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Everything posted by Dr.Flintlock
I went ahead and picked up Mamoru Oshi's Latest, little film called The Sky Crawlers. Just watched it last time when I was feeling a little more melancholy than usual. You usually have to be in a certain mood when watching his movies as their narrative structure's pretty different from most anime I've seen. In any case, traditionally interesting philosophical points, poignant characterizations, and some lovely animation made it into quite the movie. Also, I guess Ponyo: On the Cliff By the Sea, Miyazaki's latest film, is set to hit theaters Friday the 14th. Anyone else as excited as I am?
Umm, TV Dinnah from Little King Story is some serious business. Ready to pull that Geography education out your ass? I never panicked so much trying to find Italy on a map. I actually had to find a map of the world to use as reference because I was sucking so much.
Sega + RPG Teaser Page = Phantasy Star Portable 2
Dr.Flintlock replied to SwordBreaker's topic in General Discussion
Is it wrong that I'd be tons more excited for news like this instead of another Final Fantasy title. Seriously, a legit Phantasy Star game (not ragging on PSO or anything, but I'd like to say I think the ship's sailed a little while ago with that one) would make me one of the happiest people in the world. Although a sequel to Skies of Arcadia would be pretty nice too....But PSV would be the greatest announcement I've come across this year since....that epic mickey stuffage. -
So when we talk supposed obscure characters getting revenge on Mickey, are we referring to villains or anyone? Because personally, I could see some extremely nasty versions of Percival McCleach from The Rescuers Down Under and The Horned King from The Black Cauldron. Seriously, the latter baddie is probably one of the most under-appreciated and scarier Disney characters ever conceived. Putting him in this would just be downright diabolical.
I'm going to show my true colours and admit that I watched and actually LIKED Total Drama Island on Cartoon Network when it was aired. I didn't really care for the animation but the humour in that show was hysterical. Then again, I'm pretty sure this one was Canadian so maybe it doesn't count. So with the exception of that show, I stopped watching Cartoon Network when they stopped making new Courage the Cowardly Dog episodes. I was so in love with that show I (inadvertently) bought pirated DVDs of the entire series. And while I will say that Batman:TAS was a fantastic show, even the creators have commented on preferring the later episodes (which I personally find a little lame in all honesty) because they weren't as restricted with animation/art. I should know...I bought that $80 DVD set for X-mas last year and watched all those commentaries. As an aside though, definitely worth the money.
Are there any games you guys play over and over again?
Dr.Flintlock replied to atmuh's topic in General Discussion
I've played through Gunstar Heroes so many times its not even funny. First system I ever owned was a Genesis. 2nd game I ever played (first was Sonic 2) was this little beauty. Still play it on virtual console to this day. I've played through Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker at least 4 times. Mostly because I like finding Hyrule/fighting Ganon repeatedly. Mega Man X....yeah. Of our current generation of titles, I'd say the one I keep revisiting over and over again is Bioshock. I don't care how many people claim its not that great. I soak in Rapture every time I go to the bottom of the sea in that game. I've played through it about 6 times now and I'll probably play it again before the sequel hits stateside. Also, I see Bionic Commando: Rearmed and the latest one being put on this list also in the near future. Both of them I've completed twice and can't get enough. On another note, I play through Ys Book I and II (Turbo Duo version) once a year. Have been for the past 9 years. I get goosebumps to this day when I hear that soundtrack. So, lists for people who don't like reading my personalness -Gunstar Heroes -Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker -Mega Man X -Bioshock -Ys Book I and II There's plenty more but I'd rather not appear to be a prat heh... -
I have to second the vote on this one. Its probably one of the few sandbox titles I've ever played that actually kept me hooked for awhile. A lot of critics have said its the equivalent of what would happen if Hayao Miyazaki made a Grand Theft Auto title or something to that extent. The controls for the mechs (trotmobiles) you use take awhile to get used to (something about using shoulder buttons to turn and whatnot) but otherwise the title has TONS of variety. Playing a trumpet on a street curb to make extra cash=awesome. I'd also advise checking out Gungrave and its sequel Gungrave:Overdose. The former has the better art direction I think, but the gameplay gets pretty repetitive, while the latter took a downgrade in the visuals for a more fluid combat system. Ultimately though, both games just SQUEEZE style, and I'd argue that Beyond the Grave is one of, if not THE most badass silent antihero ever. It doesn't get much more ridiculous than carrying a coffin around your back loaded with heavy artillery. Plus seeing "KICK THEIR ASS!!!" at the start of each stage just fits the game perfectly before you turn people into "bullet and hamburger sandwiches" /yahtzee reference
Touhou Roadshow: Intercross of Ball and Bullets
Dr.Flintlock replied to Schwaltzvald's topic in General Discussion
I won't lie. When I first read this thread title, I thought the title was intercourse of ball and bullets. Get my mind out of the gutter, right? In any case, this looks pretty neat. I never thought taking touhou concepts and putting them into a little tennis game could be so nifty. Also, remixed music is great. Although there's like fifty remixed albums of those suckers, aren't there? -
I was just thinking, based on the general epicness of the trailer, what the HELL Death is going to be like in this game. Furthermore, he has to have the best voice over in the game. Hands down. (Although, as awesome as a Patrick Stewart Grim Reaper would be, I doubt its him doing it.)
