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Everything posted by Kinslayer

  1. Yeah, I'm kinda wanting to get this game anyway...we'll just see how long it takes Steam to refund my money to me...
  2. Oh darn, so I still haven't found a hat drop yet... that's not fair... I've also noticed alot of goofy hats that look like fucking Chappy the Rabbit lately...
  3. I've only picked up one hat so far...that Ghostly one with the open flap...and it's able to equip to all classes...
  4. I agree on the mention of Tears for Fears above, namely, the tracks "Mad World," "Shout," and "Everybody Wants to Rule the World," are a key factor in any '80's playlist. I would also include music from Heart, Stevie Nicks, Pat Benatar, and Blondie.
  5. Nice use of the voice tracks...but still...
  6. Well, the only other songs I've played today are Crystal Flash by Virt on both Casual and Pro...got a #5 ranking on Casual and #11 on Pro...try it on Ninja later...
  7. I'm in a bad mood, so I'm listening to ProtoDome's The Insubstantial Bridge to lighten my mood...
  8. No Doulifee, it's perfect, thanks

  9. It's okay Zero, I suck so bad that I don't think I'll ever claim any thrones...XD
  10. I heard this on OCAD and just had to have it...I'm going to have so much fun with this song... OMG, Proto, you have officially replaced LoZ--Forest Temple musicz as my Crazy Happy music!
  11. Oh My Gawd, she speaks outside of IRC *Kinslayer dies*
  12. Well, there's also that Journey song from the 80's that sounds alot like one of the levels from Megaman...
  13. Unfortunately I liked Whoopi better as the smart hyena than the TF2 counterpart...
  14. I've seen Toomz around alot too, but rules are the rules...
  15. He hasn't, that's why I was asking...you know, so I could figure them out...seeing as how I don't check the site much...you know, since I get the show sent straight to iTunes... And how dare you bash Haruhi Suzumiya, if it weren't for her you wouldn't exist right now!!! j/k Haruhi's a terrible series...I watch it for lulz and I love the art...
  16. Well, we'll see what happens whenever I connect tomorrow then, I'm hoping for good news
  17. I just noticed that you're using an avatar from Meteos(isn't that Layazero?) I really wish that game had online play on the DS...*sigh*
  18. Stevo, or David, could one of you do me a favor and send me a list of all music featured in eps. 21, and where I can find it(or links work!) There were a lot of mixes on the episode that I really want, and I know some of them are from other sites...so please help me get them!!!
  19. I'll just stick to Mono Characters...I tried some of the others and I suck... I'll be willing to try them again once I have a mouse for my lappy.
  20. Well BGC, I donated what I could...I know that every little bit helps
  21. Just be sure to let me know when that reserve slot is up and ready, getting booted every twenty minutes really encourages me to get back on the damn server. >=(
  22. Yeah I like it...less opportunities to miss cars too because Mono Pro can extend fins to catch all three rows at once if needed.
  23. Good, glad it's finally out... Making a partial review now that I'm listening to it... 1)I like the old theme song better, listening to Dyne have multiple orgasms during a video game song I remember but can't place isn't really what I had in mind... 2) Brushfire, the Ringo Starr impersonation was nice but overdone, still awesome though. 3) Epicenter sounded like a female...which actually made the podcast funnier 4) Love the music...
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