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Everything posted by bouncerboy15

  1. That's a lot of straps to replace.
  2. Wow, that sucks. I'm pretty sure Nintendo will release a patch.
  3. SMOKE. Where is Majora's Mask?? You can play it on the Promotional Disc. You're also missing the Master Quest bonus disc. Unless it's part of your limited edition Wind Waker.
  4. It looks like it's from Contact.
  5. I'll be pre-ordering this week.
  6. A lot of their recent games have been hentai-oriented it seems. SNK apparently got a few galge (girl game, hentai game) artists for a lot of little games. I would guess that would boost their earnings by a few thousand percent. I'm wondering what the mouth icon is for... Do we need to know?
  7. I'm looking forward to Star Fox Command. It reminds me of Star Fox 2. (I'm talking about the cancelled SNES game.)
  8. Woah I've never played against someone who's main was Mario, as he is mine. You can have lots of fun as Mario spinning people around with the cape and whatnot. I love to use Mario. His cape is fun to mess around.
  9. Indeed. My DS collecion is nearing my GC collection count. Did the DS ever suck on launch, phew.. what a come back. The launch sure sucked. That's what kept me out of the DS range until a year later....
  10. Whenever I get (more) money, I'll get a DS Lite. But for now, my original DS will suit me for now.
  11. Wrong. Snake started out on the MSX.
  12. There's a Target several miles away from me.... Too bad I don't go there often.
  13. Man, I was hoping that she will be a selectable character.
  14. The packaging looks great. I just wish there was a black DS for the U.S.
  15. Unfortunately, no. It's slated for TBA 2007. Hopefully it's atleast first half, though. I don't think I can wait til September '07. WHAT!!! 07 i am going to have responsibalties................. which means no time to spend days of SSBB... it must be s joke..... its realy a launch game. yeha thats it a launch title.... just keep saing it Launch title. sounds nice dont it. Well, you can keep dreaming.
  16. This Zelda mix is very good. It's so calm and relaxing. I haven't heard a good Zelda mix for a while, but this is just great to listen.
  17. Uber Diablo.
  18. After hearing this mix, I can say only one word. Wow.
  19. This mix is very good. It's really calm and upbringing to hear. Overall, I like this very much. 10/10 And R.I.P Avien (Chris Powell). You will be truly missed.
  20. Nice mix. It's very calm and relaxing. Makes me want to play OoT...
  21. A very nice piece. I love the Ryu theme so this ReMix is very great. This one is recommended to all.
  22. Wow, nice mix. Very calm and enjoyable. I like the beat. Kudos to the mixer.
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