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Everything posted by Dissidia

  1. I only play Dominion now since I enjoy it far more than Summoner's Rift. The consistency of good games in Summoner's Rift feels very lacking to me.
  2. How to win Summoner's Rift: gain advantage - kills (jungle ganks), farm, buffs, turrets keep pressuring after getting the upper hand - time dragon, baron, force team fights you know you should win, and take opportunities that are advantageous. control enemy team - wards, CV, champ specific spells, don't let the enemy get on equal footing. make as few dumb moves as possible so you don't loose your advantage. My take on SR, might have forgotten something.
  3. I think this book is pretty darn good http://www.amazon.com/Composing-Music-Approach-William-Russo/dp/0226732169 especially if you are just starting out. Fun exercises for the most part. It's about learning seperate elements of composing. Chords, note length, subdivide etc in short "create this by using this". Progress -> starting point. PS. Emperor C, I totally agree. Learning your DAW as well as you can (and any other tools you use) goes a long way. I am still learning things in FL after 3+ years.
  4. Very nice, my only qualm is the choir sound. I'd prefer your voice instead. But then again I'd prefer this live with an orchestra :9 Your other songs on Soundcloud are great too.
  5. Cool, makes me wanna do some epic music myself right now :> It reminds me of Soul Calibur music.
  6. Ok, so apparently you have to bind it, since it's not assigned to anything by default, unfortunately the pitch bend only wants to work in 0-200, when I change the formula it starts at another pitch. Feels like more hassle than it's supposed to be, I will return it if I can't set it up properly. Kinda pointless to buy a low customization keyboard having to bind the basic things that should work and mess around just to have it work.
  7. Vocaloid songs, namely: Black Rock Shooter, Melt, Bad Apple.
  8. I bought an Alesis Q25, but I can't get the data entry slider and the mod wheel to work in FL. It only gives the green input signal instead of orange/red. I tried routing everything differently (midi channels on through keyboard) and reset the keyboard but that did nothing. The mod wheel only slides 2 semitones up and down for some reason, but only in FL. I tried using the keyboard in philharmonic standalone VST and it works fully. I don't see how or where I change the options to make it work like outside of FL. I'm using it under generic controller, already tried with the other Alesis preset. Additional question, can you keep plugging the usb out (there is no safely remove on this device) since it uses power constantly and there is no way to turn it off afaik. Help would be greatly appreciated
  9. It's also nice knowing you can complete a song all by yourself And be happy with how it sounds and not just happy about the composing.
  10. Anyone else getting silly long queues for Dominion? I mean 8-120+ minutes. The timer only goes to 60 minutes.
  11. Neblix: Yeah I'm not much of a sound creator, thought about buying harmor and z3ta earlier but I prefer tweaking presets in my alchemy libraries I don't mind balancing and eq it's just that I don't find it very fun (some songs can be troublesome for me though, getting it to that "happy with" place). I mostly like composing. http://soundcloud.com/williamthurin/magic-makes-it-all-complete this song took forever to mix and master and I'm still not completely content how it sounds.
  12. The most boring part of making music to me is mixing and mastering. I'd rather have someone else do it. But it is nice to have the song sounding better in the end :9
  13. Haha cool, yeah the low end percussion is a bit loud and the bass could be a little louder instead.
  14. I don't always mute the music on Dominion but when I do I listen to this
  15. Galio mid <3 indeed haha. It's fun cause you almost always face ap casters and can be all like "YOUR DMG GODDAMNIT!" And galio q dmg early, I take that.
  16. Me and my friend (Taric) were on skype and what seemed like an obvious death to Taric turned out to be a 3 for 0 exchange that made them surrender.
  17. You should get/use the chord wheel it's made for this.
  18. Haha not what I imagined xD Really good though.
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