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Everything posted by Kinslayer

  1. I'm suddenly reminded of why I hate people...
  2. F is for Final Fantasy Tactics A2
  3. I wouldn't know you from another forum site, would I?

  4. am currently working with Theophany online...we're still in....remix infancy...lol
  5. Nope, Chobits is in no way, shape, form, or fashion about aliens...I've read and watched the whole series while I was in high school...Dear S is about alien women... Dear S is CLAMP's most hentai-ish shojo manga they've ever produced...
  6. Level 6: Face Shrine, from Zelda: Link's Awakening OST
  7. You're close Zero, but also quite far off (that one's Dear S btw) Chobits takes place in the future where people invent human replica computers known as Persocoms to replace actual human relationships (other than actually having children of course) and it tells the story of a young man who finds the ultimate model known as a Chobit, who unlike other models doesn't have a reset button in her ear, but rather, it's located in her hoo-hah...unfortunately, resetting a Persocom gives them a whole new personality, hence the lesson in abstinence.
  8. it's not a boast, it's the truth...I've had a college reading level since I was 9 years old...the only reason I never got skipped any grades is because I talked too much...regardless of how much smarter I was, I've always been behind in maturity...*shrugs*
  9. OMFG....that's some freakin' awesome music...definitely hear a cha-ching in two weeks
  10. I can read quite well, thank you very much, I would know, I've been reading books bigger than your head since I was 9 years old... anyways... Chobits could be considered slice-of-life, but it's also a lesson in abstinence...XD
  11. Blauer Morgengrau by TaQ from the album: and yes, same TaQ as did the tracks, Holic, Era(Nostalmix), DXY!, and Stoic for all you DDR fans...
  12. started coming here back in March to download music, joined the forums about a week ago, been posting since...
  13. sorry for the double post... Pixietricks, have you ever considered making Wildland a new age/electronic track...I think it's too short...it's so freakin' epic...it makes my ears happy, but they're sad at the same time because it's so short...I'd love you forever if you did a longer version...so much potential there....lol
  14. that was directed at me Red99, not you...
  15. I may have to check it out too, it seems to be being recommended alot in the last couple of days...
  16. yeah, but what I did and what I'm doing now are two completely different things...I don't like being insulted, and I don't like throwing insults...I've seen something in Offtop go completely out of hand, and after that, insulting people only makes things worse, so therefore I'm just going to post and enjoy myself.
  17. I dunno, definitely not me anymore Darkesword, I've decided to be nice...even when people get on my bad side, after all, we're online... yeah, I've tried the manga of most of those...didn't like 'em... And remember, Elfen Lied was violent, and bloody, and had bad language, but Nyu sure was cute!
  18. read the post, so now I'm up to date on everything that's needed to know...LOL
  19. are you kidding, you're thinking the bassoon, the oboe sounds like a strangled duck quacking... I'd do the flute part for you, but sadly, I gave it up six years ago and don't even remember how to read sheet music anymore...I'm sorry dude, I've even got the perfect set up for recording...
  20. @ Kenobio, Elfen Lied was dubbed really well, the voices were really well done, especially the difference between Lucy and Nyu.... @SlickDaddySlick, Congrats, I haven't seen Lucky Star myself, but I've heard of it...I may go back and watch it one of these days, if I'm not bogged down with others.
  21. Yay, something we agree on...LOL...Amarillo does suck, I'm so leaving here a.s.a.p!
  22. I'd tell you but I don't watch many subbed episodes, I prefer the dubbed...if you watch the dub there's no sound problems that I know of, although most streams are so high quality that there's alot of hot audio pops in the background...
  23. I was surprised yet again it seems...
  24. Hey dude, message me on AIM when you get a chance...I've got some stuff done on this end for you

  25. yeah, I'll check Dubbed-Scene again and see if they have it, I think they do.
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