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Posts posted by Garpocalypse

  1. I just picked up the megadrive soundfont collection last night and i have had VOPM for a long time but I can't seem to get it to work at all. I even found a huge collection of presets that some guy did for it and i keep getting a bell sound no matter what I load up or what buttons i hit.

    Let me check my finances. 75 is a deal but I have a huge studio upgrade planned just as soon as I finish the tracks I'm working on. I'm upgrading everything but the case. Which I may upgrade anyway if I feel like it. :grin:

  2. With the recent exclusivity deal Sega signed with Nintendo, it's definitely NOT coming to Xbox One. Or anything other than Wii U and/or 3DS, for that matter.

    My soul dropped when I realized that at the end of the last generation that I was standing in line to buy a gamecube just to play the SEGA games I missed. Most of them I didn't even miss, they were just repackaged for the gamecube and I had to have them! Now I don't know what to think... but i guess i'll be jumping from Xbox one to Wii U. 8)

    Speaking of that I still haven't picked up a wii to play my copy of Sonic Colors i've had for about two years now....

  3. Is it me or are games trying to kill people's social life even more than they were already? Just read that the Xbox One won't allow people to share games which gives me even less of a reason to go over to a friends house and play games all day. Never mind the screaming kids and the wives I can't stand being around. I just don't want to pay an extra 60 bucks to take a few games over to another Xbox!

    Before, you needed to go somewhere if you wanted to play a two player game. Online gaming has voided that completely. Why go to a friends house to play when you can sit on your own couch and get an entire screen to yourself? Seeing people is overrated anyway right?

    So anyway, NEW SONIC GAME IN NOVEMBER!!!!!! maybe.

  4. I've been a console gamer since I opened my Sega Genesis that one christmas morning when I was in elementary school but I don't think i've ever cared less for a next gen console announcement.

    A piece of me just died saying that I think, but the only reason I see to get a console nowadays is just to keep playing fighting games. Fighting games that I gotta buy a new stick now to play. That's another 150-200 bucks on top of the system and game cost. Doesn't quite seem worth it to spend that much just to get called a scrub on my weekends whenever I win a match. Which I do. :) alot.


    I'll keep an eye on it but unless something makes the xbox one and the PS4 better than a PC i doubt i'll end up getting one.

    Screw it, i'll probably get one just to get one. Console gaming for eva!!!!

  5. Oh yeah, I also regret owning this


    First Capcom fighter that made me want to burn the disc with a blowtorch and mail it to the developers.

    That's funny. All capcom fighters make me want to do that.

    Z direction input my ass! Charging attacks are even worse.

    Except for Star Gladiator/Plasma Sword, wish they kept that one up.

  6. Fight Club.

    That, along with the movie "Drive" is easily the worst movie I have seen in my entire life. I honestly just cannot see why all these people think it is so good.

    Whaaat?! Fight Club was the best!

    The worst I have are

    Resident Evil Damnation

    Resident Evil Degeneration(both start out good enough but become unwatchable 20 minutes into it)

    A night at the roxbury (only because i keep forgetting i haven't traded it in anywhere yet)


    Ong Bak 2 (The first one was great the rest are garbage)

    and a rather long list of Hong Kong made Kung fu films that I can't get rid of and are at times very painful to watch.

    The worst game I own is probably Sword of Sodan but that's only because I can't bring myself to get rid of any Genesis cartridges I have.

    and I liked FFVII AC. If you saw it when it came out then those graphics were the sheez!

  7. Yep that's exactly what I'm doing. I've lost 12 lbs and I have another 38 to go. Maybe less depending on what the scale says at work tomorrow.

    But those ribs were pretty darn good. It's been a while since I had something like that.

    You don't have anything more to go. You've already made your lifestyle change now let your body adapt to it. 8) The reason i'm saying that is because my brother years ago did a carb free diet for half of a year then gained all the weight back in a few months because he thought he was done with it.

    Your being overzealous with your carb elimination me thinks. If you are avoiding tomatoes due to carbs then I think you need to re evaluate what you are doing. Carbs are 100% necessary and if you are just focused on a short term goal instead of a lifestyle change you are going to find that a carb free diet is impossible to keep up.

    Whole9? How do they sleep at night? How can anyone say to eat real food and cut out processed crap and call it their program? :-| I guess it's not all bad. They do give you a sticker at the end of it.

  8. I meant to post this the other day, but have we traded weightlifting/workout plans yet? I'm getting really bored with mine. But, then again, I am always really bored in the gym. I go tell people, "Hey, I'm going to go someplace and pick heavy things up, but then I'm going to put them back down in the same place they came from. I'm going to repeat that for an hour and then take a shower. Later!"

    No exchanging of plans is going to help that. If you're bored it's all because your mind is not in the right spot. You have to find something that keeps you motivated.

    Take a day or two a week to do an improvised workout, listen to music that stimulates beta brainwaves (fight or flight, kill or be killed kinda stuff) and watch some ghetto street fights on youtube. That usually does it for me. :-D

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