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Everything posted by PROTO·DOME

  1. *Nods* It's my fault too but I just wanna pass the blame on someone else and clear my conscience. Heheheh

  2. Stttteeeevvvooo, Pooookéééémaaannnzzzz.

  3. Hrmm... I dunno then. All you want to do is export the sequenced stuff you write in your DAW as a MIDI. If you're sequencing using VSTs then you're probably dealing with MIDI values and stuff. If I find anything I'll let you know. Perhaps post a thread about it?

  4. Waaaay too much clipping on the Piano thing. You should compress that or something. You use a LOT of FL presets here. That pad at the start is called 'LightWaves' if I'm not mistaken? I'm not too sure how the judges will deal with that... You'd have a nice track here if the instruments weren't so dominating... Here's what I'd do. I'd find youself a nice piano soundfont and soften it a bit, FL Keys (or sitrus or whatever you're using) just isn't doing it for me. Perhaps distort and wetten the drums a little and stereo seperate the pad in the background. I'm really thinking you could give a nice mellow groove to this- it matches the game perfectly. Compositionally it's pretty good it's just the production needs some work IMO. (Oh and more variation on the drums, one loop isn't going to cut it ^o^)
  5. I actually posted a reply on my own page. Heck, I have a self visitor message now. Yay.

  6. This too. ^o^ Happy birthday!!
  7. Yeah, I guess so, however the bassline isn't that straight forward- but for simplicity’s sake that's a yes. I wasn't too sure how many people understood the numerals- but that's cool, you're right I-V-v-IV but there's a bunch of nineths and sixths in various places too. ^o^ And hey! I like my piece only having four chords!!! EDIT- You'll find that there's a chromatic note decending but not really in the bass. I'll give a break down in C major: We have a C chord which then goes to a G. The chromaticism is in the first note of C to the third in G. We get the third flattened in Gminor and decends again to the third in F. Meaning we get a run of C, B, Bb, A. Whilst I do utilise this in the bassline (perhaps- I can't remember) the chromaticism is more implied through the harmonies. I dunno if you've noticed but I tend to do this a lot in my chord sequences. A big favorite of mine is C, Gminor, F, Fminor. There's no chromaticism between the C and the Gminor, but from then on it works under the same principle, a decending third.
  8. Most definitely. Tell me if you get anything and if it works!

  9. Is that why I've frequently found the mysterious [X] (picture missing) mascot?
  10. I'm sure there's a MIDI-Out VST. That's what FL has. It's basically what you're doing already but it exports as MIDI. You'll be fine if you ever win- truuust me. And ah, I see.

  11. Yeah, you write your own MIDI files for the ORC (hence why mine was better in FL!!) Hey, your mixes pretty damn sweet as I recall- how do you write music then? Is it all live recordings?!

  12. Very nice, didn't really notice the compression thingy this time- nor clipping. Well done. Awesome stuff again Will! Good luck on subbing this. Judges will hopefully love.
  13. Awww! C'mon man! You did an awesome theoretical break-down for "Who am I"!
  14. 1-5-minor5-4 actually. But yes! You win! Correct! *cheering* Yay! Go Garrrriiio!
  15. Ooh! Thanks! ^o^ Being honest, it was nothing special- just good ol' FL's pitchy sliding thingeh. On a side note I'm calling this finished. I toned down the highs to make it a little more friendly to the ear however I just don't have the time or energy to work on extending it, sorry. I'll still make any other changes if you think they're needed, but if not, enjoy! (The first link is updated)
  16. But it was better in FL! Stupid Loopyfruits changing all the velocities when it rendered. Silly program. However I do love it to pieces. ^o^
  17. Yeah, I know, the fade-out was a bit of a copout. Perhaps a little laziness my end... Heh. Anyway, thanks very much all you guys for the comments! Much appriciated! ^o^ Glad you're enjoying it! EDIT- Oh and thanks Larry, if you catch mah drift ^o^
  18. That's it! ^o^ Thank you so much for these by the way- they have been put to good use! Actually, I've used them in my Pokémon mix too! Just wanna say thanks again, you're completely awesome!
  19. Hey, what the hell, here's a shameless post of my Overworld Mix if anyone wants to criticize it. Would be much appriciated. ^o^ Just wanna say the project's coming along nicely guys.
  20. Urgh! I should check my evidence before making random accusations...
  21. Exactly. I don't fuss over it- infact I'm not sure I use any real rules when writing music- you just do what sounds good. If you're writing a Bach corale then parallel fifths is like a sin- otherwise just chill and ignore them.
  22. Awesome. The ending was freakin' sweet. Going on my playlist- nice stuff.
  23. Love it. Really nice realism on the velocites and playing in general. Lots of reverb on solo piano = good. Cool stuff.
  24. Have a look at this: http://virtualturntable.fourstones.net/free-vst-soundfont-player However if you're gunna join the cool crowd and start doing more electronic stuff you really should get some form of DAW- it's just easier for music production in general. (But you probably knew that) But then everyone else would try and replicate what was in that DAW that wasn't in another. I'm sure each DAW tries to be unique but it's- hold on! Why am I talking about all this other stuff in my own WIP thread?!
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