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Posts posted by Garpocalypse

  1. Someone, anyone...make a new Jet Moto game with the characters from Jet Moto 2 plus some new ones.

    Damn, if the team who made F-Zero GX remade Jet Moto I would totally lose my shit. That would be the most epic racing game ever.


    ...but only if it was Good ol' Singletrac. With their old logo and(marginal)independence from Sony back.

    This is instant happiness right here : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxGmg2BKqKI

  2. Rust In Peace buddy. <3

    Not my favourite album, but my god it has some killer riffs.

    My favourite is either Youthanasia or Countdown to Extinction.

    Actually, I really like 'The System has failed' too.

    Kick the chair is such a cool song.

    When they came back after breaking up I didn't think Dave was much more than a shell of what he was. I listened to The System Has Failed alot but that last one, at least I think it was the last one, I listened to maybe twice and never played it again.

    Now I really can't wait to hear these remixes tommarow.

  3. Calling it here.

    That's a Ministry of Rock lead guitar. Les Paul Deluxe.


    Nice remix for an awesome game.

    The strings sound a little too lush. But it's far from bad. The lead guitar could use a few more articulations too. Playing on top of the piano makes the vst guitar sound all the more like a vst and not the real thing.

    I think the MOR leads are too thin to be used for the melody in most cases. If you use them in the background they are fantastic but up front not so much. If you try the Recruit and Collab forums you might be able to find a guitarist. I think a real guitar would blend better with what you have.

    Nice work!

  4. Since you guys are talking about Orchestral samples does anyone have EWQLSO Platinum? I really want to try to some close mic samples in some of my remixes so if anyone would be able to run off a few midi files for me once I get them done i'd appreciate it.

    I'll post another request in the recruit&collab forum once they are closer to being done but i'd thought i would check here since you guys have pretty decent equipment.

    Actually a similar deal with Choirs as well. :)

  5. Timaeus is throwing his two cents in and keeping the forum alive by doing so. I've had to go to other production forums to get more aggressive critiquing and I think it has helped immensely. Even though I'm thinking roughly half the people didn't know what they were talking about. :)

    A little opposition from time to time is great for staying motivated and increasing the amount of enjoyment from your own work. At the very least even slightly off advice is good for breaking a few molds and experimenting in different ways.

  6. Hey Timaeus, I appreciate you trying to offer advice, however I've noticed this several times in this thread but in your attempts to help you often say things that are flat out not true and\or bad habits.

    If you are going to conduct yourself like an expert you should take the responsibility to fact check your practices or at the very least make it clear to people that your method is just that, your method and is not a defacto wrong\right way of doing things. People are actively reading these forums even in this competition for advice, and if you lack understanding on certain aspects of the craft it can be misleading to fresher blood trying to learn good production habits. If it isn't a black or white issue and is a subjective production choice you make, you should at the very least make it clear when you give advice that your approach is how you do things and isn't a definitive wrong\right way.

    I only bring this up because when I started coming to OCR back in 07-08 I picked up a ton of horrible habits from people doing exactly this that I had to basically completely unlearn at university.

    I don't think enough can be said about these kinds of things. I have books, seen videos, and i'm still interested in what every single person does and how they got what they ended up with.

    Take it with a grain of salt and learn what you can with the opportunity that was given.

  7. Also I already told Garpocalypse this a couple days ago, but I'm going to release the stems for my entry, so people can practice mixing I guess, or just mess around with them and see how they sound. Maybe make your own mix of the song and compare it to mine, a learning experience. :-P

    Great idea, I wish more people would do this.

    This is going to be a long couple of days, I can't wait to hear remixes with these zero themes.

  8. I've got a lot of respect for accordian players. Extremely difficult instrument to play that's hardly comfortable to wear.

    Ever since I played The Witcher, which had some fantastic pub music, i've fallen in love with this type of atmosphere. I like the pub sounds in your video though I think they get too busy. Maybe just a few here or there and a little further in the background. As it is it's close but it takes too much attention away from the accordian clarinet and piccolo. One more note is that the pub sounds don't feel like they surround the listener but are to the extreme left or right. It's really difficult to place sounds around like that but if you have a surround plugin try playing with it.

