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Everything posted by SuperiorX

  1. Well, the way the compo is setup is you'll pick a Sonic zone theme and then you must remix it along with your competitor's theme, so it kinda forces you to be inspired and come up with something. It'd be awesome to have a female vocalist in the compo too! If you have time, think about it!
  2. Thanks for the comments everyone! Glad you enjoyed it! I wonder if I should try subbing this... I didn't really think it was up-to-par, but now I don't know... hmmm.
  3. All 4 mixes this round were amazing. Great job guys! I honestly don't know how I'm going to vote between these. Phonetic Hero had the best song name though
  4. Sure thing, I'll make a note of it. If for some reason I forget, just remind me when we're actually recruiting and picking zones in a few weeks.
  5. You're not too late! Details in the first post. Recruiting will start in about 2 weeks in the Competitions forum.
  6. Uh oh! What new powers have you obtained? Also, we better get 32 people for this thing, I started working on some awesome bracket images and I really don't want to redo them
  7. Oh that's a nice one! One of the few that is actually in the right key. There is such untapped potential with The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. I sure hope VCR capitalizes on this huge opportunity! EDIT:
  8. I guess everyone abandoned you buddy Hopefully Darke got your song this time!
  9. Great, it's about time. VCR should release an album of all The Fresh and mashups now and then follow that up with a special bonus song of Guile.
  10. Pssst... Pete, this is the SF compo, not the next GMRB
  11. Awesome Jake, I really like this update! Particularly the second half... I really like some of the new synths you tried out. Overall they've got a really crisp sound. Nice job!
  12. There are a lot of good ideas here, but as is, the song sounds incomplete. In particular, the soundscape as a whole sounds very empty. You need more there to fill up the sound, try some pads playing some long held notes and a stronger bass foundation, particularly the pads though, that should help a lot. Your lead synth that plays throughout most of the song sounds very bland as well, which is quite the contrast from some of the interesting countermelody bits you have going on. The lead just feels like it needs some more life. Play around with the EQ, add some filters to it, stuff like vibrato, tremolo, etc. Some crescendos, decrescendos will help too. Also, I'm not a huge fan of dubstep, but this doesn't sound very dusteppy. I can hear what you're trying to do, but your bass and drums are far too weak. They should be IN YOUR FACE! Overall I like your start though, this could be very promising. Nice work.
  13. - TO BE POSTED

    (2011/11/25) Mega Man 6 & 9 'Liquid Metal'

    (2011/12/14) Mega Man 9 & 10 'She's a Squirter!'

    Victory is yours!! PS - Liquid Metal is the greatest thing ever made in the history of the world.

  14. I enjoyed the album overall, nice work! Chemical Zone and Ice Cap (with vocals) were probably my two favorites!
  15. Nice! It would be awesome to get Doug in on this! I'll add him to the "might be interested" list. Good job recruiting!
  16. Quoted for emphasis. YEAH YEAH YEAH! Also - thanks for fixing the tally Darke.
  17. Great, thanks for posting the results Darke! I did however notice one error with the Round 10 tallies. "Amp" definitely scored more points than "In the reading of this title". Just comparing SectorZ's tally sheet with the sheet in the first post, it's not even close. I just did a quick count myself and "In the reading..." should have 34 votes, while "Amp" does indeed have 55 votes. That changes the Round 10 point breakdown, with The Mega Ballers getting the final 10-point spot, and the Block Rockman Beats getting the 7-point spot. This does not impact the final standings though, BRB still has 1st place overall.
  18. The Sonic compo isn't starting until the Street Fighter compo is over, so you don't have to worry about them overlapping if you want to join!

  19. OHHHHH YEEEAAHHH now that is what I'm talking about. Now you just need to get your boy Ecto to sign on. I interpreted his earlier comment about "the Genesis sucking" as a "he might be interested" And... Sorry, no sunshine for you
  20. It's not starting till after the Street Fighter compo, don't worry! The first week of mixing will begin on Saturday, May 5th. SF will be over by May 6th.
  21. So I was working on a list of games from which I'm going to allow people to pick zones from. I want to limit the choices to "core" Sonic platformer games and exclude any spinoff games (i.e. racing, fighting, puzzle, crossovers, etc.) This is what I've come up: Sega Master System & Game Gear Sonic the Hedgehog (8-bit) Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (8-bit) Sonic Chaos Sonic Triple Trouble Sega Genesis & Sega CD/Sega Saturn Sonic 1 Sonic 2 Sonic 3 Sonic & Knuckles Sonic 3D Blast (Genesis & Saturn versions) Sonic CD (JP & US soundtracks) Dreamcast Sonic Adventure Sonic Adventure 2 Nintendo GBA/DS Sonic Advance Sonic Advance 2 Sonic Advance 3 Sonic Rush Sonic Rush Adventure PS3/Xbox 360/Wii Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) Sonic Unleashed Sonic Colors Sonic 4 - Episode 1 Did I forget anything big or am I overlooking anything? I assume most people are going to pick from the classic Genesis games anyway, so I'm thinking this is plenty.
  22. Another great round everyone! Jason's and Main Finger's were definitely my two favorite. It was nearly impossible trying to pick between the two! Also, I really like your song Sir_Nuts! It was cool to see you try something so radically different than all of your other stuff I've heard.
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