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Everything posted by SuperiorX

  1. This is a fun song! Doesn't really seem up to OCR's quality standards these days, but I don't think that really detracts from what it is, just a fun themed song. My only real complaint is the vocals sound they were recorded on a headset mic or something. It seems like a quality recording would have added a lot to it. No big deal tho, fun stuff!
  2. Soooooo you wanted some feedback fellow Mega Baller... Love the intro... niiiiiice bass. It sounds really crisp and punchy, I like it. The drums and effects there in the intro sound well sequenced as well. The main synth has a good sound to it. Melody is pretty groovy. The part at 1:10 bugged me a bit though. Something sounds out of key, that background pad or something. It just clashes. It goes away at 1:22 when the instrument stops. I like the transition after that part, nice change of pace. The out-of-key sounding thing comes back in at 2:10 I don't think you need to do much with the "exit strategy" har har, it didn't hurt my ears that much. It was a little harsh, but I think it fit well within the context of the song. Maybe just adjust the EQ. Oh and I'm talking about the ending BTW Nice stuff man, can't wait to hear what you do in the WCRG compo. Speaking of, I need to get back to work!
  3. I just wanted to say again how much I enjoy this album. I've listened to the rest of the songs now and I have to say I really like "luv (sic) part 5". The lyrics are really moving, and not at all something I was expecting. Most music, mainstream music at least, these days seem to have meaningless & forgettable lyrics, but this song in particular talks about such deep subjects, it's refreshing. I also really like the quote in "fingerprints of the maker" about the picoseconds and the creation of the universe. The human brain cannot even fathom how unbelievably improbable the analogy described is. It really puts into perspective how incredibly insignificant our lives are in the grand scheme of things. Society and all of our human conventions just seem so trivial when you think about the universe and how/why we're here. Oh, and all the songs are great too
  4. This is great stuff melody. I've only gotten through about half the album so far, but I've really liked it. Honestly I was a little skeptical about some of the hip-hop/rap elements when I heard the preview track, but I think it sounds great over the instrumentals. The piano is absolutely amazing in each track (particularly enjoyed singularity and duality so far) Great work, you should be really proud of this!
  5. Lol. And once again we are reminded that the sole purpose of these compos is to create Mega Man mixes for Darke's listening pleasure
  6. Hahaha this is the best thread ever. I like Five Guys and Wendys, they are both good IMO. Five Guys does have the best fries, although they are a little overpriced. But I'm not gonna hate on anyones fast food preferences.
  7. I was just about to post that Wily Stage 1 from Mega Man 2 better not be the first round haha
  8. Finally, now I understand why Zircon and Txai didn't compete in the last GRMRB. It all makes perfect sense now! Thanks Will
  9. Great, great mix. Definitely not what I was expecting from Sir Jordanius after hearing his first mix, but I like this one just as much. I think you did a great job of capturing the sad/happy combo you described in the write-up.
  10. Great thanks Darke. That's all I was wondering. The instructions specified everyone had to go once before repeats, but didn't specify for the subsequent rounds. We were just trying to plan around personal schedules, so that info helps. Thanks.
  11. Darke, rules clarification question: the first post mentions that "each mixer must mix a round before there can be repeats". So I understand we each must take a turn within the first 3 rounds before we can go again, but does that mean we each must go every 3 weeks? For example, if after each team member has gone, could theoretically mixer X go on Round 4, mixer Y go on Round 5, and mixer X go again Round 6 before mixer Z went again. Or does each mixer have to go every 3 weeks in some order? Also do we need to post our mixing order like some other teams have done or is that unnecessary? Thanks!
  12. Almost missed it, but Happy Birthday Rozo! You're awesome! Thanks for all the great music and all the great support you provide to the OCR community!
  13. Oh hey, Happy Birthday Rozo!

  14. This is the most colorful and awesome thread ever. We all need to left align (or center) our sigs though, so I can just scroll up and down and see a consistent array of color-coded Robot Mastery goodness
  15. Awesome sigs Rexy, thanks a bunch! Real Mega Ballers wear pink, it's cool
  16. OK, so Team me, Rozo, and Phonetic Hero are going with: The Mega Ballers for our team name. The Mega Ball was a weapon in Mega Man 8, so this name is an appropriate MM reference. Let's roll!
  17. I want to sport my sexy sig too! Hopefully our team will come to a consensus on our new team name sometime soon. Thanks in advance Rexy! They all look great!
  18. Awwww Well I guess we'll have to think of something else. We were thinking that every Robot Master ends in "man" so that would be the tie-in with "The AMP Men". I don't really see how that's any less Mega Man than something like The Gentlemaster's Club though (unless I'm missing the reference).
  19. Yeah I was thinking the colors corresponded with the color of the robot masters. We could do team colors though. Both sigs look awesome!
  20. @Rexy, wow i love that design, it's awesome! Thanks for picking our team too I'd love a banner if we go with that!
  21. Rozo, PH, and I were thinking of "The Amp Men" (our first name initials and musically relevant), if that would be considered MM enough. I'm not sure if we finalized that decision though, so I'll let those guys weigh in.
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