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Everything posted by RDX

  1. The first song is kind of creepy lol. I might just have to buy this. I wish commercial artists dabbled in the lo-fi world a little more, people would love this kind of sound. Or at least they should. i also like your album art
  2. i have no idea
  3. This Jack fellow is a complete asshole who should probably quit acting like a little kid if he wants to be taken seriously, but he's right, no one has really properly refuted him.
  4. I really like it.
  5. if oot has a link fails ending then shouldn't all games have one?
  6. Recessed until tomorrow. I'm not fully educated on what SOPA is, but it really does sound borderline draconian. Some of the recent bills passed honestly look like it's Congress and the White House digging in for some kind of revolt, which I guess was kind of bound to happen but it's still depressing as fuck. I guess that's just the way things go... edit: january, not tomorrow. im stupid. edit2: wait hold up, it was today, now recessed until january. ok.
  7. The thing that bothered me the most about Skyward Sword was how abrupt the ending was. I mean, sure it took me 45 hours, more than double the time it took me to 100% Twilight Princess, but the entire game things are always escalating, and then all of a sudden, what seems like more plot progression becomes the final boss. It just didn't seem like that big a deal that Zelda was having her soul sucked out and Ghirahim had captured her, stuff like this happened all the time. I think a lot of it had to do with the Song of the Hero sidequest, because right after Zelda crystallized herself I was pumped and ready to kill someone. But then that buzz kind of died and by the time I was picking up the pieces of the Triforce I just didn't really care anymore. I was more ready for a couple more dungeons than end game stuff. So yeah, I'm kind of left feeling empty. I've been playing this game for almost a month, I was kind of expecting more closure. Maybe a kiss between Link and Zelda? I dunno.Something connecting Gaepora to Kaepora Gaebora? I was expecting that the whole game, and it ended up just being a cute easter egg.
  8. how is swinging a stick shaped controller like a sword in a game where your character uses a sword half assed so how does this make nintendo's finished product overall unenjoyable so not being able to spin attack constantly breaks the flow of the game? i mean, if you're fine with stamina being applied to sprinting and link's pseudo parkour, then the only thing left is swimming and spin attacks.i dont get you
  9. yeah i agree. well i didn't actually cry, but i was more touched than I thought i'd be from a zelda game. why dont we just make everything dungeon rush mode because dungeons are the only enjoyable thing in zelda games anyway.i don't understand why everyone needs instant gratification all the time every time. it takes me like, 5 seconds max to push through those item get boxes and sit through the little cutscene. i'm wasting my time anyway playing a video game, it's not that big of a deal, i can wait. and then people call this "game breaking" and "unacceptable"? 5 seconds. also i'd like to point out that ruining a central focus of the game's design, i.e. mapping the controls to a regular controller isn't "polishing it". that's just being a puss because you can't be bothered to get acquainted with nintendo's silly little controller. (By the way, you all know about Golo the goron, right? He's the goron who's mining away at a wall in the third area much later in the story who breaks your game if you talk to him twice. Be careful of him).
  10. i cried 10char
  11. That's pretty cool! I wasn't too fond of the boss in the next dungeon, which is kind of a shame since just about every single boss fight up until then was absolutely amazing. And it sucks that I already know what the next boss is, but it sounds pretty awesome so I'm stoked. This is probably one of the best games in the series...I think part of why I'm not enjoying it as much as I should is just because I'm older, but I can't help but notice how much soul and creativity they put into this game. Almost everything sparks my imagination on the same level those N64 games did when I was younger. I've already clocked 30 hours, which is more than it took me to 100% Twilight Princess, and I'm kind of sad that the game is coming to a close. I wish there were more items, I feel like I barely have anything.
