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Everything posted by SuperiorX

  1. Hah! That would be awesome! I think Sonic 64 would've been even more ironic say 10 years ago, but now that Sonic whores himself out to every console imaginable it might kinda lose it's effect.
  2. So I think we'll just go with a simple story (sort of like the one Neblix suggested below) and focus on making awesome Sonic zone mash-up mixes, while keeping to the same format as the GRMRBs. Most of the feedback I've received is that people just want to make Sonic mixes Now I just need to nail down a time-frame. I haven't heard much about preferred times, so I'll probably be sticking to the Spring/early-Summer time-frame I suggested earlier, unless people have other suggestions! From the list in my first-post we've got around 30 people that are interested (or may be interested), which is great! Granted, who knows how many will actually sign up whenever the compo starts (or how many other people we'll get during recruitment), but I see no problems with at least having the 16-person format, possibly even the 32!
  3. Yeah, we're awesome. Especially you since you did the majority of the work Great job everyone! I guess the only question left now is will Darke ever vote and tally the last 5 rounds?
  4. Sexy. I've already said earlier, this is one of my favorite remixers ever, so I'm not sure I'd have anything else really constructive to add This version does sound significantly cleaner, and I notice a few parts have some small variations (namely the 3:10 part). Amazing job Gario!
  5. Yeah I don't think I'd restrict it outright, except maybe for collaborating with other people in the compo (unless they've already been eliminated). Kinda how SirNuts had someone do vocals for him on that song in the GRMRB 2012. That would be ok, as long as the compo mixer did the majority of the mix. Well once we decide when the compo will be, I'll make a thread in the "competitions" forum. Anyone who's going to enter would post there. We'd have like 2 weeks of recruitment before the compo starts. And yes there would be rules. Mainly stuff like you'd have one week to make your song, you'd need to use your zone theme and your opponent's. It would need to be turned in within a specific time. Then there'd be a week of voting. If you win, you move onto the next round and go against your new opponent. Nothing too crazy. I'd post all the full rules in the compo thread when it actually starts.
  6. Sounds a lot like the storyline for Sonic Generations, with the whole space time continuum and restoring zones and stuff But yeah, that fits well enough for me. Then the mixers in the Robotnik bracket would be trying to destroy the worlds with the emeralds, cause they're bad guys and stuff Like I said earlier, I don't want to needlessly complicate the compo and I really want to keep the structure similar to the GRMRBs, with just mixing the two zone levels. This would allow for that! And it seems most people just want to remix Sonic songs anyway It's a good idea, but I don't really want to run a team competition. Collaboration is fun and all, but I want this to be a single elimination 1-on-1 compo. If this ends up being wildly successful, then it could be cool to add in some team components in a future compo, but for now I want to keep things simple. Thanks!
  7. Haha. Agreed. I'd rather keep it simple. That puts me back at no theme or narrative tho. I'll have to keep thinking of ideas! And yeah, more like 1/48th of the time
  8. Wow! I'm really impressed with the amount of interest everyone has expressed! It's making me want to start this thing sooner rather than later though! So, I've been throwing around the idea of trying to come up with a theme/narrative to tie the compo together (as both DarkeSword & Rexy have suggested). It would have to be something good though, I'd rather have no "storyline" than a stupid and cheesy one. With that said, I've come up with one possible cheesy narrative. I'm open to suggestions if anyone has any good ideas! Here's what I've been able to come up with: We'd have 2 tournament brackets: a Sonic bracket and a Dr. Robotnik bracket. A good guys vs. bad guys kinda thing. Each remixer would choose a "home" zone to represent them. This would be the theme they mix with every round. For example, I could be "SuperiorX, from Green Hill Zone". The goal would be to race through each zone (each opponent you face along the way) to collect the Chaos Emeralds, in an attempt to save/destroy the world, depending on your bracket. Each round you'd mix your theme with the "home" zone theme of your opponent. I was throwing around the idea of having a Chaos Emerald be the "prize" for each round in the bracket (otherwise saying you're collecting Chaos Emeralds seems trivial) from a particular Sonic game. For example, in Round 1 you could be racing against your opponent to get a Chaos Emerald from Sonic 2. During the round you would be required to remix your home zone and your opponent's home zone theme, and you could optionally choose to mix part of the Special Stage zone music (where you get the emeralds) from Sonic 2 in your mix as well. The next round could be a Chaos Emerald from Sonic 3, so you would mix your theme, your opponent's, and the Special Stage music from Sonic 3 if you choose. When we get down to the final round, it would be a battle between the winner of the Sonic bracket and the winner of the Robotnik bracket. You would need to mix your theme, your opponent's, and maybe some final boss theme? Good vs. Bad showdown to decide the fate of the world! I'm not sure if I entirely like my own idea. I'm worried that giving the option to mix a third source may needlessly complicate the competition in an attempt to fit a storyline/theme, which may not really even be necessary. I guess it depends on if people think having an overarching theme/narrative is that important, or if everyone just wants to remix some Sonic songs Let me know what you guys think! And if anyone has any suggestions, free feel to post them!
