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Posts posted by Garpocalypse

  1. I use Sonar and wish I used Cubase.

    EDIT: To elaborate, I have stability problems with Sonar and it's missing some MIDI CC editing features that would make my life easier. And its video file compatibility sucks.

    I have really tried to figure out continuous controllers and the only thing I have found out is that nothing seems to work. If it's not related to the modwheel, I have no idea.

    Sonar gives you a lot of stuff to play with though. I might go to X2 once I get my pc updated but otherwise I am seriously looking at protools. and mayyyyyyyybe Cubase.

  2. Welp, the game is like $8.50 on Steam right now. Who wants to buy it and behead me? Surely, someone on the forum has a lot of pent-up aggression against me.

    Brother, you have no idea.

    jk :)

    but if I could figure out how to get some OCR people on my steam list i'd enjoy whomping a few of you for sure.

  3. This time i tried going off of the mixing metal at home videos from.....some guy with an english accent. New Zealand maybe?

    He had quite the chop on the guitars at 200hz.

    My reference tracks for this one are all Equilibrium tracks. (NEW ALBUM IS COMING!!!!!!!) Maybe it's just me but on most of their tracks I don't hear much kick at all.

    Mostly just the snare is poking through. Until midway through then you can hear it better.

    I'll try a few new things then probably give it a sub later this week.

  4. Dun worry, there was one. I just used that as an example of guitar+bass mixing.


    Hey Gar, you should make a copy of the project file, then try not high passing your guitars so much on the copy, and instead try dipping your guitars where your bass is. See how that changes the low end power. I'd high pass the guitars on a relatively gentle slope near 25Hz. Something kind of like this.

    I think the flute should be louder in volume (rather than velocity of course) by about 0.4~0.8dB.

    0:21 is missing some low end to me. Could be that guitar high pass at 200Hz. You may just be overthinking things. You still want that guitar picking frequency for the "presence" to remain along with the bass bite.

    For some reason I'm not really hearing that kick at 0:35. I can barely feel it, so I don't think the click is really there yet. It's better at 1:36 oddly enough. Something's up.

    1:40 glitching could be a tiny bit louder, maybe +0.2~0.4dB.

    Is this on a hard knee limiter? That could be why things aren't getting too loud that easily. Try letting up a bit on the look ahead setting. Just watch out for clipping, or tack on a soft knee limiter next in the chain to transparently catch peaks.

    I could feel a little bass at 3:24, but it's not really powerful. :|

    Getting there.

    Thanks for the comments as always Timaeus.

    I was listening to some Satriani last night and I think I found the sound the kick was supposed to have.

    little 80's sounding but that doesn't sound like anything i'm using for reference tracks currently.

    Going to bring the bass back up too.

  5. New Version up


    -High Passed guitars at 200hz this time which cleared up a ton of bass freqs

    -Tried to take some of the harshness out of the guitars

    -Added a few more edits

    -Boosted kick around 3500 to get more of click

    -Numerous EQ and fader adjustments

    That opening flute is almost killing me. The only flute patch I have that is velocity sensitive is from EWQLSO and the native reverb on Solo Flute is already far too much. I tried to use fader automation to make up for it instead.

  6. Yeah, in metal you want that "wall of sound" with guitars. The only real way to achieve that is genuine double-trackin'.


    If you want to give this plugin a shot for your rhythm guitars it will help clean them up and make them wider. I used it on my Supremacy remix along with some Density mk III for a little M/S processing and there was a huge jump in the quality of the rhythm guitars. It takes one take and artificially double tracks it for you. :)

  7. Happy Birthday to a fellow Gar-somewhere-in-the-name OCR'er!


    I don't know what the cake protocol is so defaulting with a Segar Genesis.

    EDIT: crap got ahead of myself. please merge with other thread. Even though I think the guy deserves his own thread. :)

  8. Agreed. The whole SO3 soundtrack is amazing and this is one of my favorite tracks from it.

    I think I had a remix of this years ago that never got finished but I may decide to crack it open again. I'd like to hear what some other people can do with it though!

  9. ...AAA development is really time-consuming across the board...

