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Everything posted by Garpocalypse

  1. This is getting a little ways out there but I'm thinking to make it a goal to do some kind of live performance at Magfest in 2015. Does anyone know what type of credentials they are looking for when they pick who gets the stages? I can start selling out my youtube account immediately if i need to.
  2. I can go anytime if it's tonight but my days now start at 5:30am so i cant make 11pm's anymore after today.
  3. What subtleties? Yuna talked like she was horribly traumatized throughout the entire game. I liked FFX but no where near to the extent that I loved FF7, FFT and FF9. Hate to say it but i'm with shadow on this one. The game was waaay too linear (why was the blinking light on the map even necessary? you could only go in two directions)and it DIDN'T HAVE A WORLD MAP!! I did like the Blitzball mini game though. ToX on the other hand... is FANTASTIC and it's already out!! (but no world map either...)
  4. Why am i just hearing this for the first time now?!
  5. I listened to Smooth Mcgroove do this one so many times I thought you already did this theme this year.
  6. No problem at all. I'll never pass up on an opportunity to learn. Have a good sleep!

    Then get back to work!

    jk. :)

  7. I am not "sir" to you Superior. Feel free to address me as "That POS that thinks he can be a part of OCR." Or if you need to shorten it "That POS."

    :) Thanks for being an awesome director over the past year!

  8. There we go. Racist/sexist stereotypes averted. Is anyone up for an LP tonight?
  9. Noooo! Not you too Amphib!! Just put a few min into a wip! You have to do moon beach!
  10. btw, you didn't vote for the WCRG rivals round. :( Which decreases your awesomeness a smidge.

  11. I'll be there tracks or no tracks. IF darke is able to get them up tonight ...is what I should have added. When I first read this I thought it was "Darke's in court right now." But then i remembered today was a holiday. Even if Darke had too much fun at PAX I think they would still wait until Tuesday to do anything right?
  12. you are freaking awesome!

    question about your drums. How did you get the different mic positions to go to seperate tracks in your daw? If I could get SSD to do that it would be great but I haven't been able to figure it out yet. Did were those drum samples you mentioned loaded in Kontakt?

  13. Really? Strings were hard panned 100% and reverbed with 150% width. Even though the stem was in stereo they still sounded like they were coming up the center so I offset them by a nudge. Maybe i needed a bigger nudge. Panning went something like Backup Vocals 50/50. Guitar 75/75. Strings 100/100 That's a cowbell? I'll take another look at that. I think I was hitting around -5 or -6 GR. I used a bass plugin I had as a post processor on that one to shape the tone a little different. I saturated the strings but other than splitting the piano to mono tracks I didn't do anything else to it. For the intro I telephoned the manny and the piano. Intentionally half killing them so that the first section could sound bigger. I did a 1/4 note cut at 3:38 and let the tail of the flute delay fill it. No gates. I most likely did some stupid stuff. I mastered for the first time without a compressor and instead used this Boost 11 plugin that came with Sonar. First effort in trying to preserve peaks that I think I was killing during the mastering stage. My fault for kinda going with what I had once I got into it. I didn't compare it to the original until i finished, that's when I noticed there was alot of energy from the drums that was lacking. I'll parallel compress them next time. I could use some clarification on the sends you use. I had one reverb set up for some tracks to be sent to. Everything else was processed as a bus or individually. Crap, and here I thought I just got some real kit experience. The room track was a reamp then? Thanks for the chance to mix this!
  14. I ended up sucking all of the energy out of this thing. http://www.mediafire.com/listen/7pkm28u2n174d7k/My_Choice_Ver1-Master.mp3 Sorry Brandon! I'm going to need a do over and pay better attention to how the drums were processed. This was my first time mixing a mic'ed kit instead of VST drums. Also first time mixing with vocals. I feel like i might have lost some(most) of their intelligibility especially towards the end so i'd appreciate any crits. I didn't do anything too creative with the stems. Saturated a few things, compressed some others, delayed and reverbed the rest. The stems were so well crafted that it was actually a pleasure to work with them.
  15. I know, No one dropped three. I didn't want to single anyone out. This time. No matter how much ectogemia deserved it.
  16. I've been on a DoD strike for the past 6 months. ...don't tell me no one has noticed.
  17. Are those the guys that dropped out of three rounds in a row?
  18. I've enjoyed it. really! Remember! TAJ is going to win this thing!
  19. Hey i'm really sorry. Writing up another response. The OCR forums for some reason start to give me problems on occasion and won't connect, post, or send my messages.

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