    One problem is that it's very much "jojo's theme on accordian" and not much of a reinterpretation. If you could play around with the source and work your way into and out of what you have already it would be awesome-er.

    Nice work! Adding you to my Monkey Island playlist.

  9. The "application" is weird, I honestly couldn't answer some of the questions even if I did want to apply.

    No kidding. That FF chickee question is really bizarre. Back in 1997 I would have said Yuffie. :) But now that i'm in my late twenties i'm pretty sure i'd have the feds after me if I said that.

    Nice March TLZ, Orchestration is a small problem for me because it takes me forever to deal with all of the instances of Play I need while on a 4GB machine.

    I'll send you my soundcloud.

  10. [*]The Underwater Adventures of Shadedog: Absolutely nailed that underwater feeling. Sounds straight out of the Aquaria soundtrack. And it's not just the instrumentation but the little twists on the sources that are done in that exact style. However, this does heavily favor Shade Man; the Ballade sections, which are short, few, and far between, feel slightly shoehorned in and aren't "water-ified" as elegantly. A gorgeous mix overall; I think this could pass the OCR judges with very little work.

    Thanks Mindwanderer. I was really going for that Aquaria feel so being compared to that on the first review i've seen couldn't make me happier. Part of the problem is that i've been playing the shademan theme alot for the past month but I didn't give myself enough time to play the gauntlet theme. So I would listen to a part of it then record it. I'm working on a new version now that i'll probably sub. Hopefully before it becomes just another remix that sits on my HDD. :)

  11. Saying this isn't metal because it's SNES-y is like saying chiptune jazz isn't jazz because it's chiptunes. This is metal, yo :P

    That's not at all what i'm saying. I like your work Ecto and I don't want to come off like that D-bag Ceddy here so i'll just leave you with some of these.



    Star Gladiator:

    Luna Sequence: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6uGfXwUB5mE

    Atlas PLug:

    Sega Genesis: Maximum Carnage:

    Snes: Maximum Carnage again:

  12. I find it odd that plenty of people are okay with subscription-based games, but not okay with DLC.

    I don't mind DLC at all. Back when console games could never be expanded after released to get anything extra was great. Sonic 2& Knuckles for example.

    However, I think some developers would exploit DLC a little too much. I don't think it's happened yet to the extent people are accusing it of (maybe mass effect 3's day 1 DLC did) but it's important for gamers to be complaining about it so that it's less likely to happen. Kind of like the current trend of having "Great Customer Service!!" The more people complain the more you are going to get and the less they are going to get away with.

    How so? I don't see how it could negatively affect the industry at all.

    There are more games now than what people have time to play. Alot of these F2P games demand even more time than MMO's used to in order to make progress. Unless you buy a booster. So what happens now is tons of people play a game for a month. Then leave to try the next F2P game. The people who pay for the game get screwed with a constantly changing social environment, that's always full of noobs(!) and no one feels much of any commitment to what they are playing.

    The problem is there are more games now than there is time to play them. It used to be I wish I had more money to play more games. Now It's I wish I had more time to play all these games I have, and you can't earn more time.

  13. You mean to tell me you're not familiar with Nathan's questionable tagging methods?!

    I was thinking he was using " Stone Cold Metal" as more of a double entendre. Genre and that outer layering of a robot. BUT if he was just talking about a robot then it's cool. :)

    I was just saying that if someone were to post something like this on the Ultimate Metal Forums they could get hurt. I don't want to see that. Ever. I love all you OCR'ers that have supplied me with free music for the better part of a decade now.

    That being...(no i'm not saying that) so that being... you know, whatever. I am enjoying what ecto did quite a bit now. Just, if you say that something is Metal to Metal enthusiasts do you know what they are going to expect? METAL!!!!!!!

    ...even though no two metal fans agree on what metal is. But agreeing on things isn't really metal now is it?


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