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Everything posted by SuperiorX

  1. Cool, good luck. That was just my selfish attempt at hearing the final product anyhow
  2. Are you not planning on getting any more crits here before you sub?
  3. So did you upload the reupload you mentioned 3 days ago that was a reupload of the reupload you promised from 7 days ago? Just excited to hear the polished up version
  4. Thanks for the feedback guys! I'm glad The Block Rockmen Beats like my track And yeah production is the big thing I know I need to work on. I can usually do a good arrangement, but I struggle with getting everything to sound the way I envision it. If everyone actually thinks this is pretty good, I'll throw it up in the WIP forums after the compo to get some more feedback, cause I'd really love to get this thing to a state to be submitted. And yeah, Will, after I named my track I realized there was already another OCR track with the same name on the SOS album (which I really love). I named it "Under Construction" because Needle Man's stage is the Construction Site in MM3, so I figured it was an appropriate title
  5. aw, thanks! Good luck with the panel, this mix should be an easy pass IMO. I'll be keeping my eye out for it (when it finally gets posted like late next year har har).
  6. Ok, so here are some of my track impressions: She's a Squirter: I've never heard you do a track in this style Brandon, and it sounds great. If this is your first attempt at a electronica/chiptune mix, then it's a damn good one. I like a lot of the effects and wobble on the bass you used as transitional pieces. This was a very enjoyable mix. Don't Make me Cut You: Nice mix of electronic and dubstep elements here. The piece did have a really interesting soundscape and the synth solo was cool as well (Willrock?) Totally Rad Winter: This sounds like every other Sir_NutS mix I've heard, which is a great thing! I really like the 80s synth vibe to the track. It is indeed totally rad. I think you did a great job blending the two themes together here, it seemed nearly flawless. Double Doctors: After the slower intro, it kicks into the uptempo feel, which I really enjoy. The rhythm synced laughing Wily clips are just hilarious and somehow fit perfectly. Love it. I felt the themes could've been blended together a bit better (I hear a lot more Wily), but the overall quality of the song is great. The arpeggio synth from the Wily stage sounds pretty awesome here. The Knight Who Says ROCK: I love the title. And indeed this knight is rocking. I haven't heard anything from you before, so I wasn't sure what to expect. I really enjoyed this song though. The style seemed to fit these sources perfectly. Burn the Castle: I like the arpeggio intro, sounds sweet. The background guitars seemed to be EQed a little weird, like they're getting lost with some of the other backing tracks, but it doesn't detract from the mix too much. I like the transition section in the middle, it's a nice change of pace, in another rockin' Mega Man mix. The Last of the Clan: Cool change of pace track here. Totally different than the other mixes. I love the soundscape here. The chill laid back vibe, the chime-y background sound, the flute. Everything fits together really well. Two Minds Without a Single Thought: This is a pretty ambitious track here. I probably would've tried to cut it down to the 3-4 minute mark to create a more cohesive sounding song, but I like some of the ideas you have here. I think with some more work and fixing a lot of the timing issues you'd be onto something. Keep working! Dubious Brothers: SNAKE MAN'S ON MY TRAIL (or train, I actually like to believe it is a train). I love everything about this song. Sampled Doobie Brothers is ingenious, given they are actually saying Snake Man, which is hilarious. I love the hybrid electronic-Western vibe in the track. It makes it feel like Snake Man really is on my trail. I think this is my favorite round 1 mix. Awesome work. Under Construction: I guess Darke wanted to save the best for last, amiright? hahahahaha. Well I won't comment on my track now cause I don't want to influence anyone. I want to hear what you guys think first.
  7. LOL what? I seriously had to google that. And then I found this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tTfxLFSXVrs. I was unfamiliar with the Doobie Brother's "Snake Man". I can seriously not describe the awesomeness of sampling this for the compo. Mad props to Ben. Snake Man is also one of my favorite robot masters and theme's of all time, so that can't hurt
  8. Sooooooooooo, I was perusing the "currently in the judging process" thread this fine evening and guess what I saw? Hell fuckin' yes sir. I see you went with my name suggestion too, that's a fine choice Good luck on the panel! Did you do the re-mastering you mentioned in the last post, or did you sub the most recent version posted here? EDIT: nevermind on the remastering question. I should check the first post I assume that's the final version?
