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Everything posted by sefirosu

  1. Other than two chicks at the same time? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Seriously, my resolutions for this year completely fell through. I wanted to NOT get behind with my studies... that didn't work out too well. I wanted to get a private music teacher... again, didn't happen. ---------------- This new year, my resolutions will include finishing the website for the Lake Murray Symphony Orchestra (LMSO), playing with said Orchestra, and walking/running and just generally exercising more.
  2. Happy B-Day OCR! I guess this is the place to tell my story, right? Well, I joined the forums just over a year ago but had been listening to ReMixes for about a year before that. The FFVII album is what brought me to the site, I found it on some other website, the name thereof escapes me at this point, whilst looking for guitar tabs to some of the music... Namely Vincent's theme and the Cosmo Canyon theme... and thought it would be interesting to hear re-interpretations of some classic VGM. So, I finally joined, posted a couple of reviews, posted in the newbies thread, had a sig made, joined the second Off-Top wolf game and posted a few more reviews. Well, from there things have definately died down on my posting and overall activity on the forums. With OCAD going now, I have a good excuse to spread the site to my friends again and a better reason to at least watch the forums from time to time. Hopefully the site stays around long enough for me to at least sub a ReMix. Even if I never get posted... Well, as was said previously, NICE WORK to djp and the other members of the site staff, and Nice (10th) Birthday to OverClocked ReMix, may there be many more to come!
  3. The song is very beautiful and the story, touching. I listened to the song first, it brought a tear to my eye, then I read the story behind it and just... wow. Well done, sir!
  4. So, I figured I just drop in and tell you guys that I started listening today and I like them thus far. Great show, keep making them and I'll keep listening to them. I would like to make a sugestion, if you don't mind. How about a fan/listener feedback every x number of episodes? Either you call the listeners and get their feedback and stuff, or read the reviews from elsewhere. Keep it going, guys, and consider me a fan!
  5. FEEDBACK AND THE LIKES: I'm not liking the snare in Cid's theme, it seems to be overpowering the rest of the instruments. And the rolls in the "B theme" seem cut short. To me, at least, the snare rolls should move into the following beat. It almost sounds... robotic. And, as previously mentioned, there is a lack of dynamics. I think it, like any song, should "go somewhere" as they like to say. Maybe you should have a build into the "B theme" and diminuendo back into the "A theme" or something to that effect, instead of just subito dynamics. Maybe it just needs swells and flow through the whole piece. I mean,even though it is a march, its still music, it still needs dynamics and motion and flow. Hope this helps.
  6. I want to get a ReMix subbed, even if it doesn't get posted... I've had one in progress for the past year and I think I'll finish it some time next year. I also plan to learn how to play the viola. And, of course, continue listening to music (the day I stop is the day I die).
  7. The source tune is "It's Difficult to Stand on Both Feet, Isn't It?" It is the song heard on the cargo ship from Junion to Costa del Sol.
  8. Thanks for the suggestions, you two. I've got one of the internet radio channels going ("The Trance Channel"... go figure). I'm writing down artist names mostly, I'll look to buy some of their tracks if I can find them. Again, thanks! Edit: @Baha: bLiNd's remix (I believe he collab-ed with leifo) "Fading Entity" was put in my trance playlist first.
  9. I'm looking to find some songs (ReMixes, Remixes, originals, doesn't matter) similar to Filo and Peri's "Ashley (First State Remix)" Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQUDCpCpYgM What I'm looking for is some good, clean, trance/club music with some good strings and/or piano in there, vocals (or lack thereof) are not an issue. Thanks in advance.
  10. I second the podcast idea. Srsly, people calling in (live or pre-recorded) to share their OCReMix discovery stories would be pretty neat.
  11. FFVII: Advent Children (that's all I got)
  12. Well, overall, nice work on this memorable piece. I think the intro sounded a little clunky (i.e: not well thought-out/put together). At 1.07-1.14 and at 2.06-2.10, I can almost swear that I can hear 'Wutai' in the upper strings. Intentional or not, it made for a good surprise. The use of a Grand Pause (circa-0.20) was very dramatic. But, because of its use at the beginning, the end left me wanting (read: expecting) more. As I said, nice work overall and I truly hope you make more mixes like this, but with some length to them.
  13. I was ripped to shreds. This is being typed by the shreded, barely living body of sefirosu. I couldn't have said it better myself, Geoff. tefnek, if you read this, I love you for melting my face with your awesome skillz.
  14. Agreed 10cas
  15. x4 (one for each thread) (inb4coopz) happiest of birthdays to you all!!
  16. W is for World of Warcraft I'm actually surprized at the sucess of this thread, way to go newbie!
  17. Z is for Zelda: Twilight Princess
  18. "The 90s aren't important." Not once do we get an idea of what that huge metal/glass ball does (except take up space. and look cool) "The wealthier you are, the less expensive it will seem."
  19. Being a big fan of Jazz music since watching "Swing Kids"... Brilliantly done. That Baritone line is very cool, gets the whole groove going from the start. The ending (Victory) was a little over-repeated but still awesome. I never, ever thought the source(s) would ever be interpreted in a jazzy manner but it was a very good performance. 5/5
  20. Aye, that would make a terrible first impression... not a good thing. Put me down as possible for now. Raleigh isn't much more than a two, two-and-a-half hour drive from where I am in SC. Also, LuckyXIII, your idea of win in a meal is astonishingly similar to mine.
  21. His "North Cave" remix right? What was it a cover of, does anyone know? (I would like to do my own compairisons)
  22. I put that on the song's review thread, you should have looked through that first.
  23. Sacrificed... Get your mind out of the gutters, mate. Also, I'd like to echo what a lot of people have said, This mix is really haunting and kind of creepy... It somehow found its way into my sleepy-time playlist on my iPod and I remember having a terrible nightmare and waking up to the heartbeat at the very end. True story.
  24. Well, yeah, that maybe true, Prophet, but I have nothing to use to get said notes from a MIDI file. So unless you can get me a link to a (free) program I can use, I'm still stuck where I am.
  25. I don't know if this has been mentioned ITT before but I would like to request Sheet Music or even just bass Tabs for LuIzA's 'Materia Junkie,' remix on "Under the Rotting Pizza" and "Oppressed People" from Final Fantasy VII. P.S: If you are not the artist mentioned (in this case, LuIzA) but you managed to tabulate this song, please contact me via PM... Thanks!
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