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Everything posted by PROTO·DOME

  1. It's wierd how perfectly this genre fits the source. I really like this, especially when it kicks into the next section. ^___^ It's gotta be nearly done hasn't it? I likey.
  2. Okay, it's been a good month and a bit since I've written anything and a few months since I've written anything in this style, but it's good to be back. Basically, I had to wait around a bit today and this is the product of three hours waiting in the library and a little bit of pre-bedtime work. ^o^ Anyhow, just wanna know what you guys think- lemme know how you find the levels too- they seem a little odd this end. Here's the link! Enjoy. V.4: *final* http://www.mediafire.com/?zllzdzzot5n ~Proto
  3. *wide smile* I like this. You're lucky, you've caught me in a "I love Pheonix Wright" mood and so I approve of this. I like the variation from the original melody too- it's all pretty cool. Guitar is a lil' loud compared to everything else- but the soloing is, once again, kickass. For me the highlight is when the drums kick in at :37- also those background synths that come in a little later are so Willrock. You're in love with sounds of the 80's huh? ^____^ Can't say much until the ending isn't just *songsongsongson- ... * so I look forward to an update.
  4. You win again Halc. Have been a fan of this since the WIP forum- I liked it before it was cool.
  5. *nods* Uh huh, hence why I'm never gunna be able to get an entry in for this. Urgh, uni's hard. Sorry guys, next month perhaps.
  6. Naw he's fine. He takes breaks when you're not looking.

  7. I feel all special and wanted. ^o^
  8. Sorry kiddo, no can do. The project leader may have to kill me if I do. ^o^ But very flattered you like it!
  9. Yaya! And on another note- I keep forgetting to post those 8-bit VSTI's... Don't worry Krow and the gang, I will get round to it.
  10. This guy likes watches so much he posted four lists of 'em. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=30684
  11. Okay, I've just started my music tech course at uni and I need some decent headphones. I would just go online and google for prices but I'm more concerned about the sound I'll get from 'em. I wasn't allowed to try any 'phones on in the stores as it was against health and saftey, or whatever, so I was just buying by the name and price. I need to know from someone who's using a decent pair and could reccomend some; any particular brand/model? Basically, I need some fairly decent headphones for around £100 (or $160) but they've gotta be good range/levels for mixing. I know the price is low, but that's my budget. (Oh and don't just google and see what's around that price because it's pointless if you don't know what they're like, I could've done that in the first place. ^o^)
  12. Hahahahahahahaha! Oh dear! I was on the wrong page when I looked at that- hence my confusion. Oh wow, I'm such a nub.
  13. Hrrrm... I don't recongise you... As for piano songs... Verdanturf on R/S/E- that would be a cool track in piano. ^o^
  14. That song "Dancing in the Moonlight"- or whatever it's called- reminds me of Sonic. I have one of those radio alarm clocks and fell back asleep to that song; for some reason I had a dream Sonic was stuck up a tree looking for his sneakers. True story.
  15. That's it. I'm convinced. I will enter.
  16. I'm a sequencer; I'd LOVE to be able to play keyboard but, sadly, I cannot. I use FLstudio and as for the sounds... Hrm, I'll collect up a bunch of URLs of where I got them and PM you, if y'like? Oh and thanks. ^o^
  17. My point exactly. I find that both men and women are portrayed unrealistically in games. It's not just the women, the male characters can be just as linier and shallow. There are exceptions though- look at Oblivion. Yes, there was some stereotyping in it- but it really didn't matter in that game who was male or female. Both looked like boring, kinda ugly people who'd either kill you, or you'd kill without much care what gender they were. Okay, this is a bad example as none of them actually had much personality, but it's a start. Metroid does a similar thing; it really doesn't matter what gender Samus is, it makes no difference to the game, storyline, atmosphere or character (ignoring the obvious "Zero Suit" and that crap). It's not so much liberation of a certain gender that people should worry about, more an equality between them as characters and as people. It would be nice to see more games with a character that doesn't have their personality dictated by their gender. So I'm going to have to go for A. Stereotypical. (I've got some bad examples, I'm tired. I know there are many games out there that take a more modern standpoint, however not enough.)
  18. May sound silly... But I would. Hahahahahaha! Oh gosh I love tea.
  19. Nawww, those questions weren't stupid- took me ages to work out the channel thing in FL (which was silly of me because I always knew the drum channel in MIDI was 10). Also~ you're english too! Hurray!
  20. Ah! Yes! The dums! A tricky thing indeed! Set the drum track to "channel 10" on the little plug-in window thing and export! Yay! (And no, Gario isn't joking- this compo is harsh when you win.)
  21. Steeeeevo... Can I collab with you? I want a guitar part for mine...
  22. Oh nice! This is out!? I've been listening to the WIP of this for ages and ages! Awesome! Love the track; there's just an awesome vibe from the kinda ambient/dnb styles and it all meshes really well. Cool use of Lo-Fi too.
  23. Nah, no pressure at all! Just write a normal song in FL, replace all the instruments with "MIDI out" and then select the instrument you want in the plug-in pop-up menu thing; that's how I do it. Yeah, PM Doulife- soonish- before next month preferably. Don't worry! And I prefer "newb" for this circumstance. N00b is more an insult than anything.
  24. Well done Jerry!!!! W00t! Nice! Looking forward to your source next month! It will be awesome I'm sure. Oh and Gario- yay! I rule this time! Not Will! No! It was Gario! What's with the name swapping this thread?! Heh heh.
  25. I love 1:28... This is freakin' awesome. Good luck with the judges when you do sub WILLL!!!!
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