Yeah, sorry about that. I did my homework and realized it was a planned 3D remake from the get-go. My mistake. Still, I'm warming up to it =)
I loved Endless Ocean and also look forward to the new one. Seems you'll actually be in "danger" if you get too near the more dangerous animals like gators and sharks. Definitely looks cool though (Amazon diving seems like a lot of fun)
Wasn't Dracula's origin already explained? He was that Mattias character from Lament of Innocence right? I like what I'm seeing so far, and I doubt its going to be like God of War. Frenetic combat kinda reminds me of a weird gothic version of Zone of the Enders (and even then, I think that's a stretch). VO's look solid though. I wonder if they'll make Jason Isaacs Dracula. He's certainly menacing enough in most of his film roles (See: The Patriot) I will say though that I felt the werewolves were spammed a little too much. At least show a damn floating Medusa head... Oh wait, even better....A current-gen high rendered...FLEA MAN!!!
Well, I won't lie. I've been on the fence in this matter for awhile now. And its not like they're ridiculously expensive like they used to be. Also, I miss not being able to enjoy new Ratchet and Clank games. In other words, I'll argue there's better stuff besides this game, but after playing Ico and SotC, I'd feel a little...empty I guess if I didn't play the finale of the trilogy of sorts. But I guess I can see your point in the long run. Lord knows I didn't see a ton of other games for Sony's system that caught my eye (although if they make this new castlevania an exclusive on said system, my fate is sealed).
Thought I'd give this a slight bump since they've finally released a few short vids of this beast. It looks pretty nice I think, and definitely captures the frenetic feel of all the action going on onscreen. Still, I'm a bit of a purist so I was a bit caught off guard with the 3D look of it. But the 2D gameplay seems to have stayed, so that's good. Regardless, its looking pretty slick right now. Definitely will check it out when it releases.
Wowzers, this one came out of left field. Pretty psyched for this but I wish it'd come out on other systems too, in order to help with sales. Talking to buddies of mine, I'm pretty certain I'm the only one who bought Ikaruga, 1942 Joint Strike, and Triggerheart Exellica in recent years. Its a shame not many people play schmups anymore, considering the hardcore nature of the genre. But then, hardcore in today's generation means you play lots of FPS's and ultraviolent titles. Still, one can hope eh? Few things I noticed in the trailer: -I could've sworn I saw bubbles for an attack at 0:32. So we're gonna see a return of Parodius styled weapons then. -Extra content=Extra stage maybe?
Umm..I wasn't thinking a bulked up, testosterone enhanced warrior with a beard like LeChuck. I'm pretty sure they could make him good looking with age still. Again, see Solid Snake(ish). I dunno, I had this whole theory of doing a Zelda game during one of the major hylian wars in the series, making Link a sort of wandering swordsman who creates the Knights of Hyrule at some point, and make the gameplay itself in many ways the same. Only instead of going into temples to find new items, solve puzzles, and drive darkness out of the general area, you attack large enemy fortresses/strongholds and do the exact same thing, with minor alterations to the frame. All the while, the world map is one large conflict going on constantly and thus, you're constantly on your toes. In this way, I'm sure they could also improve on all that fancy horseback combat that they made such a big deal in the original but which wasn't that exciting. I like where the Metroid series may be taking its narrative and it would be cool to see Zelda take a similar route. Because in many ways, I think Twilight Princess was a lot of fan service on the story telling front and something needs to be done to put it in a new direction and extend the fiction a little more. /end tirade and brainstorm
You know, if Nintendo teamed with Vanillaware (odin sphere, muramasa), I think a 2-D look could actually trump anything 3-D in my opinion. Then again, I think said developer definitely has their own style and I don't think it would fit well with a decidedly dark kind of look that Metroid is known for. In any case, the quality of said sprite work though would certainly be there.
