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Everything posted by Kinslayer

  1. Is the anime Blood+ any good? I've been wanting to watch it, but have yet to find it in good quality online...
  2. Y was skipped, so... Y is for Yoshi's story... and D is for Donkey Kong
  3. yeah, the name under her username kinda threw me off...lolz
  4. I've let Theophany know to be on the lookout JaDE...yay!!! it's so quick, it's so freakin' awesome...yay!
  5. If I come by some strange Windfall or manage to rob a bank before December bLiNd and manage to get enough to take three peoples, I'll fly out there and pick you guys up...LOLz, otherwise, I'm in the same boat...too flippin' broke...
  6. cool, I'll give it a whirl sometime tonight then... (and what did you mean by giving zircon physical attention in the Mag thread?!) and just curious, are you a guy or a girl?
  7. well, I've got more beef with Darkesword these days than Brushfire...he and I are cool, now it's a matter of money, unless $1000 falls into my lap sometime in the next month, I'm uber screwed...so it's really doubtful I'll make it...
  8. I dunno, I'm gay, so I'd probably watch it...lolz...but seriously, I like a little action, some drama, some blood, and just enough of that cutesy anime flair to enjoy... Just curious, is Haruhi season 2 any good? I haven't really wanted to start it yet.
  9. umm, I don't guess I've really seen you very much in the forums Monobrow, but happy birthday.
  10. I just noticed the thread RELOCATED!!! yay!
  11. Nice rhyming Brushfire... but seriously, all debate with Darkesword aside, let's get back on topic and talk anime...does anyone have any recommendations from the new stuff that's worth watching? I haven't found an anime worth wasting time on in a while
  12. Okay Brushfire (aha, so that's why I can understand you better than your co-hosts...j/k) Being in AMARILLO sucks, is that better?
  13. SGX--Meal for A Whale from his: Hero of the Gray Matter
  14. W is for Wild ARMs 2
  15. No I'm not 5 years old, I just edited the post because I was throwing knives at a certain pretentious, full of himself ass *cough*DarkeSword*cough* and I changed it because it was kind of harsh...I can't stand people that judge other people, and I especially can't stand people with their nose in the air...which, from what I hear alot on the forums is that pretentious, full of himself ass definitely thinks he's too good to even join a discussion without throwing an insult at someone.
  16. U is for Ultraman 2
  17. that's what I was about to say...I just need to get a keyboard for this one, and some better speakers...my laptops quite alright...
  18. My mind just didn't even want to pronounce the Elw...I just called them the El-wuhs, but now that the translation is supposed to be El-loo, then I look forward to using the cleaner pronunciation...hopefully I can trust the old clunker PS2 to not freeze today...I need mine back!!!
  19. those lucky people...being in Texas sux....
  20. i.transmit.this across the galaxy again...from i.transmit.this EP by SGX
  21. Currently listening to: i.transmit.this re-transmission(same album)
  22. If only Gluttony from FMA were real, I'd totally let him eat you...
  23. Just buy a laptop with decent memory 3-4 GB, and a big harddrive....with a decent sound and video card and you'll be fine...my laptop is almost a year old and it runs FL Studio 8 with almost no difficulties
  24. @ Thalzon, do you like Meteos or did you just pick the Lastar Meteon because it looks cool?
  25. i.transmit.this back to 1946 by Nicole Adams from: by SGX I might add!
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