hard rock borderline metal remix of the JENOVA battle theme from FF7. Please let me know what you think. Thank you. https://soundcloud.com/nintenjoe64/final-fantasy-7-jenova-metal-remix
  3. Its been a while since i've been here. I've had a lot of personal problems, blah blah blah. Those details aren't necessary. Anyways, here's my latest WIP. Its the light dungeon from A Link To The Past from the SNES. Let me know what i need to do to pass this remix. Thanks guys. http://tindeck.com/listen/hfrx
  4. A Wham! meets Glee meets rock meets very catchy.
  5. I never did record those guitars for you...DAMN IT!!!
  6. Yeah, that's why i added the other instruments, to help bring all the frequencies out in the song. And, your absolutely right about this song needing a vocalist. With some voxage going on on here, i think it'll really help bring out the true nature of the song i was going for. I wrote with lyrics in mind.
  7. I'm listening to them right now. VERY badass my friend, great job!! I gotta mix them in now and finish up your guitars. :D

  8. I'm interested, but what genre of music are you most looking for? I usually do hard rock/metal, but i can also do electronic rock and some chiptunes.
  9. Here's a new Manowar type track i wrote entitled Burning Sky. I hope its kinda catchy. I played the guitars in drop C. I'm also looking for anyone who wants to add some vocals to it. Any particular style will do, although i would love some suggestions. I should probably post this also in the Collab forums for that. Let me know what ya think!
  10. How the hell did i miss this one!! lol Awesome song man. I love that hook too. Great vox and guitars all around. Your death metal voice is superb. Everything about this song is just perfect my friend. Actually reminds me of Mushroomhead a lil bit.
  11. Hey neblix. I completely forgot about finishing up my mix for you project!! That's goes for just about anything else i was supposed to do....lol. Anyways. I've got a new wip with live drums from Chernabogue, but i can't find the link to your forum for this. :D

  12. Yeah, i did. Just haven't had time to sit down and listen to your mix just yet. Give me a little time and i'll let ya know later.

  13. Oh man! I almost forgot about this. Between work and black ops now, i haven't had any time with work taking up most of it! lol, sometime this week i'll get to it!

  14. Yes! This was indeed Br00tal man. Loving the sound here and your guitar skills are quite impressive!! I'm gonna check out your other couple vids now.
  15. Happy b-day man! Enjoy your day!
  16. Yeah, most of those we're written/recorded around the same time, but a few of them we're done a lot earlier. I've noticed that i get slightly better each time i record a song. I suppose that's why its practice. I'm really glad you enjoyed this. Its nice to get some feedback on your works,. BTW, metal is ALWAYS on my playlist, lol.
  17. I should really pay more attention to what's going on around here, lol. I haven't been on in a couple days. This all sounds terrific! Good luck with this guys! If you need anything from me, which is anything guitar related, let me know.
  18. Thanks guys! I'm glad you're enjoying this album. It took me a while to get these songs together.
  19. I just meant that your guitar playing is good. Also, i do mean the EQ when i said high end.
  20. I like this album. You really seemed to blend the drum n bass well with electro and metal in some places. I think as far as production goes, you did a good job of getting that gritty and fast sound of whatever genre this is called. The term escapes me, lol. Garaktaze and Logical really show that off. Sometimes these song sound like they should be in some first person shooting game, lol. The one thing i did notice about your production is that is seems to lack the high end on the EQ sometimes, especially for the guitars. They also seem like they are being played thruogh an old radio. Not too hard to fix, and i've noticed with some of that newer stuff you've been posting that your improving with that sound. You may not beleav me and rumble have great rhythms in them though. All in all man, its a great album and your guitar playing seems spot on my friend. Looking forward to your next album!!! I just released a new original album of my own if ya wanna check it out. Its in this same forum. BTW, sorry for the insanely looooooong response.
  21. Hmm.... bump....
  22. Hey Joker and pu_freak, just sent you guys a link to Chernabogue's and mine's remix medley of the Castlevania themes. Let me know what ya think? Thanks guys!
  23. Yeah, so i just sent the file to them now, lol. Almost forgot and i thought you were gonna do it! lol!

  24. Awesome man! I love when composers from video games display their stuff in here. Its nice to get a look into how this all went down. Being a PS3 fanboy, i haven't had the opportunity YET to play ME2, but looking forward to it in January next year. I've heard some of the music from the game, mostly from here, and also on youtube.
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