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Everything posted by 42

  1. eh, I don't really like how there isn't much of an intro; it's like "Wham!" then music. It's also too "white noise"-y for me. It's does have an interesting techno beat to it though. It improves on the original but doesn't expand on it, which is one of the negative aspects of this mix.
  2. I like how the two themes are essentially braided together. The remix plays out like one of the myriad water levels in the Sonic Genesis games: Sonic starts out running out on the water with a perfect blend of the Hydrocity and Metropolis themes. At 0:36, Sonic sinks and the Hydrocity theme starts. Sonic at 1:06 bursts to the surface and the Metropolis theme starts. Sonic goes underwater at 2:05, and it's Hydrocity again. Then from 2:34 to the end, it's the end of the level. Definitely a must download.
  3. This is, well, a weird remix to listen to. It starts off with a simple melody then splits off into into faded/fuzzy background music while the melody continues slightly dampened. It's like you're at one end of a very incredibly long hallway and a few members of a classical string quartet are at the opposite end practicing while a "boogie woogie" band plays on your end of the hallway with a xylophone player coming in towards the end. At least, that's the image I get while listening to this mix.
  4. I don't think the vocal samples really fit in here, especially the "Thanks for playing" at the end, but then again I'm not really familiar with the source. I agree with previous sentiments that this would be fine for background music, the vocal samples especially pull this remix in that direction, and that there could have been more to this remix.
  5. It's an interesting remix. The vocal samples really add flavor and setting and make it unique. The remix is somewhat repetitive, but it just feels appropriate somehow for background music of the lunar surface. If you like to read/study while listening to music though, I wouldn't recommend this remix though; the vocals would be too distracting. "Whadda ya mean invalid parameters?!? 9000 gigs of ram, and it can't answer a simple question." That made me lol
  6. I can't believe no one has mentioned Okami yet.
  7. For some reason, this remix reminds me of that one episode of Loony Toons where Daffy Duck was Duck Twacy. Don't know why I guess it's got a good gumshoe beat. This is one of my favorite remixes and keeps me wanting more. I agree with previous sentiments about how this should have been longer. If anything there should be a sequel or something to this remix. The bit starting at 0:23, which is after the "Damn good coffee", is my favorite. Even if you know the coffee part is coming, afterward you're left with a feeling of "wait... what the heck" and the remix continues on like it never happened. This is a definitely must download.
  8. I took it. I know how you feel.
  9. It all makes sense now
  10. This project doesn't have an official title yet? When I first saw this, I thought of something along the lines of: Donkey Kong Country 2: Barrels and Bananas Ultimately, it's just a suggestion.
  11. It's nice to know that I can be a positive influence.
  12. What is the difference between the album projects in the WIP forum, such as the Final Fantasy 4 project, and the ones in the Projects forums, such as Summoning of Spirits and Around the World? Thanks.
  13. Umm... maybe? What was the question?
  14. Hi. I'm new-ish here, but I'm a longtime fan of ocremix. I've always liked video game soundtracks in general, but one day I just happened to trip over this site a couple of years ago and am just now participating in the forums.
  15. That would be awesome if you did make a bonus cd.
  16. Thanks for posting all these; I like all kinds of jazz, so this is awesome. If only there were a whole album dedicated to jazz remixes...
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