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Everything posted by PROTO·DOME

  1. I OWE YOU ONE. Thanks man, so very very much!!!!! You are awesome.

  2. Erm, some bits sound really nice, some bits sound... kinda wrong. Tindeck doesn't have timecodes, but I think it's obvious where I mean.

  4. What's a dated meme between friends anyway?
  5. That sounds like a brilliant soundfont, why not try using that timbre difference to make a much more human sound? The sequencing is crazy stiff and you've obviously got the velocity (notice I didn't say volume) way up because each note sounds like the keyboard is being slammed down. Perhaps reign in some of your note starting times, vary the note velocities and generally try to trick us into believing this wasn't sequenced. It takes practice, best thing to do is have a play about on a piano yourself and see what it does/how it sounds. Some good chord sequences in there, some questionable chords in places however.
  6. I'm so fucking sick of this story. I'm so sick of the OMG ITS HALK NOT WAT UR HALSEA LOL WAT, fad. It's not cool guys, now I'm tired of it. Look what you've driven me to. Look!!! I'm a shell of my former self, and I blame you all for it. lol halk. EDIT- Haha, that was my doing. Ignore cththththththulu, it's hal-sea. And yeah, the kana is harushiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii- pahaha, I dunno, I thought it sounded better with the long vowel sound. Please correct me if I'm wrong, my Japanese is bloody awful DOMOARIGATODOZOYOROSHIKUDESUNE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
  7. Mixes that don't pass 2:00 minutes. So what? I have premature song endings, that doesn't stop me from living a healthy, creative musician life! I'm a fucking joke...
  8. As a graphic designer, yeah, I agree. I dislike the whole corporate branding, however it's one of those things you've just gotta man-up and deal with. Pretzel obviously digs it and the whole thing is his brain child, so his word kinda goes. It's functional and works. Couple that with the fact the logo/font/name has existed for so long, it becomes awkward to change. People hate change, it confuses and scares them. If anyone ever wants my advice I'd be happy to give it, but really, it is fine the way it is right now. ----------- Also, Mirby, your game looks the lame. Yeah, I said it. Prove me wrong.
  9. I want to believe you, really I do. Your cousin has like MIDI perfect timing with perfect and equal note cutoffs. Coupled with the fact he deliberately made his guitar sound like the fakest Slayer preset and played it all with exactly the same velocity. :/
  10. Cool. Got that in mind. ;D

  11. Oh man, such clean production, how did I even miss this one from you? It's bloody fantastic. That intro synth is awesome, it like arps as the sequence rises... Intense.
  12. Oh, not the fact that he doesn't meet his own requirements for his own project? Imma just messin wit ja mayne.
  13. Okay, I challenge you to make a remix of using ONLY your neighbour's vocals saying "I love ProtoDome" over and over.I double dare you.
  14. *deep intake of breath* But it's not England is it?
  15. But isn't it Kirby: Power Paintbrush? But isn't it Touch! Kirby? But isn't it CURSED CANVAS?!? BUT ISN'T IT KIRBY AND THE AMAZING MIRROR?!?! WHO IS RIGHT?!?!?!?!?!?!
  16. Hahaha, yep. This is much much better. Personally, I'd like a little more on the high end EQ-wise, but it's all down to taste. I really love this arrangement you know (apart from the abrupt ending, but meh, you're not planning on changing it), you Subbing this? Pretty sure it would pass. Damn, I've gotta cover the Moon theme now, I'm all inspired. ;D
  17. Wow... Kind of like a DS with added cardboard playschool book support. This console is AWESOME.
  18. Enjoyed the film a surprising amount actually, really well voice-acted, animated and the music was pretty sweet. Can't help you out either, just wanted to say, it was good stuff!!!
  19. No, problem not solved. That's not good practice man. You want your track to be hitting at least 0 dB, in other words, normalising. I guess you could just go ahead and ignore the noise and low volume, but I would've thought you'd like to polish off your tracks with industry-standard production rather than leaving it sounding ameturish. Also Nase had a good point there, some stereo between the two extremities of the keyboard would be nice.
  20. I just think it's good practice to use a limiter on everything that's all. And an EQ, but that's beside the point. Also. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BelligerentSexualTension
  21. Screw off IBBABABABABULBABASAUR. It was an objectively bad point and you know it. InB4 thred lok lol
  22. I'd be up for that. Just sayin'. I don't wanna seem like overly keen on this thread because that's like super unhip and stuff.
  23. Perhaps you're doin' it wrong? I mean, compressors are good for limiting. Limiting is a pretty neat way of getting decent loudness without clipping. Compressors =/= Mmmtss Mmmtss. Heck, trad jazz is better with compressors.
  24. :OOOOOO Oh my god man, beautiful. Bloody excellent use of chords; the sus4 near the beginning was inspired. I am in love with those chords. What was that replacement for the minor 4? It was SO GOOD! In complete contrast to your wonderful arrangement and playing, the quality was terrible. Nowhere near loud enough either. You know, you could always hit me up with a MIDI or something and we could get it sub'able. ;D
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