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Everything posted by PROTO·DOME

  1. DAMNED Y U MENTION? Y U make it capital go! MENTION?
  2. Go look. No it's not.
  3. This still feels like digging up your dead wife because you never did have that romantic meal at the beach together.
  4. Region specific, one more reason to wait for a flash cart for this thing. WHY do that? I mean seriously, why?
  5. I'd fap to that.
  6. A?doria? Last character looks like a backwards 'tsu' and that second one in could be either 'so' or 'n' - it's not clear.
  7. Lies. You just st33l from YouToob.
  8. SPOILERLOLOLOLOL SHEIK IS ZELDA :OOOO :OOO :OOOO I'm not even fanfic or nutin
  9. Go away from this thread. Sink back into mediocrity along with your project.Nah u kewl mayn
  10. Someone's knickers are all in a twist because they live outside the EU. ;D No child-friendly sm3x3h ti3mz games for u. Actually, this has surprised me; the USA is more conservative than over here? No way.
  11. FIGHT THE SYSTEM!!! STICK IT TO THE MAN!!! Seriously though, this whole thing isn't sitting well with me at the moment. They seem way too aggressive. Might be because now they're fighting a losing battle.
  12. it is r very pricey and u mite not be able 2 afford such quality. i will do all ur gitar work ok n we will sell millions

  13. hey willrock07 lol i love ur yutube stuff and i was wondering if ud listen 2 one of my remxies of chrono trigger and tell me how i can make it all sound less midi n what plugin did u use 4 ur guitars cuz they sound ok but not as good as fruity loops slayer.

  14. Ahaha, oh ironic yes. ¬__¬... Kenogu, do you read your posts back or do you just make stuff up as you see fit?
  15. If you use FL, in the "Hip-Hop" section of the "Legacy" folder there should be three OSCx3 presets. These are all the kind of bass you're looking for. As Rozo said though, these are all pretty much deep sines.
  16. Same here. OCR is such a good place to develop as a musician. Also, you're definintely one of the "next-gen" remixers (I dunno, it's funny how new remixers sort of come in waves). By 2012 you'll be an established front-pager. (Panel is slow as hell) ;D
  17. protOSdome artistic license cmd window||<<CN</X__$$\|||<<£YY\PROTODOMEMK0000001bootSEQ//: C:\creativity.dll >>BADDIRECTORY C:\midiripGOGO.dll >>GOOD //:MUSICGENERATE: PKMNreMIX00001233 ..................................... >>GOOD //:ASSIGNINGTITLETOreMIXid:00001233 ............................................... "A TOUCH OF NO(resub) COAST POK$@ÆMON & FUTURE PERFECT: WALKWAY OF INSUBSTANTIAL 16 BRIDGE LOL 日本語SUPERMIX '11.ogg" (0:54) //:wittystatement.exe >>"LAWL U GET WIMENZ" //:STARTUP... <POSTING> <POSTING> <POSTING> [sexypost]Mm? You said my name?[/sexypost] C:\\ | EDIT- Cool song BTW. ;D
  18. Kinda.
  19. Look what happened to Metroid.
  20. Ahaha, go, go. ;D Sorry, I've been just so bloody busy.

  21. It's the jolly little fanfare that pops in after the climax bit that makes me laugh. Mmmmrrrrrrrghghghhiiieemuhh. *taaaah-daaah!!* +14 exp.
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