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Everything posted by jabond23

  1. Ya know, its funny, cause we have the same sorta sound for remixing songs. I wanna try and get around to subbing a remix of my own for this. Its a great theme.
  2. Nice. Super-Charger Heaven by White Zombie. If i had to mention that, then somethings wrong with you.
  3. Downloading now and comment later!! I'm sure it'll be great my man.
  4. Well, i've had this album uploaded and ready for release for a while now, lol, but i figure its finally time. Its got 10 original tracks, a cover of Bad Romance by Lady GaGa, and FF7 Jenova remix. I spent the better part of about 4 months recording all this. Usually i pump out my music a lot faster than that, but i really wanted to take my time with this one. Of course, props go out to Cyril the Wolf for the vox on Always Wrong and Edward Dennis for the drawing out that awesome album cover. I suppose i should tell you that its a mix of hard rock/metal with a lot of orchestral and eletronic influences. Its all very catchy none-the-less. I really hope you guys enjoy this album! Its free, unless you really wanna pay me for it. hint HINT!!! Nah, just enjoy it. Click the album cover below for the album. Or click HERE if that doesn't work. PS TELL EVERYONE ABOUT MY ALBUM PLEASE? Thank you.
  5. I'm probably gonna put up a bonus remix. I love this theme.
  6. Thanks man! I'm glad you liked it. It was harder to remix than i thought it was gonna be, lol. BTW, i'm making good progress on our Castlevania medley.

  7. Yes. Cave Of Mystery is quite nice. I love the whole theme of the track and your instrument choices. I do agree with Ectogemia that it needs a lot more bass. It sounds good the way it is with the pizzicato strings and bells, but a little more bass will really help fill out this track. Looking forward to hearing version 3.
  8. Yeah, i always find the best way to mix guitars into a mix is always do 2 tracks. One panned hard left and one panned hard right. Then a decent amount of compression. EQ it. I usually cut a little of the low end and even a tad all the way up the high end. The bass will fill in the low end and i use the higher ends for the leads. You need to also take into account that making the guitars stand out is to also take the time properly mixing the rest of the track. Of course compression and EQ are the best bets here. I'm not claiming i'm an expert on the mixing as a whole, but i've been writing/recording my own music for almost 3 years now. I wish i could explain this better, but i've been up over 20 hours now and probably need some sleep....or coffee....i'll finish this later, lol. Mak, if you've got AIM, hit me up at jabond213.
  9. I 2nd that. And only over the past 2 and half have i really made drastic improvements in both my playing and writing/producing. and then
  10. Of course buddy. I also made my selection for the next PRC. :D


  11. Sweet! Although, i suppose it would have been better given more subs, lol. I'll PM you in a few with my selection.
  12. Ya know, i usually try to listen to and comment on original albums posted here. Cause remixing is one thing, but creating your own original works, and them being good, is another thing. I really enjoyed listening to Theft By Deception. The piano sounds decent, even though i think its all midi programmed, still excellent job though on that. That bass is thumping and right in your face sometimes, but i like a lot of bass. It does seem to be very jazz influenced. I don't usually listen to jazz all that much, but i'm diggin this. Like you mentioned, Con Passo Lento is probably my fav track though. The acoustic guitar work is also very well done. I was thinking the piano was programmed, but now i'm not sure. Cause Suite Of The Damned sounds great with the piano work. All around great listen mccall. I should check out your other 2 albums up on bandcamp.
  13. You sound very good man, i have a couple remixes to do soon and i'm thinking about using your skills for at least one of them.
  14. Do you have any samples to listen to? Anything will do, just some beats and such to hear. Thanks and welcome aboard!
  15. When i saw this,i thought i forgot to post mine and someone else posted one already,lol.......so time for sleep!!!
  16. It really is a fantastic source and i wish i had time to give this a go but work is killing me right now!!! ARGH!!!
  17. Your quite welcome kind sir.
  18. Its The Will To Survive by Pantera. Its an unreleased and hard to find track from their Cowboys From Hell album. I picked up on it when Phil started singing, lol. Can't mistake that voice for anything else. Also, Dime's guitar tone/playing made it sound familiar before all that.
  19. Hi. I'd love to do "Frost Walrus Stage 1" from Mega Man X4 if you'll have me. i think i've got a good arrangement figured out in my head. No metal or rock this time though, well, maybe a little rock.
  20. I'm glad we're getting such a great response to this. Underground seems to be the last available song!
  21. Yes, indeed, this is a fantastic source! I should be able to get something in before the deadline this time. EDIT: Seems to be a harder source than i thought to remix, lol. Pretty sure its not in 4/4, oh well. Almost got it finished.
  22. OH CRAP!! forgot about this cause of the damn holiday and WORK..... oh well. I really do like how you congratulated yourself for winning though. Epic to the max there. I REALLY want in on the next one though, whatever it is you decide.
  23. ohhhhhhhhhhhhh SHIT!!!!
  24. Yeah, i'd be up for that. :D

  25. Ah, i gotcha. Get motivated. Listen to some heavy metal and get pumped!!!
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