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Status Updates posted by SuperiorX

  1. Don't you, forget about me!!! :smile: (and my song)

  2. Dude, I just saw your name in the FF6 album trailer! I didn't know you were working on something for it! Did you remix a song or provide vocals?

  3. EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yes indeed

  4. For you!


    All the rules are pretty much the same as the last SZRC. Single elimination style tournament. One week mixing rounds followed by one week voting rounds. Winner moves on to the next round and will make a new mix. You're in the Robotnik Bracket which will begin mixing this Sunday, February 2nd at 12pm (noon) ET. Match-ups will be announced at that time. Mixes will be due the following Sunday at the same time! Thanks for joining on such short notice!


  6. Gimme some of that chaos control man! :)

  7. Glad you got your lappy back! It looks like you just might get your Rexy vs. RexAsaurous matchup after all!

  8. Glad you liked me track, thanks for the comments! Hey, I keep forgetting to ask you, do you plan on re-subbing "Funky Side Up"? I was bummed when I saw it didn't pass the panel, I thought it was golden. There was some disagreement amongst the judges too :-?

  9. Glad you liked my WCRG track! I'm planning on cleaning it up a bit and fixing some EQ/mastering issues. I'll post it up sometime after the compo!

  10. Good luck gathering interest!! I may be interested depending on when it would actually start.

  11. hah no worries! I did see it, I just forgot to respond. No problem! Glad to have been of help!

  12. hah, awesome! Definitely one of my favorites from the compo (there were so many good songs that came out of that), can't wait to hear it.

  13. Hah! Yeah I bet! I can't wait to hear how your finish it up myself! :-)

  14. Haha ok awesome! That should be fine. I'll be pretty flexible on the check-in dates with people that I know can deliver high quality music in a short period of time. Thanks! :)

  15. Haha yeah, I saw. I was just sending a PM to you and Amph so we can figure out our team name.

  16. Haha, nice! Yeah Vurez made a Pharaoh Man mix awhile ago that is probably one of my favorite OCR mixes ever.

  17. Haha, yeah sure that sounds fine! Any ideas on which source?

  18. hahah yeah we were chatting about it a few weeks ago. I imagine Darke will go for 32 mixers, there should be enough demand. He's already gotten 16 since it opened up yesterday. I don't know how 24 would work unless you had uneven brackets or something.

  19. Hahaha I'll see what I can do. Now I have a taste for Wendy's....

  20. Hahaha, I thought you were just asking permission. I didn't realize you were asking me for a suggestion haha. But sure, I'll take a listen and see what I can come up with!

  21. hahahaha... sure you're allowed to do whatever you want. The only absolute rule is that you have to incorporate both of the Zone themes significantly into your song. Whatever you do beyond that is totally up to you!

  22. hehe yeah, at least ;) Great job tho, I think Road Trip is your strongest song to-date!

  23. Hehe, no worries, I figured as much :)

  24. Hello sir! I'm doing well, how about you? Thanks for checking in on the compo! I'll have to check out the Bastion soundtrack. That was one that Brandon said was one of his favorites wasn't it?

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