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Everything posted by PROTO·DOME

  1. Oh geez, looks like you have the same trouble I have when installing FL and ASIO on any PC. Seriously, there's nothing you can do but mess about with soundcard/driver settings and uninstall/reinstall ASIO a few times 'till it works. I've found the solution to be different on each PC I've used, HP PCs are a NIGHTMARE, but that's probably the default driver control software that comes with it. Perhaps someone has something more useful than this, but I'm just warning you.
  2. (A little necro I know.) Although I don't know the technicalz behind it, the FL Limiter has a noticable compression effect. Try replacing the TLs for the Fruity and listen to what you get. You'll notice that "loud silence" thing as something builds up to a massive hit and the hit is quieter than the build. Anyway the Fruity Limiter really is the hardwall limiters of hardwall limiters, good for nnttss nnttss and as a last defense against clipping. TLs has a little bit of 'give', which makes it incredibly useful for analogue stuff where you want a natural sound (not that you can't set other compressors to do similar things), and also a really simple interface. You get less compression effect and it's not a bad little limiter either. (You CAN bypass it with certain things, which is irritating. I've not noticed the Fruity Limiter doing that though.)Also, I use Fruity Limiter as a normal compressor on vocals, sax, stuff like that. Bring up the input gain and lower the threshold, works pretty well.
  3. Damn, Briggs is getting stupid professional sounding. Nice job.
  4. I told you mayne, not 'till after this week. Imma so bizeh.

  5. Are you on about actually intentionally cameoing it, or just taking inspiration from that rhythm/chord sequence? Because in a way I don't think you can avoid the latter, everyone does it.
  6. I've checked out your website too, you are a fucking genius. (I'd totally hit Funkier Town with some rhodes, sax, analogue kit and a slap bass. I'm doing this when I have time.)
  7. Geez man, I love it. I really love it. It's messy, but that adds to the charm.
  8. N0oooo00000000bb0b0bbbbbbb0000000oooob!"!!111!!!111 U DUN KNO MAGAMEN!He's on a holodeck, controlling a flying ball(?!)... it's obvious!
  9. Me neither. It's a pretty vague term actually, like rock or pop.Usually it's heavily loop driven jazz, in the veins of instrumental hip-hop, however it does extend to nu-funk, nu-jazz, fusion, jazz-funk, pop and even that jazzy chiptune stuff I do. A lot of acid-jazz can be pretty much electronic free jazz, which isn't so down my alley, too atonal for me. Here's a conservative, loop driven type band you might dig. Also, check out , they're less of that loopy yawn hip-hop side and way more funk. So flippin' great please say you know them. Also they're British. These guys are also pretty HAWT. Again, I wouldn't've called 'em acid-jazz, but hey. Another band on the British scene.
  10. Or the use of 'Nyan' in place of the number of rounds.
  11. Wow. Badass.
  12. I've got more of a winking/squinting Stevobomb thing going on thanks to the flash.

    And anyway, Protobomb is much punnier and u kno eet.

  13. Mwahahaha! Yes! It goes very well with my LSDJ cart. Also dude, where did you get to? We finished the panel and you'd gone!
  14. I honestly don't get the hate on Will's drums. I don't think they sound realistic as such, but they're punchy, sharp and perfect for the genre.I like 'em Will, and I think this was one of the best songs on the Missingno Tracks!
  15. I have had a half finished text to you for most of the day.

    I KEEP getting interrupted by some event. I will finish it RIGHT NOW.

  16. It was a triumph! I'm making a post here; huge success. It's hard to overstate my satisfaction. OCR Panel. We did what we must because we could. For the good of OCR, except the ones who weren't there. But there's no sense crying 'cuz you're all in the States, you just keep on trying 'til you... run out of cake? And the PowerPoint was fun and we got the job done for the good people of OCR. Pretty good indeed, it was great to see you all in person. Panel went way better than expected, especially for the amount of time we had to prepare. As Cain said, it was a really chilled atmosphere which I think helped a lot. Seriously, any of you USA OCR guys wanna come down to the Con for a long weekend, I'd definitely recommend it. Also that's awesome about the organisers, that would be a great idea to come play some mini sets. I also bought a Pokemon GBC.
  17. Ditto 10char
  18. It's also in .png format. OP clearly said .psd and .jpg. Shame really.
  19. YEAH, WHOO! I'm thrilled! Totally made my day! Excellent! Thanks ISW!
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