SZRC Edition Vol. II
Fashionably Late as always.
You're Too Snow!
Really enjoying the snow like vibes from the intro. I think the guitar stay at one level in the mix too much though. Would
have liked to hear some tone changes. Maybe a double tracking or a synth layering for some sections. If you were going for
a live sound, which is possible with all that reverb, then it works. Really good use of both zone themes!
Synth Snowman
Some interesting avant garde sounds in this one but probably unintentional. Very tough to pick out the themes at times but it
was a pretty good effort. Sterling it's great you are getting started this early in your life. Keep at it and you will get
some great stuff going!
No Love Lasts Forever
InTro WAs a ComPLetE MIcHaEl JacKsOn RiP oFf! Kick Snare Kick Clap? yEa, ReAL oRiGinAl... WhAt iS tHis 1985?! GeT sOmE
tAleNt Ya sHMmMmMuCk!! NEXT!!
Call of The Phoenix
Orchestra remixes are kind of a funny thing. Sample libraries are either great or completely unusable. This remix might not
have the best samples but they were used very well. Though the violins really stood out to me in a less than great way when
they took the melody at 00:56 mostly because the articulations were unnatural and the vibrato was really awkward. Find
someone who has a decent set of orchestra samples and see if they would mind working with you on this! get it subbed!
Double Cross
Nice intro. Enjoying the sweep. This is definitely going somewhere. Crap it's dubstep NEXT!!
... just kidding. Production is fantastic with a great sense of depth and movement from background to foreground. Though
with Death Egg being your pick for the Competition I was hoping to hear more of it. Nice job though!
Sininen Sili Silai
Classic ROck sOunD oHh yEAa!! Despite the (intentional) shoestring budget demo sound the guitars all fit together pretty
well! Can hear each one very distinctly. Just a small section around 1:58 gets a little hairy but otherwise awesome job!
Good matching of similar sounds used in the source. Though I would have personally like to hear more of an aural 'splosion
at 00:45. You had some good energy building but all that was lost after the 'splosion! Keep tabs on what you have in the
center and what you have panned outwards and don't be afraid to cut the bass out for a beat or two before those moments. Try
to make it as obvious as possible and it will come across well!
Hedgehog Reboom
Spoken word intro? Man, you GOTTAA RAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! I like to use images to help get the best performance.
Look at something like that right before you record and it will help get some more out of you. I think some of the issue is that you used too much disonance at the wrong times which adds to an overly lethargic
feeling throughout the remix and that probably had an effect on how you did the vocals. Not bad, just not kickin' quite as
well as it could have. Hope to be hearing more from you in the future!
Smooth as Ice
Really like that sax. Can actually hear the keys clicking at the start and feel the spit coming out of the end of it. I
would kind of like to hear the sax take a break for one of the melodies though. Let someone else have the spotlight for a
few beats you know? Very nice remix hope you can submit more of these to OCR!
Frozen Heart
Awesome production... despite the auto tuned vocals. Awesome work!
Twisted Chemicals
... and here we get into Chemical Plant. Also reffered to as the next Sonic Track to be remixed Ad Nauseum. An Ice Cap Zone
in progress. Very nice arrangement. ...and I'm not just saying that because I have nothing good to say about the mixing.
That's great too! Going to be listening to this one for awhile.
Chemically Groovin'
Oh man, getting Shenmue vibes at the start! It sounds you have something great here it just needs more elaboration. Sadly
1:23 quickly throws away everything you set up so well. When you go back to this one I would delete that last 20 seconds or
so before doing anything else as it's not in key with the rest of the remix. It's really just that lead too that's killing
that section. Far from unfixable though! keep at it!
Ruinous Ruins
For not being a Sega person phonetic you sure nailed this one. I'm a major sucker for that specific Genesis FM bass. Get
the megaman out of there tho!
High Adventure
This is one matchup I was really looking forward to seeing. I had no idea how it would turn out since Bingo Highway sounds
like it was written under the influence of someone obviously coked out and Wing Fortress Zone that is no one's favorite Sonic
2 level. Love the wide bass drum when that hits. Very good remix that sees Bingo Highway through the lens of Wing Fortress
Zone. Though that did make it tougher to pick out the parts that were Bingo at first.
The Perfect Bingo
Perfect buildup too. Though on my Sennheiser Cx215's something in that snare is killing my ears. I'm guessing it might be
the compression. Regardless it's a very solid Bingo Highway remix and must have been a real challenge for both remixers to
incorporate both themes.