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Everything posted by SuperiorX

  1. I jokingly suggested going with "A Crystal Needle Charges Up Wily's Ass" or "The Revolting Robots Ravage Wily's Rampart", but we went with "Amp" instead. It's simple, musically relevant, and meaningful because it's the first letter of each of our team member's names: Ad, Matt, & Pete.
  2. Nice! Definitely planning on picking this one up on 1/31. I really enjoyed the first one! I hope it includes an extended version of 'Cosmo Canyon' cause that song was great, but way to short (which I think I commented on in your forums back then ). "Ninja Girl" is super-catchy too, nice work Ran! Unrelated - but I noticed Ran's forum profile is not linked to his artist profile, maybe a mod can fix that?
  3. Yeah or Wily Machine 9. After people were going crazy for there being no Wily Machine 9 mix on the MM9 album from last year
  4. Oh nice, Wily 3-1 and Wily 3-2 are two great Wily themes we didn't get to remix in the main part of the compo. I did a Wily 3-2 solo part in our mix cause I wanted to remix that theme so much hah
  5. Indeed! I hope everyone enjoys it! You got KILLER ACTING CHOPS!
  6. Yeah this song does have a great atmosphere to it. I love the jazzy piano work you do in all of your tracks, great stuff! This has a lot of similarities to the song 'fingerprints of the maker' from your 'in theory - singularity' album, which everyone should check out cause it's awesome. In fact this song feels like it would've fit in perfectly there. Great work!
  7. Where do you guys even see the album logo? Is it hidden somewhere in this thread and I missed it? Regardless, knowing this is the next album is awesome news. Can't wait!
  8. Hahah yeah I thought of that too, but this rendition takes the cake for worst version of 'Terrible Cover Art Mega Man'
  9. Well I hope that's not true. I don't see why they would purposefully do that to one of their most popular and profitable franchises, even if they did hate Inafune for leaving. But regardless, yeah the character design and back-story is rather lame.
  10. So Mega Man is an overweight American? Is this what Capcom thinks of Mega Man since Inafune left?
  11. X4 was the first game I got when my family got a PSX. Great stuff!
  12. Excuse me, I believe the phrase you were looking for was killer studio chops. I don't know what pro studio chops are
  13. Haha yeah. We need to figure out how many OCRers are in Ohio and plan our own Cedar Point trip or something. I know of very few.
  14. Yeah I'd be down for meeting up somewhere, depending on where it is. I live in Columbus, Ohio so I'm pretty close to most of the places suggested thus far. Minnesota would be too far for me, Chicago wouldn't be too bad, but I really hate driving so I'd probably have to fly there, so that would be a maybe. There aren't really any "can't miss" things I know of going on in Ohio lol. Columbus does have a gaming convention every year towards the end of May at the convention center, but I'm pretty sure it's a tabletop RPG & card game convention (which I'm not into), not video games. I'd have to look into it though to be sure. I'll chime in on the theme park debate that Ben & Drew brought up. One, I think that would be a good, fun idea, but I have to say that Cedar Point is a far, far, FAR superior theme park to Kings Island. I've grown up going to Cedar Point every year and their quality & quantity of roller coasters is a lot better than Kings Island. I've been to Kings Island here a few times and it's okay, but I was pretty disappointed after having been to Cedar Point. As for huge lines, I've honestly never experienced it that bad at Cedar Point unless you go on a weekend in July. If you can get up there towards the end of May or early June (before all the kids get out of school) or if you can go on a weekday during the summer then it's not usually too bad (30min - 1hr wait for most rides). That's my 2 cents!
  15. Dark Man's theme is pretty cool, but he's never been allowed because he isn't a traditional Robot Master in his own right. He's not one of the "classic" 8 Robot Masters you fight during the course of the game, he doesn't have his own stage (part of Wily/Protoman Castle) and you don't get a weapon for defeating him. So unfortunately no
  16. Hey congrats! Larry actually started a thread about this not so long ago. I'd check out his (and others) recommendations there: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=38274
  17. Sweet, I'll have to check it out. From what I read online Sega supposedly took feedback and is re-working the physics engine for episode 2. Hopefully that means the same physics as the Genesis games. Episode 1 was okay, but it didn't feel the same.
  18. That actually looks really awesome. Why can't Sega do something so simple? The question is how does the demo play? I tried to download it but the file was removed from Mediafire...
  19. Agreed. That is kind of a silly thing to say. Everyone works differently, that doesn't make one person or one way any "better". Plus... ... I guess halc better get back to work then! His musical development is being hampered so much. I can tell by his massive collection of horrible remixes
  20. Yeah I usually just use a MIDI cause I too impatient to figure it all out and write by hand. I can and I have written all my hand, it just takes way longer for me. I end up re-writing everything anyway, but having the MIDI there to start just helps.
  21. I'll usually import a midi just cause it's the fastest and easiest way for me to figure out the key sig and just the overall structure of the song. Or listen to a youtube video for reference. But then I'll go through and tweak from there, and usually end up rewriting all the midi parts. It's just a good way for me to get started though. Sometimes I'll play around on my keyboard too, especially when I'm figuring out original parts that I want to add.
  22. Oh my there is a giant muted speaker icon replacing the headphone controller now. This shit just got serious. DESTROY ALL THE SOPAPILLAS! I mean SOPA and PIPAs!
  23. So I didn't realize there was an album review thread, so I'd been posting my comments in the announcement thread lol. So here was my brief review! Now that the album has been out a few weeks, I've had the chance to listen through it a few times. So I just wanted to say thank you and congratulations to Jade and all the mixers that contributed to the project! It exceeded my (incredibly high and hype-driven) expectations in every possible way! Honestly I have to admit I was a little skeptical that a project of such a large scope could be of equally high quality, but I was wrong. Every song on here sounds beautifully arranged, well-produced, and very enjoyable. I won't even try to name some of my favorites, there are so many. I really like how this remix project feels like a natural extension of the original soundtrack. It sounds like Wild Arms and reminds me of Wild Arms, yet is completely original in it's own right. It somehow strikes the perfect balance between recognizable, nostalgic melodies and original, interpretative re-arrangement. I can't describe it, but it just feels right. Again, great job everyone! This is amazing!
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