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Everything posted by 42

  1. This mix is smooth, subtle, coldly industrial, and very espionage-like. It evokes images of cold war era Soviet spies, which is very appropriate considering the game The introduction reminds me of a factory theme, sorta, and then at 0:20, the two spies in the room become aware of each other and their deadly game of cat and mouse begins. I like it; it feels whoally contained and polished.
  2. The title says "Hard Core", but it doesn't really strike me as much. The drums are too repetitive and dominate the track. There isn't enough variation to make it interesting.
  3. Congratulations!
  4. Interesting... its basically techno-rock. It's so strange and electronic. Very space age worthy Ultimately, there isn't really too much about this mix that stands out to me. It just is what it is.
  5. There's also less than a page of remixes that haven't been reviewed since 05.
  6. The intro comes off strong, fast, and furious, and so is the rest of the song. The ending was kind of weird. One would think such an explosive song would go out with a bang instead of just fading out. Fast, peppy, interesting, changing. Not exactly one of my favorites, but it is a great mix worth checking out.
  7. Interesting start. I get the impression of two wandering bards about to tell a story, and then at 0:46 they go slightly techno Deep, dark, serious, contemplative. Very nice. Beautifully awesome mix. But my only complaint is the ending; it's cut too short.
  8. I like the intro, nice start. The quote is great and really sets the tone. Very light and quick paced, which is nice. It is repetitive, but I guess that just comes with the territory of being a rave song. Of the three Wizards and Warriors remixes that I've reviewed so far, this is the best yet.
  9. There's not really enough going on here, imho. and it's pretty repetitive. More could have been done with it, but ... well, it's O.K. More or less...
  10. Dungeon -y and Medieval -y. It sounds to me like every stereotypical Medieval song I've heard redone in techno. I just wish the piano at 2:38 had been playing the entire song. I think that there's too much going on in this mix, but it keeps it interesting. Not one of my personal favorites though.
  11. "Dire metal" are words that come to my mind when I listen to this. This remix is a little to frantic for my tastes, but it feels like a highly appropriate mix for when an army of abominations from the netherworld are wanting to eat your face.
  12. I like the intro. It's got a nice, gritty, urban, abandon factory, suspenseful, back alley, industrialist feel to it. A great anthem for when you're on a monster hunt and expect to be ambushed around every corner.
  13. The intro is too abrupt. The melody really takes a backseat on this one, which is really This had a lot of potential, but couldn't quite make it. It's ok, but... Well, the latter half is better than the first half, but It's just not for me.
  14. Groovy, Catchy, Funky, Nice, D. All of the above. I especially like the intro. It's fun, interesting, and one of those songs you'd think you'd get stuck in your head but don't. A very nice track.
  15. I agree with that it is too short, for one. For me, the driving synths in the background seem really out of place here. It seems like it is trying to be techno and easy listening at the same time, which is is a little strange. But it is an interesting track nonetheless. It keeps reminding me of Final Fantasy for some reason.
  16. Pretty standard dance floor techno. I'm not familiar with the game, but the track sounds like Shoot em up background music The main melody seems overshadowed by the rest, though. A nice track, but ultimately it doesn't really set itself apart from the crowd.
  17. yeah, I was wondering what pokemon had to do with cave story, but now I understand.
  18. I don't get it... also WiiWare World has a bunch of stuff on Cave Story for all those interested.
  19. Yes, this sounds like every DDR song I've ever heard with some vocal samples in. Well, I haven't heard every DDR song, but what I have heard is very similar to this. Normally, I'd want the vocal samples in a remix to help create a sense of place/flavor/setting, and they don't really do much for this track.
  20. o.0 umm... yeah, I can sorta see where this was going, like a band warming up before a performance. I don't really care for this remix, especially the intro "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRG". It could have been better if they just fleshed out the band warming up idea.
  21. I can almost see snowflakes falling when I listen to this. The first part reminds me so much of a modern revisioning of The Christmas Song by Bing Crosby. Especially that "falling" bells motif throughout the first part. Ultimately, a very nice remix.
  22. When I first listened to this, it was like Manheim Steamroller covering Tetris. It's not an exact match to them, but the resemblance is like "...whoa..." The only thing about this mix is the tempo is too slow, but other than that, cool remix.
  23. The intro is a little to slow to build up; it takes 1:16 before it really "gets going". Even then, the main melody is pretty overshadowed by the everything else, which is fairly repetitive. It does have a nice urban/techno beat and has potential, but in the end, it wasn't fully exercised. Yeah, it's basically like a vocal-less rap song, which is weird.
  24. Yay, seal! The Seal ... of Desstiny. I've been reviewing some, but I haven't officially joined the cause, so to speak. Currently I've got Finals this week which is like Next week, I'll definitely have some more free time for reviewing.
  25. This reminds me of something from one of the levels of Crash Bandicoot Warped. The drum solo intro is cool and a great way to start, and I like the Asian groove permeating throughout the mix. Of course, I agree with and echo what everyone else has said about the drums, which are awesome. Not one of my favorites but still very nice.
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