  9. Thanks Rexy, I appreciate the feedback! I've been thinking about this since proposing the idea, and even talked to Darke about it via PM as well. The main reason I was modeling it after the GRMRBs was because I really like the format and think it works well for a compo. The added backstrory & narrative is fun and does fit the Mega Man franchise perfectly, however ultimately I'm not sure how much that really matters to someone's overall enjoyment in a competition. And yeah I agree, that theme doesn't really fit Sonic. A remixer can't "become" a Sonic Zone and we can't "battle" Sonic zones. That's just silly . Sonic doesn't really have character themes and there isn't someone to battle at the end of each stage (like a Robot Master in Mega Man). But Zone themes are the only thing I have to go off of. I've been trying to think of a way to include a narrative that would fit Sonic, but I've been drawing a blank. So I guess that yeah, if I can't think of a cool theme or narrative, then yes the compo would just be a GRMRB with a Sonic paint job. But would that really be a bad thing? I think mixing some Sonic themes together would be cool. If you have any ideas for a better way to structure the compo, I'm all ears! Yeah, that's ultimately the conclusion I've come to. A theme would be cool, but I don't think it's central to the success of the compo. Talented & excited remixers with time to spare will be what makes or breaks this thing
  10. So it appears late spring & early summer (May/June-ish) might be the best time to run this if we don't want to conflict with other compos (mainly Darke's next GMRB or GRMRB). Especially if we only have 16 participants, then we might not have any overlap. 32 participants would add a little extra time though and we might have a small amount of overlap with those compos. Does that matter to people? What do people think about that time? Any other suggestions? Anyone else interested?
  11. housethegrate! It has been far too long since he has graced the front page! (Walk on Water is still my favorite OCR song of all time) Definitely not what I was expecting, but I enjoy it nonetheless. It has a very personal, folky feeling to it. Well done! Good to see you back!
  12. Have you guys done any more work on this? I was diggin' what you had up!
  13. The blue one is pretty cool. I like both though!
  14. SO MUCH INTEREST!!! I've added a list to the first post of people who expressed interest and those who may be interested to help keep track. So those of you who are interested, when would be the best times this year for everyone to participate? I was thinking late spring/summer. To get an idea of the scope of time involved... if we have 16 participants, we'd have two 8 person brackets. Bracket #1 would mix the first week. At the end of that week, voting would begin on Bracket #1's mixes and Bracket #2 would begin to mix. At the end of that week, voting would begin on Bracket #2's mixes, while Bracket #1 would begin mixing with the new matchups, and so on. So if you continue to win you'd be mixing every other week. 16>8>4>2, at that rate it would take 8 weeks to finish the compo. If we got 32 participants, then it would take 10 weeks total. At this point, I think I'll talk to some admins to figure out schedules so we don't conflict with other high profile OCR competitions. If anyone else is interested, keep posting and I'll add you to the list!
  15. Oh no doubt. I was very average before the WCRG. I'm still not amazing or anything, but I've improved soooooooooo much from the compo.
  16. Cool, I'll have to check with him on his plans, so I can plan around it. Thanks.
  17. Cool stuff! I have to admit, this source does fit the dubstep genre perfectly. Great beat and enough variation in the arrangement to keep this song interesting (and not just a bunch of wub dubs like other dubstep)!
  18. I think I do vaguely remember a WIP from the Project Chaos album of yours! Making Sonic mixes never needs an excuse Damn you Neblix! Don't ruin my fun! Plus, I thought Darke was planning the Maverick Battle for the spring? I vaguely remember him saying that during the GRMRB 2011, or is it getting pushed back since the WCRG took soooooooooooooo long to finish? Well once I know Darke's plans, I'll plan around it, cause I have a feeling this is going to garner a good enough response to happen. Nooo... you know you want to do it
  19. YES! There is a 'Cosmo Canyon' remix with some added vocals from Ran. You did not disappoint sir! I'm buying this right now. As. We. Speak. Check this stuff out!
  20. Well if Akumajo wants to do it, it shall be done I'd love to hear some vocal Akumajo-ed Sonic mixes. Have you made some Sonic remixes before? I don't think I've ever heard any from you?