  9. Ben... is the voice clip in your song saying "Snake Man's on a train?". Because that would be epically hilarious. And if so I would hope that is somehow a reference to Long Train Runnin' by the Doobie Brothers, given your title is "Dubious Brothers". If you confirm this, I think I've have to vote your track #1
  10. Rock it hard son. I think in general, most people in the WIP forums have good intentions. The people that you will really improve from are the ones that most often leave brutally honest feedback. You may think they're being mean, but if everyone says "oh hai good trakz" then you're never going to improve. Unless someone comes out and says "wow you suck", then I wouldn't take it personal. Just continue to experiment, gather feedback, and keep working to improve!
  11. I was afraid to click on this link, given your track's title name Funny, I actually thought about making this a piano solo piece. I'm good with piano arrangements and improv sections from a solo standpoint, but I don't know if I could pull off an entire song. I'm really interested to see what everyone thinks of my mix. I'm definitely not as accomplished as most of you guys here, but I feel like I've improved a lot recently, even within this past week, so I'm viewing this as sort of a measuring stick on my progress. So any and all feedback is highly appreciated. I'm really digging these tunes so far. @Main Finger, I love the laughing Wily voice clips in your song. Fits well with the theme and it's hilarious. I'll post some more feedback once I've had time to digest everyone's mixes. Great stuff!
  12. This is pretty sweet. I really love the disjointed house/techno vibe to the piece. I like it fits the chemical plant style great. Don't really have any constructive criticism here to add, just wanted to say I really enjoy this mix. EDIT: actually one question, why are there like 20 seconds of silence at the end of the track? I even turned my speakers up a bunch but I can't hear anything there...
  13. hahaha that would honestly probably be the best thing Sega could do
  14. I'm in favor of this voting method. Since we have 12 teams, voting for your Top 3 or even Top 5 would make sense. Voting for only one could lead to a few teams with a bunch of points with the rest all very close together. If we wanted even more variability we could rank order all the tracks, but that may make the voting process kind of tedious.
  15. OK! I'm done and submitted! I'm pretty happy with the way my song turned out. I can't wait to hear what you guys think, as well as hear everyone else's mixes! Oh and I gotta give a shoutout to my Mega Ballers, Phonetic Hero & Rozo for giving me some great feedback. You guys rock
  16. Oh dammit you just ruined my evening. I thought it was the whole stage But yeah they should come out with a "Genesis Level Pack" or something that adds more of the fan-favorites from the Sonic Genesis games. That'd be sweet. I'd pay like $10-$15 if it came with at least 5 more levels or something.
  17. Yeah I was bummed there weren't more levels from the Genesis games in general. Although I did read that Casino Night was going to be DLC which is cool. Well its cool as long as it isn't too expensive. I hate it when developers seem to purposely leave stuff out that could've been in the game to begin with and then sell it as DLC. But that could be a cool way to add more levels in the future if the price is right.
  18. which version tho? I have old ass 3.6, cause I don't like the font rendering in the new firefoxes (firefoxi?)
  19. For me in only worked in Google Chrome, not Firefox. Your browser may have something to do it with. DO A BARREL ROLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. wait... we were mixing this week? ... nah just playin'. I'm almost done
  21. I got it. I've only played through the first 3 stages so far and it's a lot of fun! The only thing I'm worried about is that the game is going to be really short and not have a lot of replay value. For example, each stage only has 2 acts. 1 for old Sonic, 1 for new Sonic. Which of course, the old Sonic levels are best, and there are only 1 per stage. So.... yeah. There are also challenges for each stage, but I've only done a few of them, they're okay, some better than others. Apparently you can unlock the entire original Sonic 1 game too, which is kind of neat. Overall I'd recommend it if you're a diehard Sonic fan. If not, then it's probably not worth it. EDIT: Oh and there are 9 stages total, plus like 3-4 boss fights I think.
  22. Or if you've writing a MIDI track, just lower or raise the whole thing by however many semitones you need.
  23. Hrm, this just isn't doing it for me. Don't get me wrong, it's a good song, I'm just not going crazy over it like everyone else I guess. As for vocal remixes/remix of the year talk, I enjoyed the Kirby Ska Buffet and Sir Jordanius' Smooth as Honey a lot more. Sorry
  24. I actually had a great idea for a Search Man and Quick Man arrangement. Maybe I'll make it someday.
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