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Everything posted by Tmansdc

  1. Hi, I have a used 2005 or so computer which I use to play games, transfer music, etc. on (no internet though). This morning I tried turning it on and it showed up fine, the wallpaper at least did but no taskbar/icons. I don't know what to do! Safe Mode does the same thing too! Any suggestions? Thanks very much.
  2. How does one get more known round here? just curious.
  3. Whew I just finally got down downloading the FLAC versions! Yeah, started tuesday, got halfway done, didn't get on a computer yesterday, got back on today and FINALLY! Can't wait to put it on my sansa fuze and listen to it!
  4. I really really would like to go to otakon just for one of these. But won't be able to till at least 2011. Cause next year I'm already committed to Anime Expo (boo, hiss I know!) and Comic-Con.
  5. I can not wait for this! Of course, there'll be all the comparisons to Kong In Concert but oh well. This project's gonna be great! (not trying to start favorites)
  6. I'm also glad this is coming about. I have wondered for the longest time why sonic 1 hadn't had an album/collab/etc. for it. Maybe a Sonic CD or 3D Blast one for after this? Lol. I'm jumping the gun.
  7. Band: Loudness Album: The Everlasting Year: 2009 Track: 1 Song: Hit the Rails
  8. my bad man, i just saw online and posted real quick. I was in a rush. But I should have PS3 by then too. Wii will be last.
  9. I won't even have xbox live till at least march. I miss playing online games.
  10. Sonic 1 and CD (both countries) and 3d blast (both systems) need remix.
  11. My bad for that one mistake on the introduce me post. I realized something, my computer recently had a power surge and one of your remixes (the twinkle park one) and mazedude's riech lake switched tags for a few of the spots. I am not kidding.

  12. I generally dislike anything after Sonic Adventure 2. Love most of sonic adventure 2 and earlier though.
  13. I love both those games soundtracks and would like to see a remix but no big deal/hurry. I'm new anyways so I'm just feeling around getting myself known.
  14. Pretty good song. Love what you did with the already limited source. Plus, this has got to have one of the best titles on a remix ever (not trying to start favorites, I am not! )
  15. I hope to have this all downloaded by thursday night. I only get access to real internet 12 hours a week cause of some stupid reason i don't want to say. Maybe I can give a good review of this by Sunday! Plus I need to learn music theory/terms/etc. better lol.
  16. That is a pretty generous amount of money for a indie game. Maybe they are realizing that original fresh games are better then sequel
  17. I've never been to any raves or electronica/etc. concerts (heck only rock/metal concerts i've been to.) But if I had a lot of money and could travel if there was one I would. Lol. I have to leave so sry if it didn't make sense.
  18. First OCremix album I downloaded which was like a month ago! Great job guys! Well done!
  19. Second OCremix album I downloaded which was like a month ago! Great job guys! Well done!
  20. I seriously hope that this project comes out by the end of oh say 2010 lol. .
  21. I won't be able to go to Otakon till at least 2011. This year I'm not going to anything and next year I'm already packed with e3 (maybe), ax (boo, hiss i know!), and comic-con san diego. Sounds cool though.
  22. Puggsy for Amiga/Genesis/Sega/mega cd. Amazing amount of levels and physics when I was younger, but I guess I've just grown out of puzzle games.
  23. They really need to make a Mechassault3 on 360 or ps3. that'd be sweet.
  24. My bad man. Man, first post on the site and I make a fool out of myself lol.
  25. Hey there the name is Tmansdc (tman for short) and i have been downloading/browsing ocr since 2004. First ever remix I downloaded was darkesword's reich lake and been checking this place out ever since. I've downloaded about 400 remixes, downloaded some of both ssf2t albums, some of kong in concert, some of chrono symphonic, kirby, radical dreamers, and all of the sonic 2 and 3 and knuckles project albums. Just saying hi and that hopefully when i get a great laptop later in the year (when win7 comes installed) and get regular internet access again in march. I'll try my hand at remixin. until then, later. BTW, i'll add twitter/myspace/facebook link/profile, avatar, sig, etc. later on probably thursday. Well maybe not a sig I don't have any good ones.
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