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Posts posted by Garpocalypse

  1. I actually do, because the harder it was to make, the more respect I have for the person's efforts, even if I don't like the song. And if I like it anyway, I still respect them.

    I hate to give broad statements like these but good art is good art. Proof of good art is something that gets better each time you experience it and never gets old. A lot of work by Susumu Hirasawa isn't that complex and is often extremely poppy sounding but I haven't gotten tired of anything the guy has done after years of repeated listening.

    My only beefage with the whole dubstep thing, and this extends into alot of music that is popular today, is that it is often an extremely mechanical form of expression.

  2. For the most part i'm the same way. All dubstep sounds the same to me yet I know that the music I like has it's devices and cliches and many people probably think the same way towards it. To each his own.

    What I do like is the tasteful use of dubstep that can really really work. Blind's Blue Sky FFXIII remix is a great example of how to use it well.

    There's probably some others on the site but i can't think of any right now.

    Straight dubstep doesn't do anything for me though.

  3. I do have garritan world instruments, sadly some of the patches have a fair bit of noise in them. On the whole I found them quite lifeless, but this is comparing against libraries several times more in cost running in kontakt, engine etc.

    I also have some of Eduardo's libraries (epic world, forest kingdom and others) and that's a good place to put money down for world instruments IMHO, among others. If you go over to vi-control.net, sometimes there are ppl selling these libs used.

    Play works fine for me, but I don't use it as EWQLSO is not a good match for what I write atm.

    Thanks. Sort of what I was expecting. Listening to the demo tracks on the website was really really underwhelming. Demo tracks are supposed to be amazing sounding examples of the software that work well within whatever limitations the software has. ...and those suck. :)

  4. Since this is still on topic, does anyone have garritan's world instrument collection?


    Is it any better, even marginally, than their other products? I really want to get EW's world instruments but that spans a few different libraries and would cost a small fortune to get.

    I always thought play had a cool looking GUI but i've had so many problems with the player bugging out for no apparent reason that working with it has become extremely cumbersome once I load up a project. Usually I have to create a different project just for the instruments I want to use play for.

  5. Why does everyone feel the need to recommend products outside the context of the question?

    Inside the context of the question - EWQL, in terms of quality, blows GPO out of the water.

    ...isn't that what everyone was saying?

    Shaggy only mentioned vienna strings because for alot of people including myself it's EWQLSO and a bunch of fake sounding alternatives. I didn't know know much about Vienna and I probably would have gone with them if I knew that you could use them dry. EWQLSO's reverbed samples are it's biggest flaw imo and it sounds like Vienna might have EW beat. I'm sure the OP is interested in knowing his alternatives before spending his money.

  6. There really is no comparison. EWQLSO Gold has everything you could want in an orchestral library and it will serve you well for a long time. The only problem is if you are going to use it in other genre's. There is a small amount of reverb on all of the samples and many times i've had to scrap using EWQLSO in favor of a fake sounding library that I could use dry.

    So it's a little inflexible that way but if you are going to do straight orchestral work or at least something where the orchestra is the featured part of the piece then EWQLSO all the way!

  7. Do you think our ears experience a similar effect as how our voices can sing better and more stably in the evening? (Disregarding the constant EQing)

    I don't know 100% what it could be but I've heard that male hormones don't stabilize until mid afternoon usually. Which could carry over into having an effect on your singing. I had a sight singing class at 8am which was the absolute best time to get over your fear of singing in front of people because all of our voices were cracking like crazy. :)

    I guess it's possible that it could have an effect on hearing frequencies but it's tough to not point the finger at ear fatigue. Much more maneageable too. I'd rather be worried about taking a 10 minute break than think that I only have a small window of time each day to work.

  8. He is talking about having individual tracks in mono. Which IMO can really work wonders in complex mixes. Having percussion bits be only in mono instead can really clean up a mix. Can help add punch too.

    I've been hung up on this like you would not believe. Mostly because I find myself split mono'ing everything that was recorded in stereo. I have a few remixes that have close to 100 tracks to manage because of this.

    What i am about to try is letting my stereo vst's stay in stereo during the initial volume setting/EQ then somewhere towards the end group instruments together and split them into a few mono tracks then revolume again. Though if anyone has a quicker and simpler process for ending up with a bunch of well mixed mono tracks and could explain how i'd love you for it!

  9. Why would you want to mix in mono? Every single tv, headphones, every modern speaker system, etc. is capable or reproducing stereo. Stereo is far superior. not being confrontational, you've just peaked my interest.

    These mono threads always stir up debates. Much like everyone else when they started, the first time i realized there were mono switches in my DAW i was very confused. Mono is dying and everything stereo is always better right? Then i found out that doing part of your mixing in mono can really help boost the quality of the entire mix.

    After you set your initial fader level, switch over to mono to do some EQ'ing. Work until you are able to hear everything just as clearly as you would want to in stereo then switch it back. It should sound amazing.

    As far as mono speakers go I have never used one. Ever. But I don't think it would be a necessary purchase because mixing in mono should only be a few minutes of your time. Plus I would imagine that you would have to put the speaker dead center where you work and that could be a huge pain. I'd rather be looking at my monitor than a speaker. :)

  10. Of course, but this is art, not food. With art you should try a bit harder (imho).

    I agree, just illustrating what the common youtube perusing egg muncher may possibly be thinking.

    Anyways I liked the listening party. If Darke is able to get the mixes up shall we make the listening party time around 8pm EST every sunday?

  11. Don't get me wrong - I'll give any genre a go, but I know a lot of people who don't care for specific genres and as soon as they knew what kind of song it was, they sadly won't give it much of a chance.

    If you don't like egg salad, You don't care about how good that one kind of egg salad is supposed to be ...'cause you don't like egg salad!

  12. I will happily listen to a song completely if someone wants my feedback or thoughts. But this isn't how I choose votes. We're not directly helping people, we're casting our honest opinions of what we like the most.

    I have nothing against your way of doing things KgZ. Alot of people are like this especially now when everyone with a pc, a daw and a living room can now make pretty decent music, but i feel in a community like this we should be giving everyone every chance they can get and really actively listen to their work.

    Not to sound self righteous or anything but I try to give every mix in every competition at least 4 or 5 plays each before commenting on them, and with all the music thats out there now, that's probably the most amount of time i'm going to get with them.

  13. Tales of Xillia is releasing in just over a week now and with sony saying they have no plans to drop the price of the PS3 even after the release of the PS4 I'm now wondering if I should just pick up the system with the game anyway.

    To make things worse than they already are I've noticed that there seems to be no official VGA cable for the system and all of the resources I have found online are arguing against HDMI to VGA conversion. Though I guess if you talk about converting anything to anything else you are going to pick up a good share of haters along the way. The only thing I have right now is a 12 year old CRT monitor and in no way will I be able to get a new one just for a PS3.

    To sum this up, I want to play ToX, I don't want to spend almost a grand to do so.

    Am i screwed?


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