    This is one thing I can't wait to see go away. The "AAA" game. Millions spent to have the player hold Forward and have a book dictated to them. Doesn't seem like a game at all, more like a movie where you are required to just hold the play button to get through it.

    I loved Mass Effect tho. :)

    I hope that FFXV gives up on everything they tried to do between 10 and 13 and bring back the world map! ToV did it and it was awesome! Getting Tri-Ace to design the battle system would be pretty awesome too considering how over hyped 13's was and how much more fun combat in Star Ocean and Resonance of Fate was.

  10. Hm. Personally I would have dipped a tiny bit at 40 and below on the kick, not boosted the bass at 40, notched the bass at 80, and thin-peaked the kick at 80. Of course, don't overdo it. From what you said, it would make the bass overpower the kick's thump and the kick's subs overpower the bass' subs.

    Bass was cut at 40. Actually I think this mix had everything below 80 cut on the bass with the kick boosted at 40 and cut at 80 slightly as well as a drum bus cut at 500.

    Thanks for the load of comments everyone.

    Parallel compression is something i use on all of my metal remixes, i'm a huge fan of it. Getting the right balance has been huge pain for me though. Sometimes I over do it, sometimes I under do it.


  11. Thanks for the notes Brandon!

    at 1:36 you can hear how muffled the kick is. When you add that click, you should also raise the volume until it sounds fitting. At 2:07 to 2:53 it sounds like you don't even HAVE a kick. You gotta get that level figured out. Too much subby oomph, not enough click, and volume too low.

    For the middle I processed the kick and snare differently by knocking off the subs and some of the highs to dull them. I then opened them back up at 2:53. It was a nice idea but with the drums coming and going the way they do probably wasn't necessary.

    I've used Slate Drums and they aren't as customizable as other libraries, but that is not so much an issue for what you are experiencing as far as I know. What I think might be the issue is that your "room mic" is too high, and the regular volume is too low. This gives it too much of a roomy sound and not enough of the core sample's volume. So in general your drums are not hitting with as much power as they should, and as much power as I know the Slate drums usually have... So fiddle with the room settings and raise the volume on everything! But don't go overboard then have people blaming me because your song is all drum and you can't hear anything else, there's a good range to be in without going overboard, right now I'd say you are under. :-D

    Never even thought to mess with those settings.

    P.S. Don't try to "meld" the guitars and bass, they should sound distinct from each other, while being EQ'd apart so that they don't bleed into each other. If they're just kind of bleeding into each other, try a 200hz low shelf cut of like -1db or more depending on how much bleeding, cut the bass at your kickdrum's bass frequency and between 250hz-600hz or so, that low frequency area of bass guitars that aren't worth crap. 800Hz should be your "body" type area of the bass with that good buzz, 0hz to 60hz or so is your sub bass which you should either leave as is, boost, or cut depending on how much bass you want. BUT If you can't hear this, I'd be careful... you need to be using a system that can reproduce the sub bass accurately or you're gonna have a mess in some peoples' systems. I'll usually high pass a bass to about 2Khz but you can also boost it a bit at 2KHz for more nice buzzy pick sound. I mean, you don't have to highpass to 2KHz and I know there's more high end frequencies that are awesome, but unless you're making something like "
    " you don't really need those freqs.

    Usually for the subs between the bass and kick I just look at a spectrum analyzer. I tend to end up boosting the kick 3-5 db around 40hz and dip around 80 then boost the bass at 80 and cut the rest or just dip 40 by the same amount as I raised the kick.

    I think that's good enough for a mod review. Will resubmit for MR with new version.

  12. Thanks Timaeus

    That flute is just from Dimension Pro. I wanted it a little fake sounding to bridge the gap between it and the center panned distorted lead that comes in at 0:53. I'll try using EWQLSO flute again even though I wasn't crazy about it the first time I used it.

    Guitars are a little too loud afterall. I'll drop them a few db and see if I can get the orchestra also poking through a little better in a few spots.

    Still, i'll leave it up for mod review since I want to feel like i made at least some type of progress with this one lately. :)

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