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Everything posted by Garpocalypse

  1. so excited to see everyone again! Can't believe it's been over a year since the last one. Since I am probably the only person in the group without a smartphone would anyone be able to be a liason of sorts for me and let me know about group meetings and other stuff that goes on in the group chat app that everyone is using? Definitely don't want to miss out!
  2. 1. Cyril The Wolf 2. Nutritious 3. TheShaggyFreak
  3. Thanks for the crits! I've been jotting some stuff down every time I listen to the mixes posted this round and i'll probably put them here when I get back from MAG.
  4. I would have rabidly supported any adaptation of any SEGA game... but then they made Sonic Boom. Already done. That was the best of the bunch and no it didn't really.
  5. Thanks man that means a lot! I have a major "thing" for symphonic metal and really enjoyed your entry. It seems Nut-rageous is definitely showing off why he is a judge of this community. Now I know it was justified being worried about competing with him. I wasn't sure if reviews were encouraged with prizes on the line for this competition but I'll probably try to get a set of Rage Reviews together before long.
  6. This is an exciting round! Good to see some different rock/metal genre's represented.
  7. Just ruined my day. Origa and Yoko Kanno were such an awesome team.
  8. Best way to make friends is to show up at MAGfest in 1.5 weeks. http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=47615
  9. Awesome first round! Getting inspired to spread some Freedom Planet love! Just wanted to verify when the mixes are due. Are they due on Saturday (The 17th as outlined) or Sunday (As mentioned later in the submission guidelines)?
  10. Hey, You gave that away for free for a short time Will! though i probably should pay for it with as much as i have listened to it. Thanks for the suggs so far! I want to try to get at least one album from everyone i can. ...zircon i already have a bunch from you.
  11. I'm not a major proponent of Itunes but over the holidays I was given a rather large number of Itunes Gift Cards and I was thinking of what I should put them into. Since I already have pretty much everything I want from itunes I was thinking of using them to support anyone from OCR who has work on there that i was previously unaware of. If you have something on there list it here and i'll probably end up buying it.
  12. Well it's about time someone did a compo with stylistic requirements! But yea, this one is kind of dropped with no warning. If there wasn't already a bunch of stuff going on i'd be totally up for it. I have been meaning to use Best Service's Medieval Legends for an OCRemix for ages! It should be pointed out that the differences between these periods is subtle to most. It would take more than a month of study to really understand the differences between these periods and THEN expect a ReMix of them. An original music competition would be far easier in this respect. I support the idea but suggest that maybe the compo could be changed to Early, Baroque, Classical, Romantic style choices of western music. Just a sugg but the differences between these styles would be far more pronounced. good luck with the compo!
  13. We really need unpublished music for this album. OCR projects release to pretty high expectations and having music that was not specifically made for the album would be a huge let down to a lot of OCR fans as well as the Streets of Rage fans that are always searching for new interpretations of these tracks. Not to mention that a lot of the people already on this album have a large amount of their ReMixing of their sources done already and they have been graciously holding onto their work specifically for the release of this album. To fill the remaining tracks with already published work from Youtube would be an even bigger let down for them. The first official check in is still a month away and it doesn't need to be 100% complete at that point. If you have an older version that you never published online you are free to use it of course.
  14. Sounds like you've got a nice piece of awesomeness coming! Getting really excited for this album now! Welcome to the project Iceferno!
  15. Loved this game. Looking back at it now it seems so freaking 90's!
  16. Thanks timaeus!! This was my first remix using Omnisphere and I love the synth like crazy but i'm still trying to figure out how to use it. Going to be messing around with the different reverb plugins and filters for awhile
  17. Any chance I could get a Freedom Planet sig from someone? My photoshopping skills are GOD AWFUl and i won't be able to make one myself until the first week of the month.
  18. Welcome back Bstrades! You can start on your substantial any time you want but I am shooting for the first real check-in being in February. Exactly when will be dictated by how long it takes to get the rest of the tracks claimed. I have been trying to keep this project within OCRemix but since it has taken so long to get the rest of the tracks claimed I have started to open it up to non-ocr remixers. Of course OCRemixers will still be given priority when claiming tracks. Still, get those WIPS in!
  19. Hey everyone, Here is an updated version of the remix I subbed for the OCR Holiday Album V8. It is based off of one of my favorite sources from one of my favorite VG OST's. (Still hoping for a sequel!) Source: Remix: https://soundcloud.com/garpocalypse/aquaria-prayer-for-the-azure-waters
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