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Everything posted by PROTO·DOME

  1. Nyeh. S'aight.
  2. Perhaps in a perfect world. That's just such a dogmatic response. Firstly everyone's listening systems are different and anyone who owns more than one pair of headphones will have the "wow, this song sucks on this pair" effect. Secondly, whilst trying to keep the EQ all perfect is preferable whilst mixing, the listener has the joys of being able to do what the hell they like. If you want more bass, turn your subwoofer way up. Grating high frequencies? Trim the high EQ. Heck, even the WOW setting on some media players and headphones - go for it if YOU like it. I dunno, songs are to be enjoyed, not necessarily clinically analysed.
  3. Muddy songs tend to have instruments that aren't clearly defined or perhaps masked by other instruments. Lack of high frequencies or too much reverb helps to 'clog up' the soundscape too. Hopefully someone else'll come in and go into more detail. Do you have any of your stuff that you could post in this thread perhaps?
  4. Okay Strader, you're on, £500 that's he's not fat or living in his mother's basement. Tee-hee.
  5. It's because they dislike creativity. If your track wasn't techno and/or drum-loops-MIDI-rip-go they won't accept it. Was this helpful?
  6. What's, with, the overuse, of, commas, wat, learn to, punctuation. Also, Neblix, wat? If you're using a limiter on the master you're using a compressor on the master, albeit a specific type of compressor. If you're not using the limiter to limit then you don't need to use one; the dB meters are kinda meant to show levels, and they are EVERYWHERE. Also, loudness wars aside, your track should be at least hitting zero, no questions asked.
  7. Use FL-Studio. It practically opens itself. ;D
  8. Oh you and pictures of stuff you wouldn't usually share about on the internet.
  9. Call with someone else's phone.
  10. You forgot me, bitch.
  11. The thing I liked about the R&C forum is the fact it mostly ISN'T for projects. I mean, didn't Willrock get a paid commission from there?
  12. Brilliant, am currently taking a Video Game Music unit and this'll look ACE in my bibliography.
  13. The first one is good because a kick track is highlighted, the second one is bad because a loop track is highlighted. Don't you dare highlight loops. Science.
  14. Life isn't fair, but honestly, this is true. People just stop hitting up the WIPs with predictable sources. You may have the best damn Ice Cap remix ever but it'll just get ignored on the WIP forums for being "another Ice Cap remix". You can argue the hell out of this all you want, it's just what happens.
  15. If there's no Atari 2600-tan I'm not getting it.
  17. Pretty sure you posted in the wrong thread, so I'll refrain from my facepalm. Saves me a few brain cells.
  18. Yeah, I do a similar thing for more live pieces; each section of the song is one pattern, thus having a diagonal string of patterns going downwards. Whilst people might think that's completely pointless, it does end up being easier to see where different sections are (with less clutter than Logic or Cubase) and also to copy and change them individually. I'm glad the option of blocks is still included, Neblix needlessly worried me. ;D
  19. I've actually got dibs on 'em all, sorry. Look it up. It's true life law and everything.
  20. EXACTLY what came to my mind. I discriminate against right handed people.
  21. BIRTHDAY OFF!!! http://www.mediafire.com/?97cgc492277kb51 No seriously, I came up with that idea and before posting I decided to browse back. I hate you Willrock, you ruined my lovely surprise. 'ppy berfsdais mr mcdonulds n hav a gud new yeer.
  22. Beautiful- excellent chords, the way you use that bebop "chord per note" effect is brilliant. Love it, you're awesome. Post more stuff.
  23. If anything, I think this thread has shown us that we'd all be interested in a thread on circles.
  24. There is nothing wrong with short songs. Short songs are the best. I love short songs. Brilliant short songs. It just means you're not compensating for a lack of anything.
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