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Posts posted by Garpocalypse

  1. You've got the flute pretty good, the backing vocals are good -- acoustic guitar panning is good. The mellotron strings might be a bit dry and upfront, mainly dry being the issue. I used predelay and reverb to send mine back a little space-wise.

    Really? Strings were hard panned 100% and reverbed with 150% width. Even though the stem was in stereo they still sounded like they were coming up the center so I offset them by a nudge. Maybe i needed a bigger nudge. Panning went something like Backup Vocals 50/50. Guitar 75/75. Strings 100/100

    I love how the cowbell cuts through in this haha!! Very upfront. This is the first mix of the song I've heard where the cowbell is really easy to hear, including my own which obscures it. :-P

    That's a cowbell? :)

    The backing vocals seem to be at a good level but the main vocal line by comparison is a bit soft volume-wise. How did you compress the bass? Needs to be compressed really hard to get a solid sound for it, so it seems a bit too dynamic but at least it's not overpowering the song, right? :-D

    I'll take another look at that. I think I was hitting around -5 or -6 GR. I used a bass plugin I had as a post processor on that one to shape the tone a little different.

    How hard did you compress the piano? During the intro it's really easy to tell that it is squeezed tight. Some of that saturation you put on causes the occasional "watery" sound, I think. I noticed it especially in the cymbals. Could be any combination of the saturation / compression -- by the way, how did you compress the master? There's a weird sound around 3:38 where it goes silent briefly before the ending, almost sounds like stuff is being pushed there. Almost like you have a gate on it or something.

    I saturated the strings but other than splitting the piano to mono tracks I didn't do anything else to it. For the intro I telephoned the manny and the piano. Intentionally half killing them so that the first section could sound bigger.

    I did a 1/4 note cut at 3:38 and let the tail of the flute delay fill it. No gates. I most likely did some stupid stuff. :)

    I mastered for the first time without a compressor and instead used this Boost 11 plugin that came with Sonar. First effort in trying to preserve peaks that I think I was killing during the mastering stage.

    I set up compression / pre-delay / room reverb sends before starting anything in a session. That makes it really easy to apply these same effects as sends on all of the tracks. Is this something you do, or need some clarification on how to do it? And parallel compressing the drums to get that extra little bit of snap out of them. The samples as they are sound kind of dull, so there is some dolling them up involved to make them pop.

    My fault for kinda going with what I had once I got into it. I didn't compare it to the original until i finished, that's when I noticed there was alot of energy from the drums that was lacking. I'll parallel compress them next time.

    I could use some clarification on the sends you use. I had one reverb set up for some tracks to be sent to. Everything else was processed as a bus or individually.

    And indeed, it's NOT live drums! I think it's Studio Drummer for this one, I'd have to double check sometime to make sure but it's either that or Abbey Road Modern Drummer, they're both pretty much the same. The samples try to function like a real drum setup, that's why it has the room mics and all that kind of stuff.

    Crap, and here I thought I just got some real kit experience. The room track was a reamp then?

    Thanks for the chance to mix this!

  2. I ended up sucking all of the energy out of this thing.


    Sorry Brandon!

    I'm going to need a do over and pay better attention to how the drums were processed. This was my first time mixing a mic'ed kit instead of VST drums. Also first time mixing with vocals. :) I feel like i might have lost some(most) of their intelligibility especially towards the end so i'd appreciate any crits.

    I didn't do anything too creative with the stems. Saturated a few things, compressed some others, delayed and reverbed the rest. The stems were so well crafted that it was actually a pleasure to work with them.

  3. There's a mono-delay on the chain! I bet you can't even notice it in the song. It adds a nice little dynamic to the flute.

    I noticed it and I loved it. Especially how it didn't trample over every other instrument like my delayed flute does. :)

    Just seeing these screens is making me realize that there's a bunch of stuff I'm not doing right.

    I know how i'm spending my labor day weekend!

