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liquid wind

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Everything posted by liquid wind

  1. Silver should be fine I think especially if you're using it in a complementary role to a rock band, I think GPO is the only other thing really in that price range and Silver is definitely more believable
  2. Seen it before but still pretty fucking awesome, worth rewatching
  3. Sonatina is one of the better freebies out there, I think my current orchestra setup is about 60-80% Sonatina layered over some twisted combination of Nutritious' palettes, Sytrus drums, and some other things I've collected I'm also curious about this as I'm thinking about upgrading my sample library soonish, EWQLSO is the default recommendation but what after that? I'm currently aware of GPO or maybe getting Kontakt and using what's bundled in that, I'd rather avoid east west because of the dongle
  4. There's different degrees of gaming, most people on this site for instance will buy numerous $60 games every year but someone who buys a $1 iphone game is equally a gamer, 40% of "gamers" doesn't mean 40% of the market
  5. Depends on what kind of game you're making, a lot of games will have a less diverse demographic. Call of Duty or Street Fighter games for instance aren't going to be marketed to women, which isn't really just a video games issue but also based in the perception that violent media is for men(and most video games are fundamentally built around combat in some form or another...)
  6. Has some some vibrato and light delay too, a lot of making a lead like this sound good is just articulation
  7. This was finally confirmed for US release a few minutes ago by Reggie, will be out sometime this year Looking forward to this and Xenoblade, haven't played any new JRPGs in forever
  8. OCR making a video game sounds pretty rad, I like this idea
  9. Can't you rewire them or use the FL VSTi so you don't have to continuously bounce down and THEN see if your beats match your project? That'd make it a lot easier.
  10. The super badass stereotype is also an unrealistic standard to live up to that is very common in the media, and yet this doesn't seem to piss anyone off. Funny how gender roles and expectations are only wrong when they're female...and yet it's only men in this topic that are angry about it
  11. The sky was definitely a disappointment, both in segregating the surface regions and because the sky itself was very underdeveloped. Really not much to do other than track down goddess cube chests and a few things at the lumpy pumpkin, I think there was much more potential there I think I like the story more than WW and TP but it isn't saying too much, MM and LA are the best games in the series in that regard IMO The art style could be seen as covering the Wii's limitations but I'm not sure that even makes sense, the textures in a lot of places actually look worse than what you might see in TP. I like the concept behind it but it does have obvious technical issues
  12. I'm not even sure where this expectation comes from, maybe I'm unusual but I don't find that SCIV pic very attractive, the others are all much better IMO
  13. I've never heard anyone complain about that, it's never even made me feel awkward aside from that time Big Boss made me question my orientation but THAT'S COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT
  14. That's even worse from a design standpoint because everyone already complained about rupees doing that in TP, there's no reason for them to have thought that would be a good idea that everyone wouldn't hate This game makes me angry with things like that because I WANT to love it, on the story and presentation side I think it's the best Zelda in a long time, the art style might be my favorite in the whole series, but it has -so- much bad game design...
  15. Most of us have never been trapped in a life threatening situation at work where we had the tools to deal with it but were forbidden to do so by our superiors, it's a very different situation. I wouldn't classify Other M as sexist although there are certainly many good arguments for that, I think it was just shoddy writing and the culmination of Nintendo's newer philosophies and a director that didn't like his franchise becoming more popular under another developer. I think you could say that it comes off as that but I don't think it was the intent with the writing, as for Samus' appearance...it's team ninja...that's what team ninja does http://www.vg247.com/2012/02/15/dead-or-alive-5s-women-to-be-more-realistic-high-class/ err, did...apparently...
  16. Samus was actually becoming less sexualized over time until Zero Mission Nearly naked > more modest but still revealing > slightly less revealing and more buff And then in Prime there was only a helmet removal
  17. I didn't experience extreme difficulty with it but that scene that it shows every time annoyed me to no end. The game has a really incoherent theme where they do some things to streamline the gameplay like dashing, leaping, no pause item screen, and then they do all these things to break the flow, it's like giving a massive team 5 years to make this game was too much for Nintendo to keep them all on the same page
  18. Had massive data loss a few months back, was able to recover a lot of things thanks to the mirror posted earlier in this thread but I'm still missing some stuff, wondering if anyone has mv - Heavenly Anew(Final Fantasy XI) zyko Diablo remix, forget the name but it's part of his "of darkness and legends" series so it should be similar Fatty Acid - We Were Sixteen(Chrono Trigger) The Wingless - Obsidian Ocean(Star Fox) Prophecy - On Top of Jacob's Ladder
  19. Definitely getting a sweet early 90s vibe from this, I love it!
  20. I like Fi a little as a character but as a game mechanic...ugh, I really hate the way she has to pop up constantly to make sure you haven't missed something that is glaringly obvious. Just part of the larger problem really, I don't like how the camera constantly zooms in on things to make sure you don't miss them either, as well as treating you like a mentally handicapped ape it just breaks the flow of the game. Still love the game somehow, I usually would hate a game I have this much criticism for but they did do a lot right, going to have to replay it soon before Xenoblade is out
  21. Makes me wonder what might've been if OoT HAD taken place entirely in Ganon's castle as originally planned, considering how much the other games borrowed from OoT it might've significantly changed the whole series since then
  22. Spinner would have been amazing if you ever had any reason to use it outside of Arbiters grounds, also would've helped if it worked better on normal ground instead of losing momentum
  23. The great sea is significantly bigger, but yeah that's a huge problem with both of those games IMO, massive massive amounts of completely empty space
  24. This is probably my favorite thing on the soundtrack too bad you never have much reason to just chill on the sky islands for very long
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