  21. Good choice sir! Pete did a great job on the song. It progressed so much from some of the early versions I heard. Ad did a great job mixing everything last last minute too! And yeah I second the feeling that this round was an extremely solid round. Very hard choices! Here are some of my thoughts: Sweet Wet Nectar: Sweet wet awesomeness is more like it. Not much else to say other than I love this song. It sounds like it was produced with killer studio chops. Everything is so crisp & clear, really stellar work. Great sound atmosphere, lots of cool synth, guitar, and piano work throughout (it made it really easy to guess who did what ). The song went on a bit longer than it probably needed to, but I didn't mind. Great team effort! I didn't hear Schala in here though, was it joke or did I miss it? #2! All your base r belong to Willrock: Not even gonna type that whole thing. Interesting vibe to this song. The intro does remind me a lot of halc's original stuff and the Willrockyness kicks in mid-way. A very cool arrangement and a fun song overall. Production is spot on, as we've come to expect from Will! Unfortunately it just missed out on my vote too many other amazing songs this round! Magnus Divinicus Chiptunicus: Gario, you have outdone yourself. This is possibly one of my favorite songs ever. Ever ever. Amazing job blending the themes (although I primarily hear Magnet Man & MM3 Wily, although that could admittedly be that I don't know Dust Man or Blizzard Man as well). The Schala bit was genius. I loved it and it fit perfectly, especially when it transformed into Magnet Man at the end of the phrase. If this is the "flawed" version, I can't wait to hear the version you cleaned up. #1. Shinespark Glacier: Another chill song from Mr. L! I like how you incorporated more synth elements later in the song, instead of just sticking with the piano like you have in some of your other songs. I love the vibe to the song, and you did a pretty good job working with each theme. You've made great progress through this compo, you should be proud! When Robots Collide!!!: Awesome trumpet man! In fact each of the "solo" sections are pretty well done. The arrangement is friggen' sweet too! My only major complaint is the volume is sooooo low and the mixing overall sounds a bit muddy. The quality of the arrangement and solos deserve to be heard in all their glory! If you have time it'd be great to work on the production a bit more, otherwise this is an amazing song! Nice work! Bubble Man's Requiem: Funny story, Requiem is a damn hard word to pronounce correctly, so I want to call this song Bubble Man's Rectum instead, but that would be entirely inappropriate and childish of me. And that's really gross. Anyway, onto the song itself, I love it! I love the groove and instrumentation choices. Very upbeat and chippy The Bubble Man hook that repeats throughout was a great way to kind of tie everything together, nice work. I think I'm missing the Labyrinth Zone reference though. I keep listening for and I can't find it? Regardless #3! Amp: We rock. Hard. From the East: This sounds like two very different songs, but I understand you guys didn't have much time to throw anything together, which is a shame. The beginning part by Jake is a really cool chillout atmosphere, I love it. Definitely a different take on the theme. The Crash Man part by Chern is particularly quirky and has some really cool instrumentation to it! Overall I really like both parts, good work on doing what you guys could! This compo has been a blast! Good work everyone and thanks for the 105 Mega Man Remixes!
  22. Yeah of course, anyone could join if they wanted to!
  23. So yeah this is happening for sure! Look for the official competition thread in the Competitions subforum on April 14th. That is when recruitment and zone selection will begin! --------------------------------- Hey everybody! So I was thinking it'd be cool to have a Sonic the Hedgehog Remix competition, that would follow the same general rules of Darke's Grand Robot Master Remix Battles. We'd have two brackets where participants would each pick a Zone from one of the core Sonic games (Sonic 1, 2, 3, 4, S&K, Sonic CD, Sonic Adventure, etc.). The mixers would then have to make a song using their Zone theme and the Zone theme of their opponent. Everybody would vote for the song they like better. The mixer with the most votes moves on to the next round. Mixing periods would last a week, voting periods another week. So yeah, like I said, pretty much the same rules as the GRMRBs only with Sonic Zone themes instead. Sure we have tons of Sonic remixes, but very few that mix more than one theme at a time, and I think many of them would work quite well together. If people are interested, I'd ideally like to have 16 people (8 per bracket) participate. To get an idea of the scope of time involved... Bracket #1 would mix the first week. At the end of that week, voting would begin on Bracket #1's mixes and Bracket #2 would begin to mix. At the end of that week, voting would begin on Bracket #2's mixes, while Bracket #1 would begin mixing with the new matchups, and so on. So if you continue to win you'd be mixing every other week. At that rate it would take 8 weeks to finish the compo. If we got 32 participants, then it would take 10 weeks total. If people are interested, please let me know what times you think may work out best for you. I'm open to any suggestions (timing, competition structure, theme/narrative ideas). I'd love to host (and participate ) in such a compo! Support the compo, put this banner in your sig!: -The compo will begin a 2-week recruitment period from April 14 through April 29. Keep an eye out for the official competition thread in the Competitions subforums! The first round will begin May 5th!- Approved Sonic Games - any "Zone" theme from these games will be allowed. No boss, special stage, title/menu music is allowed however. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- People who have expressed interest: SuperiorX DusK Mr. L Gar23 Geeky Stoner AkumajoBelmont Neblix Amphibious halc SonicThHedgog CC Ricers chroxic Zerothemaster Syllix BlackPanther PixelPanic Sir Jordanius Magellanic Chernabogue Arceace Ben Briggs (aka chthonic) AMT Xenon Odyssey TheRexAsaurus wildfire Phonetic Hero uhhh6677 TheMrkuul Jewbei FaytxStay KingTiger urdailywater Sir_NutS Tuberz McGee People who might be interested: DCT Ectogemia mickomoo Gario mak hakstock A.COE DrumUltimA metaphist
  24. Great, thanks so much guys, I appreciate the feedback! I'll make a few minor tweaks and then submit! Subbed on 1-31-11. Link in first post.
  25. Yep! Kinda surprising there wasn't one already! What, someone beat us to the punch!?! Blasphemy!
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