    ...pretty much like every other weekend i've had the last couple of years.

  4. Ya rhythm reading was easy, sight singing became increasingly difficult, but harmonic dictation was a biatch. I wish I paid attention more, and didn't have such a horrible memory now .. I've used too many GFs ..

    Oh man you guys are making me sick. Sick 'cause I want to go back a few years and do it all over again. But I know I can't. :(

    Have fun being in that environment!

  5. Well.....now I'm going to go make an angry thread in community. That will show you, you motherfu-

    That's more like it! :)

    I'm sure you could turn it into something more awesome now. Not that it's awful or anything just undeveloped in a few sections. The sources don't have much in the way of recognizable melodies so you have to run with the groove a little and really cling to those small parts that seperate jin's theme from gon's. Bring in a couple of really obviously different reinterpretations of those sources then just figure out how to connect them with some original stuff.

    Not easy stuff to work with so props for trying!

  6. So what does everyone think of Sakuraba's latest? I find it harder and harder to believe that I am buying consoles just to play the games he does the soundtrack for but so far ToX has not disappointed me. (While NamcoBandai on the other hand...)

    Instead i was completely floored when I quickly recognized the guitar samples used in this battle track.


    Here, Sakuraba is showing off what a badass he is in that he is the only person in the world capable of using the crap Ministry of Rock leads by East West. I've hated on the library every chance i've had over the past year but I think i am going to go right back to using it after hearing that battle track.

    In short, Sakuraba= the friggen' man!!

  7. Jazz music doesn't nornally use kicks and snares, but yeah, I know the cymbals needed more variety and better quality. Didn't realize the congas were too quiet, though, thanks for that feedback.

    whoah whoah whoah whoah MW. I like you but i gotta call you on that one. I've played Big Band and I love the hell out of various types of Jazz Fusion and they all used kicks and snares. I can't think of a single example that doesn't have any kick or snare actually.

    Except for Victor Wooten's brother who uses a Drumitar but that's loaded with kick and snare samples.

  8. Those synths that come in near the end could also be used to fill out the remix much earlier. Telephoning the guitar like you did in the intro works well enough. Enough to bring it back a few more times and have it run in the background to increase some guitar diversity. Arrangement wise you don't have to worry about using a ton of notes so try playing with the soundscape instead.

    Sections like the one around 2:07 are really too empty for their own good. You have some spacing that you could use to get the energy up with another instrument if you want to do it.

    More Jin! Alot more! He's my main afterall. :)

    Just my 2 cents.

    You're Tenchu/Streetfighter one is still awesome.


  9. How could you not mention how awesome it is that Tuberz just did an amazing imitation of Holy Wars while remaining a mashup of the two souces? I am very disappointed that you missed that. :tomatoface:

    btw, your arrangement is fucking awesome for that, Tuberz.

    Yea, i thought it was awesome that he had a near perfect early Megadeth imitation right down to the production choices.

  10. Huge fighting game fan here. 8)

    Back before I started posting on the forums I had a few crap Darkstalkers remixes, 4 or 5 from Virtua Fighter and one or two Soul Calibur ones. Also one from Dead Or Alive 2 now that I remember it.

    My problem is most tracks from recent fighting games have been less than memorable. Tekken in particular has Moonlit Wilderness (T5's version) and a bunch of other stuff that I can't remember. Thankfully TTT2 allowed us to replace the background music. I think I got rid of at least half the tracks.

    I'd much rather write originals for fighting games than remix most of the ones that are out now. Even Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown's ost was a disappointment. ...and i love my VF!!

  11. Back in the good ol' days (2001-2002), posting time was about a week. Today, it's about 12-18 months. Mainly because soooooooo many people submit these days.

    I was wondering if the time to get posted was going down at all but it may be going up even further. Putting my selfishness aside it's great to see such an abundance of talent dedicated to game music.

    EDIT: Waaaait it was 2.5 months?!

    I'm doing more albums.

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