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Everything posted by Dissidia

  1. Fort Minor - Remember The Name There is this synth part in the chorus, it's all I listen to when the chorus starts, it makes the song for me haha.
  2. IK multimedia is giving away a free version of Amplitube 3. It doesn't include much but you can buy presets "a lá carte" as they put it. http://www.ikmultimedia.com/Main.html?MainPage.php This isn't really a "deal" just thought I would post it here instead of making a new thread.
  3. I don't think the original is always better but nostalgia and memories can make you feel that it is. There are remixes that I like better than the original but if it's a song I have strong connections to it won't be the same kind of like.
  4. Presets save time, and I am all for saving time. Imagine if synths didn't have presets. Wouldn't that be awfully boring? You can draw inspiration from presets, and change them to faster get the sound you want. I am in the composer boat, if the composition is bad then it will sound bad. If the composition is good it will sound good.
  5. That sounds very fancy, I will stay stuned for sure.
  6. Cool, will check it out. It seems very new but that just means there is so much more ahead.
  7. I recieved my copy of the Chord Wheel today, and I must say, it is very intuitive and fun to use. You just place the wheel on a key then you can see what the intervals are in that key. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Chord-Wheel-Ultimate-Tool-Musicians/dp/0634021427/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1302822482&sr=1-1#reader_0634021427 It can be used to transpose, analyze songs, and learn music theory. All you have to do is spin & win. I bought this book because I wanted to make better chord progressions faster and easier. I just wanted to let the people here on OCR know about this simple but wonderful book.
  8. Nice timing, I made a thread about this theme just the other day comparing chord progressions to vgm. You have to many frequencies competing in the high mids/treble range (also at some parts they are a bit overbearing). I don't want to say the usual, but you need to take more turns and be more liberal. It's too close to the original. The A part repeating then the B part. It is difficult to remix songs you like, cause you don't want to change too much, at least that's how it is for me hehe. Do you have a direction you want to go with the song? A special emotion? It can help greatly if you know what you want to convey. You don't have to agree with me but those are my tips
  9. Haha IBBI, you are supposed to post a Beethoven song and a VG song that has that progression then! I am aware that chord progressions have limited choices but I thought it would be fun to see if anyone had any examples related to video game music.
  10. Is it just me or does this make you think of Vamo Alla Flamenco from FFIX? Vangelis - Conquest of Paradisehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agaH80PYEpY FFIX - Vamo Alla Flamenco Are there any chord progressions that you relate to a certain video game song?
  11. You can pick by: blend, contrast, genre, expression, and so much more. It's just usually a matter what fits in the mix.
  12. Haha yeah I realize that. You could study it to some degree. There isn't any real reason for it though.
  13. Totally, I could see myself listening to this in the background if it was longer.
  14. Eventually one can learn intervals without trial and error, it's a bit like my "compose with your eyes" thread. When you know all the intervals you can compose without listening to the notes. Except it's the opposite, you hear notes and turn them into notation.
  15. IK Multimedia is having a sale with 5$ for each instrument sold going to the red cross. The sale includes several of their VSTi. Check it out for yourself, the sale ends May 31st. http://www.ikmultimedia.com/Main.html?vihotbuy/index.php You have to use the promo code to get the discount. Note: IK's $5 per item donation is based on product registrations. Please make sure to register your product with IK to ensure that the donation is processed.
  16. I had to listen to this song again, there's something about it.
  17. April 1st you will be remembered forever in our hearts~
  18. Oh I see, it does give the impression of being orchestrated. I didn't quite understand one thing though, did he say he only uses his keyboard and mouse? Everyone has a suck phase unless he/she is a genius. I have all my old songs since I started making music, and boy, my first song is not very good. At the time I think I thought was. Now, I don't really make assumptions what other think about my songs, I just take as it comes, of course I am very happy if people like it.
  19. Prophecy: that's impressive. I actually like the flair of the vocals too. Willrock: Interesting, very few notes are off, not bad at all. Haha that ending, FL samples ftw. I don't think I am at the level where I can compose with my eyes 100% but it's interesting. I am going to try some right now. Edit: after around 10-15 minutes I got bored of the silence and decided to just export it. And this is how it sounds apparently. In the first part I played it back in my head, for the strings I just put in notes without "listening" how they would sound.
  20. Maybe it's more common than I thought. - Prophecy: do you remember if the result varied much at all?
  21. Cool guy. Nothing really new interview-wise, but still fun to watch.
  22. Nowadays you can preview songs, I think that's the largest difference. I don't think this idea is very fun or useful for someone who already writes songs in their head/mind. That's the whole point of it. Kinda like drawing with your eyes closed, you could practice it until you can draw accurately without looking. Do you get my point?
  23. Yes, and he is well known for a reason. I also don't think composing is comparable now to then. How many composers here actually write whole pieces of music with notation by hand?
  24. I just got a crazy idea, what if you made a song, while completely deaf (everything related to making the song muted-)? If anyone tries this, please post it here.
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