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Everything posted by PROTO·DOME

  1. Perhaps. Although if he dies everyone will know who did it- I'd have failed as Kira and I don't wanna give L that pleasure.
  2. This. I've learned more on OCR this year than I've learnt in music lessons my whole life; I'd still be writing MIDIs if it wasn't for the OCR community. I've only been writing music for about a year and thanks to the feedback on the WIP forum, my confidence and skill with mixing, mastering and production went from nothing to where I am today. In fact, I wouldn't even be doing music at uni if it wasn't for OCR, so I guess it really has changed my life huh...?
  3. Yes! A free foot wash! A foot massage too perhaps? That would be good, it's been a hard day. Oh yeah, take care too, remember to stick with a friend and never leave your beverage unattended. Yes you are correct. It's now an IM. In before angry mod. (We should really get back to the point of the thread.)
  4. Nooo!!! Will! Where are you going?! Back to Uni perhaps?! Who will I make Death Note references with?!
  5. Although the fact we posted all that is inadvertently ruining it all over again.
  6. Hey! I liked my title... Oh and Brushfire, Donphan, nice choice. By far the best ground type in the second generation, I had one on my team!
  7. It's been avalible for download for a while... But ROMs are bad, support Fifth Cell kids! I'm going to buy it when it FINALLY comes out in Europe though. Developers like this need to make more games, I mean, even though Drawn to Life was less than good, it had promise; it was fun for a while. Scribblenauts is admittedly awesome though.
  8. Chiptune = Always good. Freakin' awesome stuff as usual. Like the title, made me laugh.
  9. Gario commented! It's not all bad!
  10. You think my name is Blake Troise?! Mwahahaha! Good luck trying to kill me with that! Also- this thread is about Will's album- it's good as he said. ***** Five stars.
  11. Oh? Yeah? *draws pen and Death Note* Now- your first name please...?
  12. *turns to what appears to be thin air* Hear that Ryuk- we've got him this time. Yuk Yuk Yuk.
  13. Too late L... Too late...
  14. Hrm, does this go in workshop? Anyway, I've been looking about for an internal recorder- one that I can just click a button and it'll record directly from my sound drivers. I've had no luck so far... Anyone know any good, free ones? Thanks in advance! ^o^
  15. I dunno. Will's definitely got his own style- but I don't condemn that in any way- it's awesome. When you see a Willrock mix you know what you're gunna get- awesome guitar-style synth soloing that will get sick as the solo progresses.
  16. Yeah, actually I just edited my original post in the end. Sorry... It was initially a good plan, but I didn't wanna fill up this thread with junk- exactly like I'm doing now.
  17. I am obligated to check this out and listen through it ALL. Every last second. I shall. Then I will proceed to post my thoughts. EDIT- Oh wait. I've actually heard a lot of this stuff before! Well, gives me a chance to download the tracks I only heard on YouTube! Consistantly awesome stuff Will- especially the Knux Chaotix one.
  18. Schwaltzvald you are awesome. Seriously. I have to say thanks.
  19. Oh wow, this is awesome. The glitchy thing is just kick-ass. I was waiting for a Vectorman remix actually, love it. Going straight to the top of my playlist. ^o^ (Must've caught this as it was posted!)
  20. Haaaaapppiiibirththththday!
  21. Wow?! Really? That's one heck of along time! I didn't even like music eight years ago let alone have a DAW! And Jabond, you'll be fine- at least it exports to MIDI! ^o^ Takes about six months or so to get good with it, and a year to know the program pretty much inside out.
  22. And I really can't argue with you there Gario, you're right. I really dig the whole tonic pedal thing, it's annoying me that I didn't point that out earlier- a heck loada my stuff does that. Perhaps laziness? If we're working under one key essentially then the melodic line can remain simple and doesn't have to deviate anywhere when the 'chords change'. And anyway, I do change chords, if you noticed the other two chords that resolve back to the root. ¬__¬ But yeah, looks as if you've gotta remix now... *whistles*
  23. This surprised me- awesome chord replacements, really good stuff, tight soloing too. I guess it may be a little too close to the source perhaps, naw, I don't think so. Is that a I-I7-IV-iv chord sequence 2:31?! You win, that's one of my favorite chord sequences. Wait- you use the minor fourth a lot to end the main chord sequence too. That's ALWAYS good IMO. I like this song. Ending's not so great though.
  24. Heck, if no one's claimed the Wind Waker Great Sea track I will. I love that song, best Zelda track IMO. This is a pretty wierd project... Sounds cool!
  25. Ah well, I'm sure there'll be something. Lame. In fact, I'd never heard of your DAW until you told me you were using it.

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