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Everything posted by sefirosu

  1. I definitely agree with all of this.
  2. YES! (again with the damn 10char min.)
  3. I'm with swordbreaker on this one, man, Scandinavian Nu-Metal Vegetarian Progressive Grindcore is better than the Korean counterpart.
  4. Agreed. Agreed. Damn it Gollgagh beat me to it.
  5. Thanks Shariq. It works fine now so you can close this.
  6. Terrible way to go, iyam.
  7. Hello Site issues(&feedback) thread! I've got a problem... I'm trying to set the "New Posts" page as my browser's home page so when I get on, I see new posts (I use IE8, btw) However, I noticed the exact url changes periodically (specifically the very end of it) and that makes it impossible to do what i'm attempting. It gives me a screen that says "VBulletin message: Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms." Is there anything I can do to make this work? Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
  8. Really? I know some guys made a real guitar into a GH controller by connecting it to a regular wireless controller. I think it was on youtube posted by a user with a name of something like HouseHoldHacks. ... and it made me smile.
  9. Woah, wait, what? I havent left any feedback on this album yet? OK, well here it is: Love it. Even the songs I don't care for as much make this album special and therefore, I love them all. Good job and nice work to all the ReMixers who contributed to this awesome project.
  10. Add me to that list also. Okay, so, I used to like it... Wayyyy back in the day. Somewhere around the time I used to play it at my friend's house and right before I spent (read: wasted) my money to actually buy the damn thing. Then it got real old, real fast.
  11. Good idea. Let Mr. Uematsu have the song, 'cause Sephiroth would own hands-down. Masamune and the power of Jenova FTW.
  12. I hear it in the first 10 notes. The similarity is there but what if, as a previous poster mentioned, it's just coincidence ("with only 12 tones, some music is going to end up sounding alike") or what if Mr. Uematsu used that particular chord progression to base this music. Maybe he grew up a fan of Schubert's work and wanted to incorporate some of that into his own work. Who knows?
  13. Nah, Dr. House would make your friend drink your pee and drill a hole in your skull. Then you'd find out it was all because of a broken bone that didn't heal right. kidding: Take a vicodin and call him in the morning. /kidding Kizyr is right about the non-caffeinated tea. Caffeine is a stimulant and that'll just make a sore throat worse. According to my doctor and two nurses.
  14. Try reading the next few words. "[...] just for playing and critically reviewing video games" Now if it was construction work or something strenuous that's a different story but playing video games and making money doing... I'd take whatever pay they give me! Couldn't've said it better myself!
  15. I hear Professional VG testers get payed some good money just for playing and critically reviewing Video Games. Sounds like a dream-job to me! And I agree with Thalzon's quote- "Do what you love for a living and you'll never work a day in your life."
  16. Very kick-ass there, Fishy. Maybe you should finish it or send what you have to someone and make it a collab. What you have sounds great and maybe a bit of time would render an awesome remix.
  17. Yeah, it plays there, also. But more memorably while climbing the wire of hope. Gives you the "Lets go kick some ass and get our revenge" feeling.
  18. Best. Post. Ever. I second this. Also, will the rate change, once finallized, affect the entire nation or just certain areas?
  19. Your mission, to fully remix a runescape tune. To be "fucking epic." To boldy go where no OCRemixer has gone before! (Cue: some remixed "Star Trek: TNG" Theme music... If only I could find some.)
  20. If someone could do a remix to this, that would be awesome. Its the song that plays while you climb the "Golden Wire of Hope" to get to Shinra HQ and during the Fort Condor battles, I think. I don't know what could be done to remix this but it's one of the few songs that haven't been remixed from FFVII yet so I thought I'd request it. Thanks in advance!
  21. FR: I think they're talking about the front sight on the gun, not the ammo.
  22. He looks a bit like Gene Wilder. Guess that. If not, find out what movie that was taken from and guess that or the character name. Just putting it out there.
  23. Okay, I now see that the name is at the top of the screen and on the tab. However, Someone with a slow internet connection might not want to open a new tab or otherwise navagate to another page because of the whole slow-ass internet or slow-ass computer issues. And, assuming someone doesn't read this thread, they might not notice the name at the top of the screen (like me) and think they have to read the first part of the bio to find a name. I understand that even if the name would appear on mouse-over, people would be just as or more curious about the character anyway, but if someone only wants the name, why not?
  24. Here's a thought... I'm not sure if this was mentioned before, or not, but would it be possible to have the name of the "mascot" show up on mouse-over? Just a thought from someone who may not have time/patience to read a whole bio on the character but is still curious to what their name is.
  25. Orange Pylon: How do you get that theme to work? Also, how do you get those icons mentioned on the site? I'm having trouble setting it up for that.
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