  12. Hey guys i found something pretty cool. Another awesome case of Nintendo referencing some random folktale in their games. *****Spoilers for the 4th dungeon****** Remember the part where you're climbing up the thread and the zombie bokoblins try to grab onto you? Go to wikipedia and search for "The Spider's Thread". I'd post a link to it, but then the hyperlink will show up instead of being white text. The chances of that just being a coincidence is way too small. I love it when Nintendo does stuff like this. *****End spoilers******
  13. I'm one of the few people who liked Galaxy 2 loads better than Galaxy 1. I didn't like that Galaxy 1 had a story, lol. I honestly think it would've been cooler if they created an entirely new character for Galaxy, because the atmosphere and the music in general weren't quite as upbeat as Mario games always had been up until then. But whatever, they're both great games. Galaxy 2 is probably the best game I've played in years. My problem with Mario Land 3D is that I'm just bored with the Galaxy-type structure. Same music, same graphical style, same level gimmicks. Instead of waggling to flip the platforms, you jump. But anyway, that's just, like, my opinion. I'm not some Mario purist, I grew up on 64 and have always known Mario as having a voice. Voiceless Mario would be weird, it's not like his little noises take anything away from the game. What did I think of Sunshine? When it came out I didn't like it nearly as much as Mario 64, but 64 was my first console game so I was kind of biased. It's probably my second favorite 3d Mario.
  14. should've been a haikuI dunno how I feel about this. I guess it says something about me that I had a much stronger reaction to this reading the title than when I heard someone I knew died a few weeks ago. But if he's still making games...that's good. What kind of games though? Are we going to see cute minigames like Wii Music and those Brain Age type games? Or is he going to make us something creative along the lines of Pikmin? I always wished Miyamoto had a more direct role in making games, just to see what he'd do, so maybe this will be a good thing. i dunno. Zelda is in good hands, I guess Mario is doing pretty okay. The idea that the shadowy head of the Shiggy will no longer be behind the games that I love makes me sad though. That guy was like that extra father that I didn't really need, but sort of appreciated anyway. And now he's moved on
  15. yeahI know everyone else who likes Mario is still enjoying Mario, but I wish they'd introduce a new gimmick or at least a new style. Even some of the music from 3D Land is stripped straight from the Galaxys.
  16. All I'm saying is be careful. I wouldn't wish a fate like that on anyone. Make sure you're eating enough food alongside your milk.
  17. I'm kind of done with the Galaxy style, that's part of why I don't really want to pick up the game. The Mario formula is getting kind of stale, and graphically the games have been the same for the past 5 years. From what I've seen, the Tanooki tail is used the same way as the spin attack from the Galaxys. You wall jump off a wall and spin to reach hidden secrets. Part of me wishes they'd do something ballsy like Mario Sunshine again, even if that wasn't really the best Mario game. Or what if they just tried a creative art style? Even that would be fresh enough for me.
  18. This is actually probably one of my favorite tracks on the site. It's sort of a redux of the original, which is hard to pull off when you're doing a David Wise piece. Very relaxing, very chill. I enjoy it thoroughly
  19. Side effects of GOMAD is lots of acne and liquid stool. Some people won't get acne, but if you're doing the full gallon and you're not eating food with each glass of milk, you're going to have painful bathroom trips. And, Soul Splint, how many calories do you eat on average a day? I always thought I was an "ectomorph", but then I calculated it and I was only eating like <1000 calories every day. So, keep that in mind. Since I started eating lunch outside I've put on a lot of weight cause most meals come in 1000 calories servings, so, it might just be that you're not eating enough.
  20. cool, i have something to play next year.
  21. Start doing squats. Gain 5 pounds. Aww yeah. Noobie gains are awesome. And squats are awesome. I haven't been able to workout in a week, but Starting Strength is probably the best program I've ever been on. To all the nubs out there, I recommend you try it.
  22. no no no, im saying the best version is so old i couldn't even find it on youtube.i wish i didn't sound so confrontational all the time...
  23. I agree with this.
  24. so old i could only find it on ytmnd and then there's the theme song to this game, which i should play someday
  25. Well technically at this point 8-bit is more of a graphical style then just overall shoddy graphics... but enough of that
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