This. Seriously, if Metal Gear Solid can pull off an Old Snake and make it awesome, then why the hell can't Nintendo make an Old (or even Middle Aged) Link. I'd like to get to play as an actual ADULT Link, not Link the 17 year old schmuck. Link with facial hair and a slightly more built physique would be pretty cool.
You know, having watched the trailer a few times, I would like to say I hope they don't use false melodrama in telling the story. You know what I'm talking about. The kind of "We're under attack! Samus is our only hope!" kind of stuff. I'd rather see something that appears really thought out, and not just flashy CG and overblown voices. I know its only been talked about for a few days and I don't want to come across as a naysayer, but I've seen how Team Ninja handles its storytelling with the Ninja Gaiden series and...let's just say Gaiden doesn't win any awards for its narrative. I guess I hope Nintendo takes the reigns with the storytelling and leaves the visuals/combat to Ninja. 'Course I'm but a wii (punzz) consumer so I won't know what to think until more info's released. Still looks fantastic in many ways.
Yeah, I suppose you're right. I've just never been big on hype trains and the like. I'll check a trailer or two out, maybe even watch someone else play it in the case of a wii game to see if its legit, but otherwise, I try to avoid developers and journalists spouting off their praise for a title that still has a ways to go in its creation. Call me a stick-in-the-mud. Its just a preference.
Wait, people watch the press conferences? My mistake, I never knew it was important to watch big wigs talk about stuff clearly meant for the PRESS. Snide remarks aside, I was pretty psyched for Sin and Punishment 2 and Red Steel 2. The latter got a major overhaul I think and is looking to be a pretty nice upgrade from the sadness that was the first one. Definitely got a Stephen King's The Dark Tower Saga from the trailers, which isn't necessarily a bad thing...
Err...That may be possible, but I think the whole "casual gaming" and "hardcore gaming" divide is kinda obnoxious if you ask me. I mean, sure, I play stuff like Bionic Commando and Bioshock, but I don't mind picking up a title like say..Endless Ocean or playing a round of Wii sports with my dad (whose never been into games much). I think that by Nintendo going after a casual market, they cemented their place in the video game industry for awhile. People have always claimed Nintendo was the kiddie system to its more "mature" counterparts, so I don't think you can really blame them for taking the route they did. Yeah, people say they've sold out their fans, but then, The video game industry is just that: An Industry, and sometimes it must change to fit the times. And Nintendo's philosophy of creating software for everyone doesn't really compete with the hardware that's being marketed for the "hardcore crowd" mostly. So they change tactics and marketing strategy. That being said though, you're right, they could bite the bullet if they don't balance things out enough. /end tirade On the topic of all these new motion controls, I have to say I prefer Sony's to Microsoft's. It seems more tangible to me, while I think I'd feel like a five year old playing pretend when using Natal. I think all the tech and potential is there, but I do find it a little coincidental that all this newfangled motion sensory stuff is coming out all at once. I find it a little hard to believe that someone on both fronts didn't think "Well, Nintendo's got a pretty neat piece of hardware. Let's improve upon the idea in order to beat them in hardware sales once and for all." I'm all for these new forms, so long as a more retro style of control isn't completely forsaken. Lord knows after working a full 10 hours, the last thing I want to do is wave my arms around like a maniac. That being said, has their been a price-point on any of these new gizmos? /end wall of text
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZHjErufjMI So I've been seeing a few new game related threads popping up, but I haven't seen any for new PS3 games and find it slightly disheartening. While I myself do not own a PS3, this little sucker by Team Ico may just change that. I just checked out a 4 minute trailer of it and it looks phenomenal. I still can't quite figure out what the point of it is, but the mood and atmosphere from Shadow of the Colossus and Ico is pretty apparent throughout the whole thing. It looks like similar gameplaying as Ico with a heavy emphasis on companionship between the "monster-guardian" and the boy, mixed with the fact that you are riding on the back of this giant creature that looks like a colossus, only with what appears to be a sligtht Neverending Story feel on the creature design. Overall, its got my attention pretty solidly right now, and if Kow Otani's once again handling the soundtrack, I think we're gonna have another sleeper hit here folks. Edit: Adding a link at the top to a trailer if anyone doesn't wish to read my paragraph...